
Moonlight (ItachixIzumi)

Izumi had always like Itachi ever since they were kids. Now that they have finally grown and their physical body's have changed, they've began to see each other more differently, perhaps a desire for one's body was beginning to attract the two.

Itazumi_Smiles · アニメ·コミックス
7 Chs

Chapter 3 - “Something feels hard…”

"Sarame's right. Although there's nothing really going on between me and Itachi, I-I really like him." Izumi sighed as she continued to walk towards the direction of the Uchiha complex.

"But he probably doesn't see me that way...ha-ha. If that's the case at least we're best friends!" She talked to herself and was happy with the thought that although it could be an unrequited feeling, she could at least be close to Itachi by being just friends.

"He's only nice to me because we've been childhood friends for years." She continued her thought.

"I mean we've eaten together, trained together, gone on some missions together. It's only natural to take care of your best friend, your comrade." She laughed.

"Plus, I'm sure he would lend Shisui his jacket too, right? If he was cold?"

"Ugh, I need to stop. I'm overthinking things."

Izumi stopped her trail. She was about a few blocks from home when she decided it be best to return Itachi's jacket tonight instead.

"Maybe I should return his jacket. His suit looked way too expensive. I can't risk getting this any more dirty than it could already be with me wearing it." Izumi looked at the dark jacket that had covered her. It kept her warm indeed and she was beginning to feel a bit depressed at the thought of having to give it back.

"Alright, I'll return his jacket and thank him. Yes, I'll do that." Izumi jumped from rooftop to rooftop until she landed on the roof connected to Itachi's window. The lights were still on so hopefully he was still awake.

She hesitated for a bit until she decided to finally slide open his window.

"I-Itachi?" She tried her best to walk carefully and quietly.

"Izumi. What's up?" Itachi shot up from his lounging position on his bed.

"S-sorry to barge in like this. I hope I wasn't interrupting anything."

"No, you're fine. I was just catching up on a book." Itachi quickly concealed the book he was reading before Izumi could notice. It was a copy of Jiraya's Itcha Itcha Paradise novel that he borrowed from Kakashi not so long ago.

"So, what brings you here this late?" Itachi was surprised to see Izumi coming over at this hour.

"I wanted to return your jacket. It looks too expensive, and I didn't want to accidentally ruin it." Izumi stepped inside and through the window when suddenly she went off balance and landed on Itachi's chest.

"Ah! I-I'm sorry Itachi! I wasn't being too careful where I was stepping." Izumi tried to explain.

There was a moment of pause. The two stared at each other in silence and with an almost shocked expression.

Izumi's hands were now on Itachi's bare chest. And she was sitting on top of him, her thighs split and Itachi's pelvis in between them.

Izumi's face turned red the moment she realized that she was now on top of her best friend.

She began to feel the embarrassment and with a quick reaction after realizing the position she was on, she quickly pushed her hands away from Itachi's chest.

But right as she removes contact with his chest, Itachi immediately grabs onto both her wrists.

"Izumi, I didn't take it you'd be this clumsy." Itachi now slightly sitting up as he held on to Izumi.

"I-Itachi. I'm sorry! I swear it was an accident. I didn't mean to...are you okay?" She panicked.

Itachi stayed silent as if he wanted to say something but couldn't find the words to.

The way the shape of her body manifested her tight dress under the moonlight made him feel and want to do all sorts of things. He was left speechless.

After a few seconds Izumi began to feel something get harder. It began to poke her from below. It was beginning to make her feel sensitive down there.

"I-Itachi, somethi—."

Itachi continued to stare at Izumi and then gave a faint smile before suddenly pulling and turning Izumi around so that her back was now lying on the bed.

Itachi's hands were pinning Izumi's wrist on the pillow making it difficult for her to move.

He can clearly see her cleavage now pushed up from her dress as she lay on his bed. Her hair was also now untied leaving them messy from all the movement. The moonlight shining on her even brighter.

"How naive. Entering a grown man's room this late into the night. Did you forget what I told you earlier?" Itachi continued to hold on to her wrist and smirked.

"W-what do you mean? I've visited you in your room since we were kids. I-it's normal to visit your best friend, isn't it? And I was only trying to return your jacket." Izumi could feel his grip now getting slightly tighter.

Itachi leans forward. His lips were now at a whisper distant from Izumi's ear.

"Do you have any idea what you're making me do right now?" He whispered in her ears.

Izumi felt paralyzed. She couldn't move, especially not when it was Itachi pinning her down on top of her.

Although her body may have been showing some signs of resistance from the embarrassment, her mind was rather hoping for Itachi's affection.

Itachi leans back with his face now close to Izumi's.

Izumi's face turned even redder, and her heart began to race. The palpitations were even louder that she was afraid Itachi might hear.

"Izumi..." Itachi lips got closer and closer to her lips.

At this moment Izumi quickly shut her eyes when suddenly she felt a poke on her forehead.

"H-hey! That hurts!" She reacted.

Itachi was now smiling and slightly tittered at the sight of Izumi's irritated face.

"How do you like it if I did that to you," Izumi smirked.

Izumi freed her right hand from Itachi's grip and attempted to poke his forehead back but was too slow as Itachi had quickly grabbed hold of it before it touched his forehead.

"That's not fair! You always do this! You should feel how painful it is!" Izumi tried again to poke at Itachi.

"Ha-ha, sorry Izumi." Itachi held on to her wrist.

*Knock knock*

Both Itachi and Izumi immediately went silent the moment they heard a knock on Itachi's door.

Itachi had cupped one hand on Izumi's mouth while still holding her wrist with his other hand as if they weren't just being loud a second ago.

"Itachi? Mom and Dad haven't gone back from their meeting with the clan. I'm getting kinda hungry again. I'm going to make some ramen; do you want some?" Sasuke stood in front of Itachi's door.

That's right. Itachi's parents needed to attend the clan's meeting after the event and informed them that they might be coming back late.

"Uh, don't do anything Sasuke. I'll make it for you. Just sit still. I'll be right outside." Itachi responded.

"Alright, but I'll grab the ingredients and lay them out," Sasuke replied.

"Okay, that's fine." Itachi sighed and then looked at Izumi.

He let go of Izumi's mouth and backed away so that she was finally able to sit up from his bed.

"I better go. Thanks for lending me your jacket. I should be fine for now since my house isn't too far from here." Izumi handed Itachi his jacket.

"Hold on. At least take this." Itachi grabbed a dark blue sweater from his closet that had the Uchiha symbol embedded behind it and handed it to Izumi.

Izumi put it on and could feel how oversized it really was on her but at least it was comfy and made her feel warm.

Itachi looked away trying his best to hide his blush from the sight of Izumi wearing it.

"Thank you, Itachi. I'll make sure to bring this back to you as well." Izumi smiled.

"There's no rush in giving it back. Keep it if you'd like." Itachi wanted to give it to her.

"B-but this is your family's sweater." It's true it was his family sweater and Izumi wasn't part of the head family. It would be weird if anyone saw her with it.

"Are you forgetting that you're an Uchiha too?" Itachi didn't care about head family this or head family that. It was just a sweater to him.

"N-no, I meant. Well, it's your family sweater that only the head family can wear. It'd be weird if people were to see someone like me who isn't part of the head family wearing it." Izumi explained.

"Do whatever you like. Wear or don't wear it." Itachi stood calmy.

"I-I'll wear it!" After some thought, Izumi quickly reacted before the possible chance of Itachi changing his mind.

Izumi headed out of Itachi's window after thanking and saying goodbye.

As her figure disappears, Itachi covers his face with his hands and thought about what happened moments ago.
