
Advance Payment

Xie Jingyu heard her words, but he just chuckled slightly. Even if she turned into a little piggy, she'd be an adorable one, so he would not mind.

However, he knew better than to say that. First of all, he was confident that she would not believe it, but if she did, she would know of his ulterior motives to marry her, and that would be bad.

Yu Huiyin did not sense Xie Jingyu's strange chuckle; she just rubbed her eyes and slowly rose from the bed. The clothes she had picked had gotten slightly wrinkled, but she gently smoothed the creases.

Her dazed eyes quickly regained their witty and alert expressions again. She smiled at Xie Jingyu, no longer fearing his intentions towards her, and hurried to take his arm with her hands.

"I don't know where the dining room is," she said as an explanation as to why she had grabbed his arm. A smile flitted across Xie Jingyu's lips as he sensed her vigilance towards him was significantly lowering, and he led her out of the bathroom. "This way, wifey dearest."

Yu Huiyin smiled and followed him obediently. She was excited to see what kind of delicious food she would be given.

But although she was eager to get her food, there was one thing she had to talk with Xie Jingyu about, but she knew that she could not bring it up before they were back in the bedroom.

The walls had ears in the manor, everywhere within the entire manor were servants, the only place where they could talk to one another privately was in the bedroom.

Xie Jingyu was aware of this. He led her down the stairs and into a dining room, where the table was filled with steaming hot dishes.

Usually, she was lucky if there were one or two dishes, often they would eat plain congee, but here there were twelve dishes on the table, so much that they couldn't finish it all!

Yu Huiyin had a complicated expression in her eyes. She had felt starvation before, so seeing this much food and knowing that they could not finish it, while also knowing that her brother and grandfather were likely eating congee tonight, made her feel bad.

Sensing her fluctuating emotions, Xie Jingyu instantly guessed what went through her mind.

He took his phone out of his pocket, dialed a number, and waited for it to connect.

"Go buy some various dishes and bring them to Madam's brother and grandfather. Tell them that Madam sent them, but don't call her Madam, call her by her name, Yu Huiyin."

The man he called was the same man that had gone before to tell her brother and grandfather that she had taken on a job, and he knew where they lived. Hence he was the best option.

Yu Huiyin's heart softened, and she looked gratefully at Xie Jingyu. She knew that he was doing this for her, and she was very grateful.

"Since I made sure that they will get some proper food, should you not hurry and sit down?" Xie Jingyu asked, and Yu Huiyin nodded her head, before seating herself next to Xie Jingyu.

The two began eating, and Yu Huiyin found that the food was delicious. It was many times better than what her grandfather could cook - not because of her grandfather lacking skills, but because the ingredients were vastly different.

Yu Huiyin and her family could never afford such luxurious ingredients as Xie Jingyu's chefs used.

After eating her fill, tasting every single dish, Yu Huiyin was surprised to see that there was still so much food left on the table. She thought she had eaten a lot, but in the end, it was merely a slight dent.

"Don't worry, we do not usually eat this extravagantly," Xie Jingyu promised her. "Usually I have three dishes and a soup, but today is our wedding day, of course we have to celebrate!"

It was not before now that Yu Huiyin remembered that today was indeed a special day. But even normally, he had three dishes and a soup? Such luxury. And to think that she would share it in the future!

Xie Jingyu saw her slightly smiling face, and a soft and gentle gleam flashed past his eyes, yet it was gone after a brief moment, hidden in the deep, dark, abyss-like eyes he had.

As they entered the bedroom once more, ready to sleep in there for the night, Yu Huiyin looked at Xie Jingyu.

"I need to get the first month's payment paid in advance," she said stubbornly.

"There are many things I need to purchase, and I have to settle my family in a better living environment. Otherwise, I won't be able to live here without feeling guilty."

Xie Jingyu had expected this, and he quickly agreed. He wrote a check for her as she did not have a phone and was thus unable to have a transfer made to her bank account at that moment.

He was not worried that someone would steal the check from her, as he would bring her to the bank in person to cash it in.

Seeing the hundred and twenty-five thousand that was written on the check, she was so stunned that her heart skipped a beat.

Fifty thousand a month to be a wife, bonus for declaring sovereignty, twenty-five thousand for being his assistant. It was indeed a lot of money for doing absolutely nothing.

Yu Huiyin felt that, for this amount of money, she honestly did not mind having to pretend to be this man's wife. Although he had tricked her, she was now rich! Money was what truly mattered, as long as she was sure that he would not force her to do something against her will.

So, me again with my shameless question - is it possible to as you guys to leave a review? I would really love to have 10 reviews on this story so that it can get a rating :X

Thank you so much!

Tinalyngecreators' thoughts