
Morgan x Wall

For my friend Morgan Inspired by Morgan’s obsession with licking walls Criticism is very much appreciated

26mymyhorsey · LGBT+
6 Chs

Part 4

After my honorary twerk session with my favorite bouncer, I head into the back room of the club and join the rest of the dancers.

      The back room looks like an old high school locker room with sparkly lingerie on the clothing racks, mirrors on every surface, and tons of naked women running around.

      Some ladies are understandably a little hesitant to be completely nude in front of other women while frantically looking for thongs and bikinis and some are completely fine with it but, in the end, we're all here to do our jobs, get payed, and pay our rent so, we ultimately don't have much of a choice. I'm no prude, I mean, I have a pretty nice rack myself, so there's no need to be squeamish but, I do happen to be a bisexual who is attracted to women and men so, I try to make it a priority to not make anyone, man or woman, uncomfortable.

    "Hey Mo, can you buckle my heels?"

      Oh, Kira. She is definitely one of the ladies I work with that are very comfortable with their body and even though I could never see myself having a romantic relationship with her, she's also one of the women that remind me constantly of my bisexuality. She's a veteran here and was one of the first to befriend me at the club. Right now, she's wearing a white, fishnet slingshot outfit with a pair of unbuckled 7 inch platform heels.

      "Yeah, sure. Aren't you gonna wear your ears and tail?" I crouch down to buckle her giant shoes one by one.

      "Oh shit! I forgot all about them," she replies. "Thanks for reminding me, Mo!"

After I finish with the last buckle, Kira runs away with amazing dexterity to presumably find the bunny ears and cotton tail that matches her outfit.

All of the girls have stripper names that are associated with animals because the owner decided to name the club "The Nude Zoo nightclub," and thought that it would be fitting to have strippers with animal names. Kira's stripper name is "bunny" and mine is "kitty." I always thought it was strange considering, "bunnies" and "kitty cats" don't occupy zoo's but, considering that the owner is a lonely old

man who told me one late night when he was drunk ex wives, 4 estranged children, and a drinking problem, I haven't brought it up.

Along with the animal names, we also have accessories to pin onto our outfits like tails, ears, and occasionally, paws that you slip on like gloves. I head to my locker to slip out of my ripped jeans and plaid button-up and put on my own costume consisting of a black textured bodysuit with a plunging neckline and because of my inability to wear platforms due to my terrible balance, I grab some black pumps. I grab my cat ears, my tail, and a little black choker with a tiny bell hanging off of it. I put some light makeup on and get out of the hot back room to get on the stage.

      Outside of the locker room, there is two poles on the main stage that's in the front of the club and the night begins with one girl on each and then they go from the first pole to the second pole like their on rotation. Kira and one of my other coworkers just finished dancing on both of the poles the poles twice and now it was my turn.

      I sensually strut onto the stage and walk to the first stripper pole that's to my left while the woman to my right struts at the same slow pace to the pole on the right. My coworker is wearing a mesh outfit with leopard print on it. She has the ears, the tail,  the paws, and the long red acrylic nails that make her look a viscous wild cat ready to ounce on you in a second.

      As soon as my attractive partner and I arrive on stage, the thirsty men sitting at the seats in front of the stage start catcalling and whistling immediately. I start to move loosely around the pole, the cold metal giving my freckled skin goosebumps.

     My coworker and I move in a seductive unison and the crowd really goes wild with hoots and hollers about how good we "work those poles." And maybe I should feel a little uncomfortable with all of the suggestive comments but really, I feel empowered and weirdly validated in a way. I mean, how could I not when there are tons of men groveling at my feet begging for my attention and time.

       Legs and asses are thrown in the air, into the crowd of horny men, on the poles, and on each other until we're eventually both done with the poles. We go backstage and back to the dressing room but not before we gather up all the cash that the crowd had thrown onto the stage as hearty tips for our service.

      "Hey girl, you were amazing as always." Kira says as she raps an arm around me shoulders.

      "Yeah, thanks," I respond with a smile. "Don't you have some dances to do?"

      "Oh, no I'm actually just about to take my smoke break, it's felt like year since I've had a cigarette." She sighs.

      "Wow Kira," I roll my eyes at her dramatics. "Well, I'm gonna see if anyone wants a private dance."

      I sit down at the bench in front of my locker to grab some chapstick for my dry and newly crusty lips.

      "Go get that money, Mo!" Kira hypes me up before she leaves to take her smoke outside.

      I playfully dismiss and wave my friend off, put my chapstick on, and head outside of the dressing room. I'm sitting at a table, flirting with 4 drunk men who are all bragging about how oblivious there wives are to their many infidelities. Just as 2 of the men agree to a private dance, I see a flash of blue out of my peripheral vision.