
Modern Magus Era

20 years into magic being introduced in everybody's daily lives, there are ever growing obvious signs of First Global Magus War along with several Civil Wars. In such chaotic times, Asnor has awakened as a Magus and he also strives to be a very powerful magus. >AUTHOR NOTE: ->I will definitely complete this novel. My first novel had problems in word building since I had just rushed it by transferring my imagined story into words. I will fix it later on as soon I finish writing this novel. ->The plot won't be dragged at all since like I said in first point, I would like to finish writing this story as soon as possible. ->The plot won't be rushed as long as I enjoy writing this novel. Currently, I enjoy writing the novel a lot. Or maybe the parts where I don't enjoy it, I just write them in as much fast pace possible. ->The plot won't be repetitive at all. That's kind of like my motto or policy when writing this novel since I don't enjoy writing repetitive parts. ->Writing is a hobby, not profession. So, the novel will have a lot of passion placed in it but there will be grammar problems since English ain't my native language. I would need the assistance of readers to correct my grammar problems.

fauxis · ファンタジー
19 Chs

Visionary Power Of Receiving And Utilizing Visions

'It felt like I had deciphered the vision from glimpses of information I got from here and there that I just couldn't figure out as to how I had that knowledge of information. Since I couldn't figure it out, I thought I would just have to look into it in future.'

'But when I knew about the upcoming crisis, I thought it was Gaia who may have given me the vision since my visionary power seemed a bit too ridiculous power considering how weak I used to be in the beginning.'

'Then I knew about Gaia not knowing anything about what's going on inside dead lands from Elf Lord's journal even though I had never read anything about Gaia interacting with other living beings in Ancient Magus Era.'

'Now that I think about it, my assumption was because of how influential Gaia was in kind of everything going in planet itself, that is, Gaia. Now that I think about it, could it be that Gaia is a living planet? Maybe, something like a plant? I don't know. It's definitely something I have to think about in future.'

'But what if it's something I am capable of?'

Asnor couldn't help but have a very thoughtful expression on his face.

'It's ridiculous but considering how unique my magic by itself has been, then maybe. But it's hard to think about myself having such terrifying power. Maybe there's a very compatible medium for my power to work or even side effects caused by my visionary power.'

'So far, I haven't felt any side effects.', thought Asnor while introspecting himself.

'Medium... it's the other reason as to why my power is working. Is there a medium powerful enough that could help me utilize my visionary power... Gaia?'

Asnor's eyes glittered upon his realization.

'Yes! It's kind of impossible for the planet to help myself directly but maybe indirectly? But what about the dead land vision? Maybe, my magic along with medium's combined effect lead to this vision prediction. Bu this is just too ridiculous. I can only verify this assumption of mine after knowing more about the planet itself. But if I were to assume this assumption of mine, I should have been able to predict whereabouts of the remaining five lord hideouts.'

Asnor then had a upset expression on his face.

'Maybe these hideouts has something to counter Gaia's influence. These aren't ordinary living beings. So, maybe yes. If that's the case, elf lord's hideout counter didn't work due to presence of dead magic. I am taking my imaginations a bit too far but I can't find any other way in trying to figure out location of dragon's hideout. If I am wrong, then yeah, back to square one.'

Asnor then walked towards Elf Lord's journal on the ground and picked it up.

'If that's the case, there needs to be a medium for my visionary power to work.'

Asnor turned the pages of the journal book and found something that might work.

'All magical items have great synergy with the Dragon Lord and Fairy King. Only the Elf Lord among the 5 lords excluding Dragon Lord knew about this fact because he had subordinated himself to the Dragon Lord. If that's the case, my visionary power might work with the help of cloak. My cloak functions according to my intentions. I never tried to rely on the cloak to help me predict Dragon Lord's hideout location. Maybe If I do it this time, it might work.'

Asnor focused by closing his eyes.

Few seconds later,

Asnor opened his eyes with flashed with black blue magic while he floated in the air with the help of his magical cloak.

Asnor could see lines in his other worldly view that he couldn't just normally explain at all.

Asnor could recognize relation between every matter around him even though it all seems confusing since the cloak is just allowing him to asses knowledge about matter around himself that he could have never known on his own.

But Asnor ignored it since his true aim was the dragon lord's hideout.

'Focus! Patience! Focus! Patience! Focus! Patience!', thought Asnor to help himself on finding dragon lord's hideout as soon as possible.

Out of nowhere, Asnor received glimpses of information that he felt like he was deciphering it by himself unconsciously.

Asnor then saw a huge open decorated space which seemed like it would be used for festivals or games. Underneath this place, there was a huge palace that no could recognize. There is also a connection between festival ground and the palace which would be utilized at certain timings. Last time it was used, it was around five months ago.

Asnor then came back to his senses and fell from the air since he stopped relying on the cloak and didn't even try to use his own flying power.


Asnor grinned while lying on the flat ground.

'That place above the palace like building is the tournament ground. When I first saw it, I was wondering where had I seen it before. But now I know. It's the tournament ground that's utilized for yearly competition between forty seven different states of United Federation. Each state has a team of five members at it's representatives for the tournament.'

Asnor slowly got up from the ground.

'Each state has it's own tournament grounds. But the tournament is usually held at the most powerful state as a sign of respect from other states. It's up to the state to choose which of it's tournament grounds will be utilized for competition.'

'Currently, the most powerful state is Hynix State. It has been the most powerful states for past one hundred and twenty one years. For the past twenty seven years, it has been utilizing Rabourne tournament ground for the the yearly tournaments.'

Asnor then placed the journal inside his ring that was previously owned by the Elf Lord.

Asnor then thought of Hynix State, 'The most powerful state yet it's very chaotic ever since emergence of magic.'

'The timing at which the connection between this palace and tournament ground is utilized is at the last day of tournament. Is this a coincidence or could there be a reason for this connection to exist. It doesn't matter. I will have to go there myself to decide what to do next. I only found this palace of dragon lord, but I don't how dangerous it could be. I hope it's not or else I will have to give up on getting this magical armor that represents the dragon lord itself.'

Asnor then looked around and teleported himself.


A magus rolled on the ground and spit out blood.

"Hahaha. You're truly weak! I heard that the magi that usually represents Erlion aren't even born in Erlion. But you are different. You were born in Erlion. So, I was wondering how strong you could be? But it seems you are weak! Erlion only wins the tournaments because of outsiders! Not because of people like you who are in fact actually from Erlion. Hahaha.", mocked Corvus from Atros State.

The magus who had rolled on the ground slowly got up while glaring at Corvus. His name was Drasir Roquette was a magus representing Erlion in this year's National Magus Tournament. Similarly, Corvus represented Atros as a magus.

Drasir and Corvus were now having a sparring session in tournament ground because Drasir himself got challenged by Corvus. He was supposed to reject the challenge but upon hearing Corvus's mocking tone, he couldn't help but accept Corvus's challenge to beat him up. Unfortunately, the one who had got beaten up was himself, Drasir.

Right now, may other tournament participant are watching this sparring version. Drasir couldn't help but get ashamed of the fact that he's ruining the reputation of his team after getting beaten up.

'NO WAY! I will definitely beat you, Corvus!'

Drasir then stretched his hands while glaring angrily at Corvus and dark red coloured flat blocks started appearing around Drasir.

Corvus put on a serious expression and focused. Corvus then dashed himself towards Drasir by launching a vibration wave from one of his legs in opposite direction to his dash. Just when Corvus started to dash, his other leg also moved away from the ground to avoid friction damage.

Corvus appeared right in front of one flat block. He then launched vibration wave from his hands to launch himself upwards. He then tried to rebalance himself and used vibration wave again to dash towards Drasir. Drasir used three of his flat blocks towards Corvus.

Corvus evaded the flat blocks in a similar movement like before and launched himself again towards Drasir. Drasir also similarly kept defending himself from Corvus.

Eventually when Drasir only managed to put two flat blocks in Corvus's direction, Corvus smashed the flat blocks apart by his fist that kept releasing vibration waves around his fist.

Drasir tried to protect himself yet again by making the flat blocks vanish and creating a dark red armor around himself.

Just when Corvus appeared close to Drasir, Drasir had already surrounded himself with his dark red armor.

Drasir should have had a confident expression on his face but unfortunately he had a pale expression as if he was afraid of what's about to come.

Corvus bent his body slightly in air and invisible and intense vibration wave came out of his own body.


The vibration wave blew away Drasir while partially destroying his dark red armor which eventually got destroyed by the time he fell on ground and rolled over the ground. Drasir didn't get up and just laid down on the ground while painfully grunting.

"You should have expected the same result since we had just clashed in a similar way as compared to before. How Pathetic could you be?! Loser! Hahaha"

Four other magi behind Corvus also started laughing softly. Many other young magi also started gathering around Corvus and Drasir.

Foot steps were as someone walked towards Drasir. Corvus and other four magi who were laughing glanced towards this new stranger. But once they saw who it was, they shivered.

"Corvus, I hope your joy in beating up Drasir would last long enough until you lose in the tournament. Or maybe not since someone like you would probably resort to ganging up to beat Erlion.", Anna Cuthbert smirked.

Corvus couldn't help but get angry after listening to how Anna was mocking himself.

"Humph! I would if your team's isn't full of magi from outside."

"How about you start respecting the fact that these outsiders that makes up Erlion's Magi Team would rather represent Erlion rather than any other state? It's not like there are no other outsiders representing other magi teams. It's just that many of such outsiders would rather represent Erlion.", replied Anna

Corvus didn't say anything as a reply. He just stared at Anna as she carried Drasir's body over her own shoulder.

Drasir was still awake and he tried to get off Anna's shoulder since he felt it was very humiliating of himself.

Anna spoke, "Just hang over my shoulder if you don't wanna get beaten up later during our training session."

Drasir shivered upon hearing Anna's voice and stopped trying to get off Anna's shoulder.

Anna then walked towards the room inside tournament ground where the magi team from Erlion are supposed to temporarily settle down at.