
More Than Destiny

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What is More Than Destiny

WebNovel で公開されている、Alexandria_Willis の作者が書いた More Than Destiny の小説を読んでください。...



My Five Beautiful Girlfriends Against the Spirit World

There was a young maiden whose name was Feng Xue. She was the child of the Phoenix Goddess. She used to live in seclusion in the Forbidden Land of the Northern divine region as the girl wasn't born with Nirvana flame, the same as her mother. Fang Xue was still considered to be the auspicious treasure of Heaven and envied by all. The area would have never lack of good fortune if she stayed there. The people of the Western divine region wanted to use her as a tool to get the blessings of heaven. When they came to confiscate her from the Forbidden land of the Northern divine Region, a young boy came for her rescue which was sent by the Dragon God. Phoenix goddess asked dragon God for a favor to save her child who was living in seclusion for which he sent his most capable son to protect. Jin Long fought with the people of the Western divine region a brutal war that shook heaven and earth. He slaughtered many and others ran away. The war ground was dyed by the bloodstream of immortal beings. This incident shook the whole divine realm and a shiver ran down people's spines. Fang Xue fell in love with Jin Long who also liked her in his heart. They went to Heaven's shrine and swore to the Supreme god to be together until eternity. This infuriated Dragon God as it was a disgrace for his blood to marry the Phoenix goddess's daughter who was not even born with Nirvana flame. "Jin Long, for staining our name you will be punished to reincarnate in the lower world. You will forget the girl for whom you disgraced the Dragon race." His father, the Dragon God announced the decision, and a golden light drowned the young boy's body like Heaven's turbulence. Jin Long disappeared as the golden light extinguished. After that Feng Xue shed her tears until Phoenix Goddess agreed to let her reincarnate again along with the person she loved. The goddess told her this might endanger her life as people of the Divine realm might create trouble for her. But Feng Xue was stubborn and was then reincarnated as Cang Xue in the Trasia country. This is the story of Jin Long who once wracked havoc in the Northern divine region for saving a girl named Feng Xue, the Auspicious treasure of Heaven. Join Yue Yan AKA Jin Long, in his Journey to reach the pinnacle of the world with his five beautiful Girlfriends. --------------------------------------------- Note: The synopsis doesn't do justice to explain the beauty of the story as it would spoil the novel. So give it a try if possible.

thewhitesnow · 東方
80 Chs

I can Upgrade Anything Infinitely

"Upgrade" is a thrilling tale of innovation, entrepreneurship, and the struggle to balance profit with social responsibility. Jack, a brilliant engineer and inventor, is on a mission to upgrade the world with cutting-edge technology. He starts his own company, Upgrade Corporation, and develops revolutionary renewable energy systems, including the HyperTurbine Mark III and an upgraded version of lithium-ion batteries. As Jack's company gains traction and interest from investors, he faces unexpected challenges in manufacturing and scaling his business while maintaining its core values. He collaborates with engineers and manufacturers to overcome obstacles and push the boundaries of technology even further. As Jack's company grows, he grapples with ethical considerations of the company's impact on the environment and society, and struggles to find a balance between profit and social responsibility. He considers expanding the company's focus beyond renewable energy and into other technological advancements, but wonders if he will lose sight of his original mission. The tension rises as Jack is approached by a larger company interested in acquiring Upgrade Corporation, forcing him to consider the future of his company and its values. Will Jack stay true to his passion for upgrading technology and maintain control of his company, or will he sell out for a big profit? With dynamic characters, thrilling plot twists, and a thought-provoking exploration of the intersection of technology, business, and social responsibility, "Upgrade" is a must-read for anyone who loves a good techno-thriller and wants to explore the future of renewable energy and technology.

Matrix_ · SF
8 Chs


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  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定


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