15 Moving Through Life. Chapter Fifteen: Looking To The Blessings.

Despite everything the virus shut down or thwarted, I am rewarded still with wonderful parents and brothers, true lovers of family.

I have a job, I am not robbed of pets nor money, the sunny afternoons with the birds singing in the air, remind me of beauty and value of life.

The rain shows me the same, the grass and produce require water to quench their thirst; I wonder how a flower feels when it receives rain, it must be grateful the clouds came.

I'm still alive and in good health, contentment is great wealth.

Although disappointed that football is much limited this year, gratitude is cemented in me for the players who have the will to perform despite the circumstances.

I feel sorry for the businesses that are hurt during these times, I pray that they will soon be sublime and prosper.

For the ones who are ill, or who have ill family members, may they be rendered many blessings and healing, with a long life.

To those who lost anything or anyone near and dear to them, I sincerely hope the next envelope of life, is joy and happiness.

I am reminded how great a blessing it is that my family are safe and well, we dwell in love and peace, something I wish everyone could have too.

It does seem discouraging that we need to take these precautions during these times of great caution; I must remember to still be kind and helpful to others, regarding the boulders of illness.

With remaining respectful to the law and heeding the restrictions, there should be no contradictions to staying positive and compassionate to others.

I do not, and will not look to anyone as a diseased thing, you are a golden ring and valuable life.

These times also brought me my little Topsy, I was with The Lord's help, able to receive a beloved pet, and aid a once desperate heart.
