
The birth of a cursed.

I do not know exactly what happened, but when I changed my clothes I felt many eyes staring at me and they came from all directions.

I felt those eyes staring at me and no matter where I looked, I could not understand where that feeling came from.

I changed and left my clothes on a branch next to me.

I drew and unsheathed my sword and to my surprise, this was not real, there was no purple stone in it.

And that for some reason filled my chest with fury, I heard a crack of some branch breaking to my left and when I returned to normal had a wolf impaled on my fake sword.

I do not know exactly what happened, but there must be something to do with this place ...

"No kid, this place does not have that effect." The voice spoke again in my head and I was lost in my thoughts.

"You're going to have to live with what I've called mode extreme, well, you did not realize it but my powers are in you again and the extreme mode is no different, in my youth I was a very shy guy and my father found it a shame."

"The son of a demon king afraid of speaking in public, no doubt unacceptable, so he inflicted me with a curse that makes all my desires amplified many times."

"Then the slightest anger you felt became an uncontrollable fury, and boy you're lucky that only disturbs you at night, unfortunately I had to live twenty-four hours a day with this out of control."

"You were the son of a demon king? What do you mean that extreme mode ? has control?"

"Well, it took me a hundred years to control me moderately ... at the slightest stimuli i was in control, but the loss of a loved one was kind of hard, let's just say my servants suffered a lot."

A howl left the forest followed by hundred more, I looked toward the howl and a gigantic white wolf had its eyes locked on me, it was surrounded by 50 smaller gray wolves.

"Boy, this is the wolf king of the east, his pack can reach hundreds, he is the perfect alpha well balanced between strength and intelligence, his leadership and tactics surpass the most experienced human generals."

The wolf had a kind of yellow mark near the ear, was round with a few points upwards resembling a crown, its fangs were out and was at least ten centimeters in length.

His shoulders from one side to another were two feet wide, and from head to tail length was almost nine feet.

"Hey kid, if I were you would stop staring at the king and would start looking for the pawns"

I paid attention to the alpha and really forgot that they had others.

I stopped and began to focus all my focus on the audition and realized that it was perfectly like the one this morning.

I opened my eyes and my vision was clear and even the darkness did not stop me from seeing the wolves hiding in the bushes.

"Finally night, boy, it's time to show the power I gave you"

I moved like the wind and ran towards the nearest wolf, it only took seven steps to be able to reach the front of the wolf and cut off his head

The others saw what had happened and everyone was charging toward me with maximum force, I jumped back and climbed a tree.

I may be stronger, but they had an absolute advantage in numbers so I decided to split them up.

I picked up three fruits and threw them in three different directions and ran over the trees behind and began to hunt the wolves in smaller groups.

At first it was those who walked in trio, then the quartets and when I least expected the giant wolf ran towards me.

Those gray wolves around him also ran towards me and even the scattered wolves ran in my direction.

"Boy I'm going to teach you something very interesting that will help you against this bigger dog"

It was not long before the tree where i to be was surrounded by wolves in all directions.

I got down from the tree and walked to the front, I still had not suffered a scratch at all, but I was feeling it was time to give some blood because of me.

From where i was i ran in the left direction and cut ten wolves and came back leaving a trail of blood straight to where I started.

I upset the wolves and they swarmed in my direction, and from where i was ran to the right, it was not easy to get back to my initial location, but leaving the blood trail was simple.

After that i had no more to as avoid and i suffered a bite on the left heel that prevented me from deflecting with such precision, so i backed up for some time to rest.

Unfortunately i was not granted this time and I had to return to my initial location or else my legs would be torn out and with that I left another trail of blood in my wake.

I already went in three different directions and I did not get anything in them so I only had to go forward, but it would not be easy because in front of me was that giant wolf staring at me.

I took courage and ran towards him, pity that I was not so lucky and had to retreat and the trail of blood was formed.

With that the first part of the plan was made, now the second is that it will be complicated, I ran in my left diagonal and received a lot of scratches all over the body and when I arrived a half meter away from the starting place and from track I cut my forearm and left a blood spot on the floor.

I did this in the other three directions too, and yet it did not look like my blood would end.

This is the last part of the plan and apparently the simplest part.

I ran to the end of my blood trail and from there I started to run and make a circle of blood linking each of the blood tracks together.

I finished three minutes later because of the interruption of the wolves and did everything in a discreet way so that the wolf did not realize the whole plan.

After that it was basically simple all I needed to do was go back to the beginning and die.

"Wait, do I have to die? as well."

It was then that I realized that from the moment he said he was going to teach me something interesting I was no longer controlling my body and only my conscience lied to me and made me think that I was in control.

My doubt was not clear and my body began to move on its own. Passing through all those wolves again, my clothes were a rag and my sword had already broken and all I had left was a sturdy body.

"very well boy, now it's time for your reward."

When I came back to the beginning again my exposed body was bleeding everywhere and yet I felt no weakness at all.

I knelt on the ground and took off my pectoral, the wolves did not miss the chance and ran towards me and began to tear my flesh and even the giant wolf came and stuck its fangs in my neck.

When the last beat of my heart occurred I died, but my conscience was not gone. I saw the wolves eating my flesh and chewing my bones.

"It's time boy, wake up"

A red torrent descended from the heavens and the thin tracks that had been made before became thick, and if one looked from above could see that the symbol of "more" done before was modified and became a cross, the circle that connected the tracks of blood shrank and settled into the four blood points he had made.

The glow took over all that forest and a mystical and mysterious voice echoed all over the place.

"Jake, blood of my blood, through this sacrifice of your life and all these others around you now you are one of us, the first of your name and the progenitor of a future immortal lineage."

"Son, my lineage runs in your vein now, my father will undoubtedly come after you and all humans will try to kill you, the elves will tell you that you are impure and the dragons will make you the number one enemy of your race , the ***** will lock the gates of the heavens and the demons will lurk in the night in search of their soul. "

"Your future will be chilling, and you will be known from now on as Jake Heiler Ambrogio Infernus, surname given to me by my mother and passed down generations to all my people."

"I will protect him until the fire of my soul fades away and all the humans return to their homeland, until all return to the Pangeia, the only land that created them and that welcomed them back."
