
Motivations of a Genius Lady

She woke up and found out that she was the Duke's wayward and man-chasing daughter. They say she was hideous? Alright, then she'll have a makeover and dig up that enchantress from within! They say she was too weak that she shames her warrior of a mother? Oh well, then she'll just become a savant of the sword and the bow! They say she disgraced her house because she chased after the Crown Prince and ended up trampled underneath his horses? Fine! What Crown Prince?! He's not that handsome. She'll just change her target and apply the art of subtle tactics! They say she's dumb and stupid she brings down her prodigy of a father? She'll just become a genius then! After all, it is never too bad to be motivated. _____________________________ This is an Original story and not a translation. All rights reserved. :) Update Schedule: 1-2 chapters/day (unless somethings comes up) Chapter Length: 800-1.5k words Disclaimer: I don't own the images I use for the cover, all rights belong to the creator.

feipei · ファンタジー
54 Chs

The Secret of the Saké of Courage

After downing three bottles of saké, to which she herself insisted, Chalice has lost to the clutches of alcohol. Hikari merely listened to her amusedly as she nibbled at the roasted meat and pickles mumbling incoherently to herself.

The priestess shook her head as she recalled Chalice's reaction to her explanation about the bracelet. She actually disregarded it and instead asked how they were able to make the bracelet that way. Sigh. It seemed like the lady hasn't realized the implication that Akai Ito bracelets held. That or she was completely not paying attention.

Unmei no Akai Ito, the red string of fate. The Amaterasu people believed that two people connected by the red string are destined lovers, regardless of place, time, or circumstances. This magical cord may stretch or tangle, but never break. The Akai Ito bracelets were made based on this unbreakable belief. The owners of a pair are only meant for each other.

The bracelets were usually given during weddings to the husband and wife. They serve pretty much as wedding rings to them. But then again, it wouldn't be interesting if Hikari told Chalice that. She already had an inkling as to who Chalice will give the bracelet to. She mentioned him quite often the whole day. And quite unaware of it too.

Hikari smiled fondly at the drunken enchantress in front her. Sometimes, even if only meeting for such a brief moment, an undeniable affinity can be formed. That was exactly what she felt towards Chalice. Hikari didn't mind the darkness engulfing her nor the mystery of her origins. All she saw was a girl seeking a friend.

Fate truly was a strange one. The two people she had ever let in her life were entangled with each other unbreakably. However, Hikari's eyes darkened when she recalled her vision. She wanted to let them know. She wanted to spare them both such a misery. These two should have had enough of that to last them a life time. But Hikari cannot go against the heavens. She cannot divulge the secrets of fate. An observer, that was her role. Meddling will only inflict more damage in this case. She sighed helplessly.

'I've done all I could to help. The rest is up to them.'

Hikari thought as she silently savored the sweetness of the wine along with the soft, fragrant breeze of the night. That was until silent but hurried footsteps broke the tranquility that blanketed the two women. Hikari turned at the source and smiled nostalgically.

"You're here. Right on time as ever." Hikari uttered softly as she turned to the man who arrived. An urgent and anxious look was plastered in his face as he rushed to her.

"Hikari, you have to help me. My mistr---" Luke wasn't able to finish his plea because a familiar melodious yet alluring voice sounded out from the side. Dumbfounded, he robotically looked at the source unable to even let out a squeak.

"Luuuuke! My dearest, hic, sweetest Luke is, hic, here."

Chalice drawled while she stood up and walked to him swaying. Luke automatically held his hands out and caught her as she stumbled on the last step. Her unique fragrance coupled with the scent of alcohol attacked Luke's nose. Usually, he would stiffen at this but now all it gave him was a sense of assurance.

He found her! He finally found her!

His beloved was finally back in his arms. Luke couldn't contain himself and didn't bother to. He engulfed Chalice in a tight, warm hug.

"Aww. Hikariii, my Luke, hic, missed me so much. Hic. See. He's hugging me so tight. Hic. He should've done so, hic, long ago."

Chalice patted his head indulgingly. Hikari merely listened on them, suppressing the bubbling laughter in her throat. She turned her attention to her cup and leisurely drank.

"You made her drink so much?" Luke turned to the priestess relaxing under the moonlight, Chalice still in his arms. Hikari smirked with concealed mischief.

"Now, now. This isn't my fault. She was the one who wanted to drink till she dropped. I tried to stop her after our first bottle. She wouldn't listen, however."

Luke sighed as he looked at the drunk woman in his arms. Her fair face was flushed red because of the alcohol. Her eyelids drooped seductively contrasting with the goofy smile in her lips.

Surprisingly, Chalice took Luke's face in her palms and held it dangerously near hers. Luke could only stare dumbly at her.

"Hikariii, say, hic, what was I thinking in the past? My head, hic, must have been filled with water. Hic. My Luke is obviously, hic, a thousand times more dashing than that, hic, pimp of a prince. Hic. This is a man worthy, hic, of this lady chasing after him."

Hikari chuckled jubilantly at Chalice's slurring words. She surmised Luke must be in a very uncomfortable situation right now. And Hikari would gladly help Chalice put him in an even more precarious situation.

"You should take her to bed. Both of you needs the rest. Aside from the fact, that you can't possibly travel out with her like that."

Luke breathed out and took Chalice's hands from where it is holding. He then carried her princess style.

"Where can she rest and sleep?" Luke asked the priestess. Hikari motioned to him the guest room. Luke unhesistatingly walked to the direction Hikari pointed at. Chalice was his first priority. Halfway there, however, he paused and turned to the priestess.

"Thank you for finding and keeping her here. I owe you one." The priestess smiled her mysterious smile at his thanks before she answered.

"There's no need for thanks. She was meant to come here. Just as you were meant to stumble into this place back then. Just as you were meant to find her here today. It is all predestined, my friend."

Luke shook his head as he tried to settle down the squirming woman in his arms.

"Even if that's the case. You still have my thanks." He insisted.

Hikari turned her head to the man as she heaved a helpless sigh.

"Alright then. If you truly want to thank me, take good care of her. She's now my friend as well." Hikari directed her blank, silver eyes to Luke's icy blue ones and spoke again.

"Luke, your light has more to her than meets the eye. She flickered, ceased to be, and came back engulfed in a darkness rooted deeply in her soul. She's strong and she's fully capable of saving herself from it. But she doesn't have a reason to. Save her, Luke. Save her from herself. Be that reason."

Luke was rigid at Hikari's words. But he didn't reply to it and merely nodded once. He then walked towards the room without looking back to the priestess again.

Hikari savored the sweet wine in her mouth. A naughty smile suddenly slipping out of her lips. All that she said to Luke has their purpose of course. They were matter of facts. She was serious about that. However, the tense statement was all but forgotten when she remembered the drunken girl in the man's arms.

There was a reason why she called her rice wine the saké of courage. Because contrary to other alcoholic drinks, it does not make one lose awareness. What is taken away are the person's inhibitions. All of Chalice's deep-seated thoughts and feelings, she won't be afraid of telling and acting on them. Nonethelees, all she has done and will do tonight, she will remember painfully clear. Hikari only hopes this would be enough help to bring awareness to the oblivious and in denial lady.

Hikari is as obssessed as me in supporting the Luke and Chalice ship.

Someone come up with a ship name coz I suck in creating good ones. Haha.

So I was thinking of changing up the schedule and making it 2 chapters every weekday. In exchange though, I'll be taking the weekends off for rest.

What do you all think? Comment your thoughts! They're much appreciated.^^

feipeicreators' thoughts