
Chapter 1 Jailbreak

The events from the past week flooded my mind as I awoke from yet another long nap. Being the rebel Prince of Hell I was used to my father tossing me in a cell. This time though, it was completely different. I couldn't begin to understand where it all went wrong. All I knew was I wanted to get out of this cell and I didn't have the means to do it. I raised from the dirt floor and begin dusting myself off.

"Hey, rent-a-guard, any word from my father yet?" I asked.

The ogre-like demon looked up from his meal and began laughing.

"The ever so funny convict speaks after all this time. I was beginning to think you died over there." He replied.

"Well I'll be damned folks, and I was beginning to think you weren't capable of thinking. I guess we were both wrong." I said.

I placed my face between a gap in my cell and gripped the bars, and sarcastically asked.

"So, are you gonna answer my question, or do I have to cut your rations?"

Veins started popping from his neck, as he said.

"Look dumb ass, if your father did have something to say, he wouldn't say it to me. Now, shut the hell up and go back to sleep!"

Finishing his sentence with a grunt, he went back to his meal.

I plopped back down on the dirt-covered floor and uttered.

"How annoying."

Damn this collar! If I could only use a fraction of my powers I could break out of here with ease.

I spent the next few hours cursing my current situation before finally drifting off to sleep.

After an unknown amount of time, I woke to a loud bang.

"What the..."

I scrambling to my feet to see a tall man with yellow eyes staring at me. The man was around six-two and had short blonde hair with pointed ears. To the average female, he may be considered attractive.

"Well, well look at your sorry ass. Your father did a number on you this time didn't he?" The man asked with a hint of amusement in his voice.

Referring to my eye that was swollen shut from the beating I received. With a smile on my face, I said.

"What do you expect Marcus, I broke his favorite toy." I said.

He returned a smile revealing his sharp canines.

"By the way. A vampire in a dungeon, that sounds a bit cliché don't you think?" I added.

"If I didn't come to save you, who would? Now shut the hell up and let's get out of here Damian."

He rattled the keys in front of my cell as if teasing a small child.

As I exited my cell, we shot for the wooden door located on the far side of the room. Having to step over the rent-a-guards body at the halfway mark.

"Did you kill him?" I asked.

"Naw I just slipped a strong sedative in his wine before they brought it to him."

"You should have just killed his fat ass. Either way, thanks for the jailbreak."

He looked me in my one good eye and just nodded.

As we reached the door that led to an extremely long hallway, Marcus asked.

"Where to now?"

"Do you know anyone who can take this fucking collar off my neck?" I asked.

Pausing for a moment, Marcus asked.

"What about the blacksmith?"

As if cursing all of Hell the word "Fuck!" came flying out of my mouth.

"That angry old demon hates everyone. What makes you think he would be willing to help me?"

"Trust me Damien, I got it covered." Marcus assured me.

I raised an eyebrow, as we continued running down the stone hallway, with our footsteps echoing with every step.

After about ten minutes of running, we finally made it to the exit. Unable to contain my excitement I barged through the half-open door.

I looked at Marcus with concerning eyes.

"Leaving the door half-open is a dead give away that something is going on. What if someone would have come, it could have ruined your whole plan." I said.

"Fuck off, you're out aren't you?" He replied.

"Fair enough my friend, fair enough."

Dragging the last two words along as I looked around.

Having been knocked out when I was brought to the dungeon. I took a second to figure out my current location.

I could hear the wailing of all the damned souls in the distance, as I watched the boats pass back and forward across the swampy waters.

The boats would bring the souls to their designated sector according to the sins they committed during life.

I looked at the swamp shore nearest me and could see hands pulling at the pebbled beach trying to escape their eternal tormented.

"Sector five, what a mesmerizing sight. I see my father still has a sense of humor. I allowed my anger to take over so he tossed me in this shit hole."

"Will you be joining them, or should we get going now?" Marcus said sarcastically.

A small laugh escaped my lips.

"I can't fly right now so your gonna have to carry me."

"You're like two hundred pounds Damian. If you think I'm going to fly you out of here you've lost your rabid ass mind."

"By all that is Satan. What do you suggest we do then?" I asked.

"We could steal a boat." He said with a shrug of his shoulders.

I look out across the swamp at the multitude of boats and thought for a moment. Without having a better idea I was forced to agree.

"Ok Marcus, we'll go with your plan. How do you suggest we get..."

Before I could finish my question, he shot across the water and knocked out the demon with a chop to the back of the neck. He then tossed the demon's body over the side, which got torn apart by the soul's in seconds.

It took him a matter of a minute to row the boat to the shore where I was standing dumb-struck.

"Your chariot awaits my princess." Marcus said jokingly.

"Out of all the people in Hell, it had to be you that rescued me." I said while climbing into the boat.

"I still have the keys if you want to go back and wait for someone else." He said, following it with an obnoxious laugh.

"If that rent-a-guard thought I was annoying he should've met you."

"Who knows, maybe one day he will." Marcus said.

This is my first time writing a story so please feel free to leave any constructive criticism and let me know if I’ve made any mistakes. Thank you for reading.

Erebus96creators' thoughts