

A story has been forgotten through the ages and it portrays how horrible the world we belong to and how an unusual hero came and saved us.

The chaos was loose, we humans were weak and we just did not die out because of our high reproduction.

But even with high reproduction our numbers have dropped dramatically.

In the skies the fire flew on all sides and wings covered the sky, no matter where it looked, the night was commanded by monstrous beings with horns, wings and tail, in the water the marine beings had proliferated and in the forests the beasts were gaining wisdom.

But even so, it was not all lost yet, our race has high adaptability and in the midst of all this chaos some of us discovered that they had special talents.

Unfortunately these talents were too weak to fight, some produced low-temperature fire, or simply moved things without having to toche.

Our adaptability also shone in our body, our strength equaled the common animals, but a bear would not be able to punch something like those beings that had scales on their bodies and wings.

However such humans with special powers were discriminated against, for where there is difference there is also fear, envy, greed and many other negative emotions.

What is not known is feared, what others do not have and you possess is envied, and what is near and you can't have, you covet.

Humans have always been like that and because of these stupid reasons many have been killed or tortured and this has led to even more chaos.

But the war in progress would not stop and wait for anyone, amid the human confusions the horned beings also discovered that they had special powers and that was simply another horrible news.

The horned beings dominated the night, but after the discovery of this power some were even seen by day, and the humans had no chance to live on the plains so they fled and went to sheltered in the forests or mountains.

For years the forest was a good shelter until we began to notice subtle but very significant changes, beasts that once fell into trivial traps now skirted them, solitary ones flocked into flocks, and many bipedal species used branches or tools recovered from dead.

One day a new species appeared in the forests, a species that called themselves the protectors of all nature.

They were humanoid and resembled 90% human, their ears were pointed and elongated, their skin was white almost as if they had never come in contact with the sun and used leaves as clothing.

After such humans appeared many animal species evolved alarmingly fast and began to wage war against the beings with pointed ears.

Previously quadruped animals became bipedal, sharp claws, or any feature that that species possessed before its evolution was greatly improved.

It must be because they came from wild beasts, but such humanoids had an affinity with animals and some grudge against humans, fortunately not to the point of wanting to wage war, but they would still kill if they crossed paths.

Time passed and the humans established few villages in the forest trees and for a small moment we humans had peace.

The sky fire was now seen being blown from the top of the mountains and humans hiding there or were killed or fled into the woods.

The war between beastly beings and those with pointed ears was getting nowhere.

The talents that humans had, the pointed ears also had and used them much more proficiently.

The beasts also realized this, so they hunted down weaker humans and forced them to deliver the secrets of such strangeness.

The humans caught were ordinary beings so they knew nothing about how to get such talents, but beasts were beasts after all, so they did not believe in anything their prisoners told so they ate them alive.

Time has passed very quickly, and in peacetime we end up creating sophisticated tools and conveniently live in peace with those with pointed ears.

Until one day the pointed ears came and said that we humans did not belong to that environment and told us to leave.

Our people panicked, the mountains were being subdued, the plains were full of horned men, the sea was not habitable and it was said to have intelligent beings there too, and even if we tried to stay below the earth we would not have enough time.

The humans panicked and thought about retaliating, but they remembered that even if they did they would only have losses, the numbers increased but even then they were not yet ripe for battle.

Elderly and pregnant women made up a large majority, skilled warriors or strangers with special powers were still in training.

And even in the era of peace we still fought against the beasts and in the middle of that many were kidnapped being they common humans or with special powers.

Then the day finally arrived and we were driven out of the forest and back to the plains, by day we had less danger, but as soon as the darkness devoured all the light, our despair began.

And so the time passed by day we tried at all costs to move away from the attacked areas and at night we tried at all costs to survive.

One day a singular being appeared above our heads, the sky was still dark and the demons attacked us.

The being killed all the demons and saved us, but even so we could not trust him because like the others he had horns on his head, just like the others he had wings on his back, but unlike the others he did not have a tail.

And after that day he came to protect us, by day he would disappear and by night he would come and help us.

He gave us knowledge, gave us security and helped us to create a safe place.

First he told us how the other races were called, the fire spitters he called dragons, the horn-headed ones were devils, the pointed ears ones were elves.

After that he told us about a place we could live in peace and without wars or bloodshed, but that every 100 years a lot of humans from there should be sent back here to help in the fight against the other races.

We were in awe and we accepted without even thinking much about why he helped us or why he told us about such sacred ground.

He told us that in this land there were no other intelligent beings like us and said that there were simply animals and plant life there.

And so we migrated and in this new peaceful land we expanded and procreated and when the first 100 years arrived we were prepared and sent warriors who bravely fought and defended our sacred land.

But time was good and bad, at first we always had the elites prepared, but after each cycle of a century fewer people were sent.

Our technology has evolved, our culture has evolved and after so much time we come to portray our past struggles as tales and something fictitious.

But this is not all truth, and even more painful is that the truth is already about to knock on its doors to warn the end.
