
Morgan lost on Earth

someone known as a Witch, the Lady of the Lake, Goddess, and so on by others, she lost her true form, her true story lost from history. A pitiful woman, someone who will not be remembered for who she was. But even if even one remembers, it always comes back. Just like the Rippers, never forgotten and always ready to comeback.

WhyDoISuffer · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs

What happened

Morgan le Fay, a tall beautiful woman long silver hair that ends with a bit of light blue always tied up into a ponytail with a ribbon, blue eyes that seem lifeless but always burning with rage and jealousy, blue sexy lip, her black dress with blue outlines that shows more skin than any queen would ever show, a blue glowing tattoo under her bellybutton.

And a staff that has a sword as the tip which is connected with battle axe blades in both front and back which makes the staff double her size which she holds effortlessly.

Suddenly waking up at the sound loud lion grows Morgan opens her eyes to see that she is on her mirror throne but it seemed a bit old and unmaintained.

She did not know why but there was something else her attention needed, after all her knights would never allow some stray lion near her.

But glancing around she could only see her palace ruined, old, just like her throne, unmaintained.

And most irritating of all, at least 50 humans at the entrance wearing armor and swords and bows in their arms ready to fight, but did not seem like soldiers coming to invade their armor was more so miss fit, and not uniformed unlike soldiers.

And what was that big chariot made of metal with horses it doesn't seem to use magic but it sure does make a loud noise.

Morgan: "What are my knights doing?" She says in a small voice as she stands up grabbing her staff that was floating by her side.

Morgan: "What brings you humans in my palace?" A gentle yet strong voice smoothing enough to fall in love.

Bow user: "Holy fuck! She can talk! It must at least be A rank!"

GreatSword user: "Stay in formation! Do not fall for her charm skill!"

Morgan: 'It seems they see me as a object... So we will not be talking it out.' As she thinks all the humans got into a formation that included 4 metal chariots in the other side of the room pointing their barrels towards Morgan.

Morgan: "Be gone." With one tap on the floor with her staff she sends out dark mana in a form of a tsunami drowning the humans.

In a moment the dark mana is gone just like it was never there, and all that was left was 30ish humans left and no metal chariots.

GreatShield user: "Damn! What the fuck was that? We need to retreat!"

Morgan: 'More tenacious than I thought.' "Maybe if you become a pig will you know to shut up?" As she shouted and snaped her fingers something horrifying happened to the GreatShield user happened.

He turned into a pig but not all as he kept his arms and his legs as legs.

Bow user: "What...just? Joseph... Joseph turned into a half pig! AHH!" In front of him his friend(?) Joseph turned from a bulky muscular bald man into a pig with feet and arms.

Of course the only thing to do when you are scared is... RUN.

GreatSword user: "RUN! RETREAT!" As he said so everyone started running away towards the open door that for 1 second looked like a gate to heaven.

Morgan: "Close." A horrifying though ran trough those who where still in front of Morgan holding her off(?) for the others.

And looking back they see a closed door with everyone slashing and ramming at it with out inching an inch

Morgan: "Where shall you run now?" As she asks she walks down towards the horrified group of humans she raises her staff as it shrinks into just the sword.

Humans: "NOO! I DONT WANT TO DIE!" But The plea for life will always fall short on Morgan as she slashes the air horizontally with the sword.

No wind sword came out of it as everyone expected but what would you expect when all you can think of is 'How did I die?'.

Morgan: 'So now that they are gone. What happened to my palace? And what happened to me, my knights? There is no way this ruination can happen in front of me as I slept and for me to live trough it.' as she thinks the staff returns to normal and starts to float and follow Morgan around.

Morgan then decides to leave outside to see what happed to her city.

As she walks in the ruined hallways and stairs all the more she cant guess just what happened to her palace, as it all seemed like it was truly just the work of time.

And as she left her palace was a desert and humans camping inside of her palace walls.

random human: "Huh? Who are you? Why are you coming out of the dungeon?"

Morgan: "Dungeon...?" An insult. A human insulted her beautiful, majestic palace? The palace that was her home more than 2000 years.

Morgan: "A human dare insult my home?" As she thought more and more about it, humans started gathering up around her geared up.

Fernan: "Excuse me for my subordinates rudeness. My name is Fernan, if you'll excuse me can I ask you a question?"

Morgan: '...Lets her his pathetic excuse first.' "Speak." Maybe it was the fact that she did not have anyone to appeal her ruthlessness towards but she did not just kill the human calling her palace 'Dungeon', really of all things they had to call her home some place to put prisoners and monsters in.

Fernan: "So what where you doing inside the abandoned castle?" As expected of a leader, hearing her say this place was her 'home' and getting mad when someone called it a 'dungeon' really stood out.

He just needed to confirm they weren't killing a civilian.

Morgan: "Before answering, I'll ask. How many years has it been abandoned?"

Fernan: "Huh? Ah... It just popped up here on earth like this, abandoned."

Fernan's subordinate: "Captain! We shouldn't say that to a monster!" And with that Morgan was really pissed, she grabs her staff raised her staff high.

Morgan: "Drain." As she said that, the humans around start to wither away into dust, and so without being able to retaliate everyone disappeared, just like Morgan's bad mood.

Morgan: 'That's a word I have not heard in a while... Monster.' All in her memory but she still remembers how her city looked.

Full of life, festive moods, screaming politicians, soldiers happy for no wars, nothing in her way... Just one long blink, and everything is gone.

Instead of her city, sand hills.

Instead of her beautiful palace, ruined palace.

Instead of her people, wind to sing of her loneliness.

What a cruel world.

What would it take for her city, her history to return?

Thousands, millions, no maybe billions?

Morgan: "I'll do it... I'll sacrifice billions of humans just to bring it back."

Fate/ fans are scary. I think that's why there are not many fate fanfics. after all who wants to mess with some people that will throw messages and messages full of "FK YOU THATS NOT LORE ACCURATE!" so I'll be the one to say "calm down and maybe you guys will get more fan fic about some random character not really talked and with less than half information about the actual character in the game." so if this fan fic does nice please I want more fate fan fic on the internet.

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