
Starting The Cultivation.

Under an old tree, a boy is lying down. With trees surrounding him, sun rays pass through the small gaps of the leaves, the warm rays touched the face of the boy who was lying.

"Where...am I?"

He muttered to himself, the boy sat up slowly, maybe he's tired that he felt fatigue all over his body. The boy has a horn growing from his left temple, it was a few inches long, his height was normal for his age and he has black hair, the boy who was lying down was Chase.

"Ouch... What the?"

He touched his lips, there was a cut there with blood cloths. Where did I get this, he thought. He remembered that he was cultivating here with the Stone Essence he bought, he remembered that as he absorb the Spirit Energy from the Stone Essence, he then guided it to his Spirit Nerve to cultivate it, and then, and then, after that was... Pain. There was only pain.


He noticed that the stone he was holding was missing, he remember that he was holding onto it tightly, then where did it go? He looked around him, there was nothing out of the ordinary, he then started to look for the stone essences. After a few minutes of looking around, there was no result, the stone must have been stolen by some kind of Spirit Animal, he thought. If it was stolen by Spirit Animal then there was nothing he could do, Spirit Animal is not that different from normal animals in terms of appearance, there was only two thing different from them, the first one is that Spirit Animal has desires, liking shiny things or being attracted to objects that has Spirit Energy, while normal animal just follow the flow of life, eat, sleep and reproduce, the second one is that Spirit Animal has different unique skills, there was some that breathes fire, has invicibility and many other. If the Spirit Animal who stole Chase's Stone Essence has trickery skills like teleport or invicibility, then there was nothibg he could do.

"Why am I so unlucky? And here I did everything I could just so I could buy that. Well it's not like it helped me in starting my cultivation. In truth, it just caused trouble for me. "

Chase dejectedly said, he though that if he use the stone essence, he might be able to start cultivating now. He never thought that after absorbing the Spirit Energy from the Stone Essence, he would feel extreme pain no human can endure.

"If I knew that it will only make me suffer then I wouldn't have bought it. Well, I just have to do the normal way of cultivating, it was meditation."

Chase sat down with his legs crossed, he then inhaled fresh air through his nose, after inhaling, he exhaled it through his mouth. His mind calmed down, he then inhaled another fresh air, after that a warm feeling entered his body, it was the same feeling as earlier when he used the Stone Essence, he thought. After this, pain will torture his chest like what happened earlier, Chase expected that after a few moments, he will feel extreme pain, he then exhaled the fresh air he took in, he did this because doing this means letting the Spirit Energy escape from his Spirit Nerve. Chase exhaled the fresh air, he then felt something entering his body, like water it just flows in, the feeling entered his body slowly, and then suddenly, like a water falls, the feeling just kept entering his body, it was going directly to his Spirit Nerve. Oh no, I have to stop it or my Spirit Nerve will break, Chase thought. Chase focused his mind to the limit, he started establishing connection to the water-like feeling to start controlling it, but as soon as he establish connection to it, the water-like feeling stopped flowing in, suddenly it just stopped, there was no need to control it. Chase then felt something different, he felt like his fatigue has vanished and and his senses is enhanced to the limit. He can feel all the presence surrounding him, he can feel the presence of something flying, the presence of something hopping, it must have been birds and rabbit, he thought.


With Chase's enhanced senses, he heard the screeching sound far away from him, he then focused his mind there only to find out that something so fast was going his way. It was about 50 meters away from him but in just a couple seconds, it closed it's distance to 10 meters away from Chase. It will only take a second or two to go where Chase is now that it's this close. Chase opened his eyes, and tried to run away, as of now he's too weak to fight some monster, as Chase take his first step to run away, with just a step, the ground shook and Chase is suddenly 30 meters away from where he was.

"What the hell? "

Chase unconciously said, What's with this? Am I dreaming?, he thought. How did he do that, he don't have that kind of speed, normally it would take him about half a minute to dash a 30 meter distance, but to close a 30 meter distance in a second, there was just no way he could perform such abnormal things. As Chase ponder to the abnormal things that's happening, he realized that the creature that's chasing him has caught up, suddenly it was in front of his face. Chase was shocked, he didn't know what to do, then as if following his instict, he formed a fist with his left hand and then swung it to the creature in front of him, he felt his fist getting hot as he swung it and as he intended to, he hit the creature with his fist. He expected his fist to connect but suddenly, a hole formed in an empty space and the creature entered it, at the same time the creature entered the hole, another hole formed behind Chase and the creature came out of it, so it was a Portal Rabbit, Chase thought as his fist hit an empty space.

"Was this the one who stole my Stone Essence?"

Knowing that the Portal Rabbit has a Trickery Skill, it might be the one who stole his Stone Essence. Portal Rabbit's skill is shorting the distance using portal, it's skill is suitable for running away and stealing things, it's suitable for stealinh because it can creater portal and throw the object it stole inside it, the rabbit can then ran away very quickly. Chase observed the Portal Rabbit as it hop side by side, consecutively entering a hole, it then ran away. Chase did not see, anything that resembles his Stone Essence, well it might have hidden it now in a far away place.

"Sigh, no use pondering about it. Anyway, I feel great now that my fatigue is gone and I have this abnormal speed."

Chase tried to run again to confirm his speed, Chase slowly took a first step while his eyes is closed, he then opened it, the ground didn't tremble, he was still there, he did not move a meter. Chase then tried to run seriously, after a few minute of running he was now out of breath. Where did my speed go?, he thought. He then sat down to rest, and meditated, as if natural, the water-like feeling started to enter his body again but he stopped it by closing his Spirit Nerve. He then focused his attention to his Spirit Nerve, there was nothing different, it seems like it didn't break earlier, he thought. After a moment, he decided to let the water-like feeling enter his Spirit Nerve, slowly the water-like feeling filled his Spirit Nerve, and then Chase stopped it. He opened his eyes and realized that the fatigue from running earlier, has vanished again.

"This feeling-"

Chase looked at his body, he has never felt so great before. His feel that his body has strengthened, his Spirit Nerve was filled with the water-like feeling, but Chase thought that the water-like feeling must be the real Spirit Energy, with this things put together, it can only mean one thing, it means that-

"Finally, I...have started my Cultivation."

He then stand up, and walked away to go home, but he stopped for a moment, he looked around and saw a broken tree with a fist marked on it, and a ground that has a foot marked on it. It was his doing except for the animal poop on the side, he knew that, and then he walked away.

'Looks like the spell work on this human, I sure am lucky to find such great host. Now that I confirmed that spells like Memory Sealing is effective on him, I just have to wait for the right time to commence my plan. It won't be long.'

Hello, BoredPanda here again, I just published the 4th Chapter of my very first Work, I really hope you enjoy it. Anyway, please comment what you think of my work, I will accept anything. Thank You:)

BoredPandacreators' thoughts