
More Than one 40 short stories

more than one is a set of 40 short stories with five categories, and a few have their own sets of mysterious tales. romance, royal, horror ( crime/mystery, death/hauntings), fan fiction, and the supernatural world( vampires, witches, angels/demons, and fairies)

LegendsLostStories · ファンタジー
40 Chs

stolen love

Love, a word that can be described in many ways or forms of affection and desire. I thought love was the key to everything and so I gave my love to those who tore it to shreds, buried it, burned it, and destroyed it crumbling it to pieces or ash. But it all came back when it made me give up.

After years of dishonesty and trust ripped to perils. I knew that no one could be trusted, that the image made was a treacherous frame. The word one may know as TRAITOR- I waited years to see a better light. But nothing. Nothing made that change. They tore me down, and I built up my walls, they made them crumble and released the monster they made. The little voice in me of who I once was said to me, " Run" with a malevolent smile creeping to my face. " Run, and dont look back." And that's exactly what I did. Leaving whatever innocence I had behind.

They broke the wrong parts of me, they broke my wings. But they sure did forget one thing. They forgot my claws. They made me the monster I am today and asked what made me like this. I can only say this, I am not a monster, im just your design. The villain and creation you made me after all these years. And that's all I can say about the broken pieces of my design.

When you wear a mask for so long you forget who you were beneath it. Alexis snapped, "You're a psychopath." I laughed, "No I wouldn't say I'm a psychopath, I prefer creative." My now ex-best friend showed her devilish colors. Damaged people are dangerous we can make our hell feel free.