
[PROLOGUE]. Momoirobara: Flower Village Of The Eastern Sun 「花東の太陽の村」

Deep within the large Island named Tsubaki there is a Village that was once the hometown of the creator - no the God of this world. This God not only left behind an amazing story but she left behind what makes up this world - Chūshin, a Spiritual Energy that is inside all humans. Whether it's a large amount or small, anyone can use this.

This Gods name was Momotsuki Ôtsuki, a young woman who was obsessed with flowers and the moon. She is regarded as the greatest being of all mankind as well as a great monster to many. The reason for this? Well it's quite too soon to tell you her story.

Ciana looked down at her paperwork with a bored expression. She had so much work to complete, many papers to sign, projects to get started yet there was only such a small amount of time. She pushed a bunch of her long pale purple almost white hair out of her pale face.

"Sayuri-sama." A man with onyx hair that was pulled into a long ponytail then entered the room. He had a serious expression on his face. Two Samurai were close to his sides to make sure he didn't try to attack Ciana.

"Yawata~!!" Ciana squealed as she jumped past her papers to hug the man. His blood red eyes turned from serious to dumbfounded. "Oh I missed you~! And stop calling me Sayuri, we were both on the same Team before!"

Yawata coughed hoping that Ciana would take the hint to get off him but the beautiful woman ignored. Ciana wore a light purple dress that was a bit darker than her hair, her breast were quite large. So large that Yawata could feel them pushing against his own chest. He couldn't take Ciana any longer. "Sayuri-sama, act appropriately!" Yawata scolded causing an uncomfortable silence in the room. Even the Samurai seem to be scared.

Ciana's playful eyes turned dangerous. "Huh?" She asked causing both Samurai to swallow hard. Suddenly Ciana turned playful again. "You're no fun Yawata!" Ciana laughed as she stopped hugging him. Only two people could talk to Ciana like that, Yawata and another man named Haku. "I still don't understand why don't you just become a Sensei for the new Ninjas. I think most of them are turning 13 now and are a Shigoto."

Yawata scoffed at such a suggestion. "You know why I can't be a Sensei, Sayuri-Sama." Yawata then looked behind Ciana's desk, there was a huge clear window that showed off the Flower Village, Momoirobara's huge garden of white Tsubaki flowers.

"I know you want me to come back but I have to track down my clan members....for my brother." Yawata muttered causing Ciana to sigh greatly. A dark frown appeared on her face.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm sure the only reason you even come back here is because I made you out information tracker....hmph. After all that we've been through you're gonna treat your best friend like this?" Ciana puffed up her cheeks like a child. "You know Haku comes to see me all the time!"

She then turned her attention over at someone knocking on her door. "Come in." She answered. When Ciana saw who arrived she scoffed darkly. "Guards you can go."

"Sayuri-chan... oh! Yawata-san!" An old man with a cane walked in the room, he was accompanied by a young muscular man with long orange hair pulled into a low ponytail. He had narrow purple eyes and wore a standard uniform that all Takai Ninja wore.

"Bijozakura-sama!" Yawata bowed at the old man. This old man may looked cripple but don't be fooled, he was the previous Otoko no Kage. He stepped down from the role because of his age, Ciana didn't fight him for it so he's still regarded as the strongest in the Village. The old man laughed at Yawata's politeness.

"Lift your head young man, I'm just a crippled old man with a cane." The orange haired man was surprised. Before he could interject Bijozakura interrupted him. "You know it's true Uchiyama... I've been barely running the academy without your help."

Ciana sat on her desk pushing some papers back as she waited for her father to finally speak to her. She grew impatient as she watched him laugh with the other two men. "Father why did you come?" Ciana snapped. Ciana hates her father and wished for him to die already. She never understood why he married her dead mother.

"Oh yes," Bijozakura smiled showing off his many wrinkles. "I'm sure you're aware but the children of the academy are stepping up from Kaishi Ninja to Shigoto. It's only appropriate that the Tsuchikōken comes."

Ciana sighed rolling her pale purple eyes. "Of course I know father..." She then turned her attention to Yawata. "You should come too! I'm sure your little brother doesn't know you're in town! You should see how hard he's trained! Ooh, and we'll get to see what group he gets put into!" Ciana then grabbed Yawata's hand. "And we'll get to see Haku! He's taken a liking to one of the students... of course I can't lie, I've taken a liking to one of them as well."

"Sayuri-sama you have a speech prepared right?" Uchiyama asked as all of them began to head out of her office. Ciana giggled still holding Yawata's hand. "I'll think of something along the way!"

A tall building with a kanji sign that had the character, '地' meaning Earth was surrounded by proud parents and starter Ninja who were still taking classes. As Ciana walked in she received many envious stares, she smiled to the people in response causing a lot to blush and a lot to faint. As she stepped up on the stage she looked down at many admiring students. She showed a soft smile as she pushed back her long beautiful hair causing many girls and boys to blush. Ciana looked behind the crowd to see Yawata waiting to hear her speech, right next to him however was another young many with unruly Snow White hair that had a strand on his tanish face. His eyes were a bright turquoise color. This young man was one of Ciana's best friend as well as Yawata's, Haku.

"Island Tsubaki is the protector of the nature orb, Tsuchi - it is one of the Five Main Islands. These orbs were the last signs of Momotsuki-sama's greatness. Our God Momotsuki was born on this very Island... I know you children have heard those words so many times but please don't take those words for granted.

Momotsuki is responsible for the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the Chūshin inside of us. As Ninja it is our duty to get through this dangerous era because I know we can turn it back into the once peaceful place Momotsuki had it once before. Many of you see me as a great leader because I was one of the kid Ninjas who were born during the Kurotsuki War II..." After the mention of the Kurotsuki War the crowd the clapped in respect.

The Kurotsuki War was an extremely dark time on Earth. Negativity had spread to the 5 Elemental Nature Orbs causing many Ninjas to fall sick or just turn evil. Not many survived and it took 5 years for the world to return to the state that it is now - the 'Gray Era.'

"But please remember," Ciana pushed back her long hair once again. She then looked at the large statue that stood tall in the middle of the village. "If it weren't for Momotsuki-sama guiding us, I probably wouldn't have taken the role as your Tsuchikōken." The young women finished.

heyyy finished the prologue! sorry for a lot of information & boring talking !! i swear the official chapter won’t be this long & will have action

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