
Moved For wsa

作者: TimVic
連載中 · 9.7K ビュー
  • 2 章
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What is Moved For wsa

WebNovel で公開されている、TimVic の作者が書いた Moved For wsa の小説を読んでください。In the year 4225, Earth stood on the brink of extinction. Decades of environmental neglect and relentless exploitation of natural resources pushed the planet to its limits. The Aigon Corporation, a co...


In the year 4225, Earth stood on the brink of extinction. Decades of environmental neglect and relentless exploitation of natural resources pushed the planet to its limits. The Aigon Corporation, a conglomerate of the world's leading scientists and engineers, embarked on a project that would become humanity's last hope. Delving into the realms of theoretical physics and quantum mechanics, they sought to crack open the very fabric of reality... And crack it they did. In 4230, Aigon unleashed a rift, a tear in the veil that separated Earth from what lay beyond. This rift was a doorway to another world, a realm they named Shunri Paradise. However, Shunri Paradise took a toll on whoever traversed it, leading to their death but not without managing to acquire some resources from the realm. With this, the scientists were able to create individuals of exceptional ability who could survive the ecosystem of Shunri Paradise and brave the peril of Evos, beasts who dwelled there. These individuals became known as System Bearers. System Bearers could gain strength and transformations from consuming Evos, ushering humanity into a new age. - Over a century later, Earth had advanced greatly in technology, and System Bearers rose to the top of the food chain. In this new age, a teenage boy named Atrixus Timothy has dreams of becoming a system bearer. Born to a once-prominent scientist who mysteriously vanished and an ill mother, Atrixus's early life in the slums of Paricus City is a far cry from the destiny he wanted. Mocked and marginalized at Sacred Heights High School, he is deemed unfit to become a System Bearer, a verdict that crushes his dreams. Days to his seventeenth birthday, Atrixus stumbles upon a legacy left by his father—a box. His life undergoes a drastic change upon interfering with the contents of this box...

10 タグ

The All-Creator in My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

An incomprehensible being stood in a white corridor. He was The All-Creator, creator of all, ruler of the cosmoverse and the only true God. He was known by multiple names such as Jehovah, Allah, Nirvana, Ra, Chaos, Life, the Universe, and more... But after observing his creation for an unknown a mount of time, he got bored. Until the habitants of the planet called Earth started writing novels. He prevented the Earth from destruction millions of times and even resurrected his favorite authors. Everything changed when he got bored of how pathetic a lot of MCs were, all manipulated by people and only used as tools. So he decided one thing... ---------- [A/N: This will feature a manipulative MC! Using People as tools! Playing with people emotions! Killing everyone who is a nuisance! No wives/girlfriends. Just slaves or cumdumps. This is just a game for him, he won't go all out, he will just play the game for fun, if anything annoys him to much he will just erase it and there won't be a plot twist that there's a higher entity than him controlling him. ] ---------- DISCLAIMER: I don't own My wife is a Beatiful CEO. Please support the official release and know that I claim no ownership of its content or characters. I also don't claim ownership of the cover, credits to its owner. ---------- This is my second Fanfic and I don't have a lot of experience, also English isn't my first language so please comment where I committed a grammar error and also if you have any suggestion leave in the comments. This is an AU of MWIABC with slight changes in the past. Involving Hannya and 17 ----------- [Release Frequency: 3 Chapters per week]

ArchangelLucifer · 書籍·文学

A Cursed Hana

Hana Wu Feng, a Chinese-Korean graduate; born to a Korean mother and a Chinese father (who is under mysterious investigations). Living in Korea gave her a new perspective of life; not like her experience in China. Shivers run down her spine anytime she remembers her stay there. But all is well in Korea, life is good, friends are good, home is good, what could go wrong? Being the bad luck carrier she usually is, Hana's life begins to take unfriendly twists and turns much to her disapproval. From being de-flowered in an unpleasantly disgusting way to landing back in China, Hana has found herself in what she likes to call "life's deep shit". Surprisingly, life decided to take a sinister turn and now Hana, is somewhere else in this world. Where? Her Hometown, Beijing CHINA; unfortunately for her, that was where she never wanted to return to due to a soon to be familiar gruesome experience there. "Sad sad, unlucky Hana, May God Have Mercy on you." -Mother. ***** Don't worry about me I'll be fine. It's not like I'm dying or anything, it's just that... my life or what I thought was my life, is totally down the drain. It all went down the drain, down the fucking drain! The worst part is that I haven't even found love, never I'm an NBSB girl (No Boyfriend Since Birth). It hurts to know you'll die without ever knowing you loved or fell in love with someone. But its okay, I'm chill. I still got myself; I can love myself, it's not that hard! I owe all this mishap to HIM. If only I knew HIS name... DISCLAIMER: CONTAINS EXTREMELY MATURE AND DARK CONTENT!! WARNING: Slow updates sorry!

Daphne_bs · 都市
5 Chs


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  • 世界観設定

I'm here already, Emperor supporting his bro's book


Already read to chapter 11, and I can say with absolutely certainty. The Author's way of writing is absolutely one of the very best I have seen on the platform, the story took a huge twist, from where he got something that changed his fate to when he could go head on with Evo creatures, every chapter made me wanting for more. Every chapter is enough to intrigue one and leave one hungry for the next chapter. I can't say this is the best of the best, but it will absolutely awe you and you will certainly enjoy it. Anyone seeing this review shouldn't be filled with whether it's worth it or not. Since I can say with absolute certainty, it is absolutely worth reading Go read and come thank me later on...



General Audiencesmature rating