
Caught in the act

Jazz, Sky, and Aunt Becky arrive at the mansion. "Wow, it looks so different from what it was the last time I came here." Aunt Becky exclaimed.

The two girls smile at her, as they head inside to get things done, before they get any worse. They get inside, and aunt Becky brings out an hourglass. It's time to perform the spell.

"Is the candle ready? What about the salts? Get them." Aunt Becky demanded.

"Yes everything is ready, I have them." Sky heads to the kitchen, she brings out all the items required for the ritual.

Eight pieces of candles, two packs of sea salt, an hourglass, a lighter, an ascendant is also needed (it is used to get any harmful object or human or supernatural into another world, like a prison world.)

Aunt Becky pours the salt in a circle form, in the middle of the sitting room, as she places the candle between different angels, then she lights fire on the candle.

She placed the hour glass in the middle of the barrier she will create with the salt, the salt will help the black magic not escape and enter straight to the hour glass, and then she begins the spell.

First, Sky and Jazz has to be in the circle together with her, "you will have to repeat after me, I will siphon through you, to make it easier," she said as she looked at Jazz, she would have siphoned through her niece but it won't be fast, and now she is going to start with the boundary spell.

"Colostrum." She lifts her hands as she holds Jazz and closed her eyes, same with Jazz, as she repeated after her, while Sky got close to the hour glass.

The wind started to blow as the curtains started moving continuously, but the salts didn't move at all showing that the spell for that one was settled.

Then she begins the main spell that brought her to town.

" ... " She continuously repeated the spell, same with Jazz, while the power is getting stronger, and it is getting difficult for Jazz. "You have to hold on tight to Jazz, don't let go, or else the spell won't work." Aunt Becky said, as she continued the spell.

Sky is seriously not herself as the black fumes keep coming out of her body, she is shaking like someone that is having an episode.

The black fume enters the hour glass, as the thing turns upside down, indicating that the spell is working.

Aunt Becky didn't stop the spell, the black fumes are to come out completely, if not the whole process will be in vain.

Sky finally stops moving as she goes limp, but Aunt Becky didn't stop, she continued the spell, and more of the black fumes started coming out again, this particular one is more dangerous, any ignorant witch can fall for this particular one.

You might think the spell is all gone, but that particular one remains inside, giving you the impression that everything is gone, only those experienced witches that know how this goes.

The black fumes are finally out, now Sky is free from dark magic, and it is now the time to get rid of the dark magic once and for all.

Aunt Becky brings the ascendant, she starts to chant. " ... " Then the ascendant rises in the air and clicks open, as bright light surfaces.

"...… "

The hour glass rises up to the ascendant and disappears into the bright surface and the ascendant closes, but doesn't go down, it is still hanging in the air.

Aunt Becky picks it up, and gives it to Jazz, "you will have to keep this away, don't let anyone see it, it is only between us."

"I sense something, someone." A weak voice said.

Aunt Becky and Jazz look down, Sky is trying to get up, her powers are finally good, and all she needs now is food and sleep. She needs to rest, but her powers are now active and she can sense something off.

"What is that?" her aunt asked.

"There is someone else here, with us." She said as her eyes became sharp and she looked up, making the two others do the same.

Aunt Becky can't feel it, because whatever Sky is feeling now must have been cloaked, and only Sky can detect a cloaked someone, especially when they are close by.

"It is either you show yourself or you leave, choose one." Sky said, still looking up, but this time in a particular direction, where she is certain that this person is there.

Sky was about to move, but she paused. "I sense another. Watching from a coven." She mumbles as she narrows her eyes.


As the whole thing was in progress,

A black crystal ball appears on the roof of Jazz's house and turns into a young handsome guy, with silver hair, in black cloth. He apparently cloaked himself with magic, so he won't get noticed by the two witches in the house.

He watched as they performed the magic, "Hmm, the aunt is not bad, but not my type, no, no. but I can go for the niece, she is the definition of my type." He smiles.

He observed from his little crystal ball, how they were going to eliminate the dark magic, "seriously? An ascendant? How am I supposed to get that? Melinda can be so annoying. How does she expect me to get that?" he groans.

He disappears immediately.

He appears in that same dark room. "Melinda? I think you should get the thought of getting that young lady's dark magic out of your head." This time he didn't talk in his tiny voice, he used his normal voice as he is in a serious mood.

"Really? But why? Is an ascendant that hard for you to get? You cloaked yourself, so they won't notice, just observe, and then act. That is all you have to do." Melinda said. She is well aware of the fact that they are using an ascendant to eliminate the dark magic.

"As long as they don't destroy the ascendant, then the dark magic will still remain safe, so you have to get that ascendant, before it disappears from our sight." She clicks her tongue.

"Oh my goodness, this is the part I hate the most in my life, Melinda." He glares at the dark figure.

"Always complaining, I am simply doing you a favor, you have been dreaming of the day you will meet this girl." She snickered at him.

"Favor my ass."

"I always knew, you have been looking her up. Now is your opportunity to see her more up close. How about that?" she laughs. "You gave me all her details, while being hesitant, maybe thinking I was going to harm her. Now go before things fall out of place." Her voice turns serious.

"Suit yourself." He disappears.

He appears back, to see that they are almost done with the spell, he smiles and waits patiently while plotting different ways on how he will get the ascendant.

They are already through with the dark magic part, now they are putting the spell in the ascendant. A few minutes later, he watched as the one he admired lay on the floor looking weak.

"She must be tired from all the processes, and wonder if she can still do magic." He mumbles.

The ritual is finally over, he smirks ready to make his move, when he hears a voice that makes him pause.

"What?" he shivers.

"It is either you show yourself or you leave." The voice continued.

He looks at his crystal ball as he could see her looking directly to where he was, even in her weak form, she still can feel someone.

"What will I do now?" he groans.


Sky continues to look up, then she looks at her aunt, then she moves straight to her aunt and collects her ascendant, and runs to the kitchen to bring extra four candles and lights them and places them accordingly, and then stands in the middle of the circle.

"Phasmatos De Strutos Avox Addellum." She starts to chant, and then the ascendant rises in the air.


His eyes turn wide. "What the hell is she doing?" he disappears and reappears in the sitting room, but it was too late.

The ascendant shatters and falls on the floor. He groans, but looks helpless.

"You have the nerve to come into this house." She looked in his direction, but the other two ladies could not see anyone.

The silver guy looks as nervous as he looks back at her. 'What was I thinking, coming here?'

"Phasmatos Oculacs. Invisique. Saeclum." She chants.

And the silver-haired guy appeared, he closed his eyes as he scratched the back of his head. In his whole life as a wizard, no one ordinary witch has ever been able to counter his spell, except Melinda, but sometimes he tricks her, but on their first meeting she was able to detect him.

Jazz and Aunt Becky look so surprised, how can she still have this power, even when she just finished a ritual.


The underworld,

Raymond is with Emily and Ella in the underworld. At first it was supposed to be only Emily and Raymond, but Ella decided to tag along.

"It's been long since I came here." Ella smiles.

"You only came here once, stop acting like you frequently visit." He scoffs.

"How dare you?" she glares at him.

While they were busy bickering, they suddenly lost track of Emily. She is being cornered by some vampires.

"What a meal, she looks sexy though." One of them said, there are actually four of them.

"I can sense she is a human." Another said as they moved closer to her.

"That Raymond has the nerve to come here, after what his witch did to me." The first one growls.