
Most Beautiful moment of Life

warning(contain mature content) He used her body to ease his anger but she fell for him

Ny_xin_bu · 若者
14 Chs


I woke up and saw that I am in a different place .I looked around but no one was there. I

woke up and saw that I am wearing white shirt may be it belongs to that man .

I didn't knew what to do so ,I picked my cloth dressed up and came out of room

It was a big mension.I took the bus and returned to my place.Yoon hugged me as soon I reached there and told me they couldnot find me at the party .They searched me everywhere but couldnot find me .

I just couldnot explained that I was raped by unknown guy and I kneeled down crying .she too cried by hugging me .

In the evening after showering I saw myself in the mirror it was full of blue mark .It broke me down into pieces .Me who was like free soul and didnt even thought of that one day I would get raped .

that hurts a lot My eyes start to tear up and I just sat on the floor and cried a lot .

That Bastard who raped me I cruse him to feel unbearable pain than me .

I hate him .I felt disgusted .I washed my body numurious time and fall asleep without knowing .

Days passed that senior who tried to do bad thing to me was never been found

I heard he went abroad for study

I finished my study and those scars started to heal with time ..

After that incident I got phobia and couldnot talk to guys .My close friends went abroad for further study ..

I graduaded in Zoology and applied One of the top university in SEOUL .I was so happy to receive the acceptance letter

But the god didnot want me to be happy I guess.Rinnnnnnnggggg...my phone rang

I picked up and that completely ruined my happiness .My dad and mom they got in an accident .Our house caught on fire where my brother got injured but my parents got killed .

I panicked and run towards hospital

why God Why ??Why me ..I got raped ...I had to deal with mental issue .now my parents left me alone . How could I survive ?I was living for them ..My life truned into a darkest nightmare ..

I saw their bodies disfigured and couldnot control myself Ahhhhhhhhh .....Ahhhhhhhhhh....uhhhhhhhhhh..huuuuuuuuu... I was loosing sense ..My world ...was destroyed ....what am I gonna do now .....I murmured ....

My brain went blank and I ran towards the roof ...

why ?why ?WHY???????

I stand on the edge of roof and looked down

Will it be over if I die ? will u be satisfied if I die?God are you enjoying. my suffer ?

I closed my eyes and was about to jump

I remembered my little bro .Our happiest memories came like a flash in my brain .

I opened my eyes and got down from edge and caught my stomach and cried ..

How could I be so selfish?I must live for my brother ..What the hell I was thinking .?? He deserve happiness I must stay strong for him .I am the only one how could I forget him .

He dont deserve all this pain .

I ran towards the normal ward and saw my brother laying there I hugged him and carsed his hair..

Sis where is momma and dad ?? Are they okey ?

Its okey my brother .Dont cry I am here for u ..I know u are strong .We can go through this right ? I hugged him crying and he was crying loudly crying tooo....

After funeral

Many relatives show sympathy and gave donation . We got the insurance money too .

I had some savings so I decided to move to SOUTH KOREA Seoul and leave this place .

When I wass 17 I thought I will go to SK

to fullfill my dream and for their delicious food and u know handsome oppas but

now I am here to make our living better for my brother .He was just 15 and he was getting Panick attack at my hometown .

So he might be okey if we are far from there .

We left our bad memories in ktm and flew towards the South korea .I was thinking my days will be better there ..

I saw my brother sleeping soundly and I thought may be its a right decision .

I was thinking all those good and bad memories and lost on thought but suddenly a girl on the window side .

Excuse me !I wanna go to washroom If u dont mind ??She smiled

Oh okey ..

Actually its my first time flying on plane so can u please come with me to the washroom I am so scared she said.

I didnt mind at all so I went with her ..

After that I got to know that her name is Nina and she is a student too and We talked about a random stuff ... The airhostage said Nina to be comfortable and wear the slippers that is kept on front seat she was so happy and tge funny part was that she stuffed her bag with snacks and chocolate she sure was so funny and cute and this way we were heading towards our destination hoping that we could be happy there...