
Modern Children Are Ruining Cultivation

A technological breakthrough allows modern people to enter a cutthroat cultivation world where the strong rule and the weak grovel. An influx of new cultivators wouldn't usually be a big deal in a world so vast; there is only one problem. They are all way too Overpowered and Strange!

Voidds · ファンタジー
27 Chs


Jaime laughed as they ran down the street, passing several people who cast them strange looks.

Aisha increased her speed, keeping pace with Jaime before looking over her shoulder. "Why are we even running? We could have just apologized and been done with it."

Jenna nodded her head. "It's not like we had a choice. If anything, we can just blame the old man."

Jaime's laughter died down as he turned, looking at the two girls. "You're right, but for some reason, when I pulled her out of the water, I felt like I only had seconds to live. So, I decided to run."

"Big brother is right," Timothee added his two cents. "I also felt like that girl was going to kill us. Although, I can think of a few worse ways to go~"

Aisha knocked Timothee on the head as he seemed to begin daydreaming. "What are you thinking about, you little creep?"

Jaime laughed. "When did I become your big brother?"

"I decided that the second most handsome person in the world would fit the role perfectly."

"Second most?"

"Mhmm." Timothee gave a reassuring nod. "Second."

Jaime laughed again. "Alright. I suppose that makes sense."

Aisha opened her mouth to rebuke these two troublemakers, but she was cut off by a shout from behind them.

"Hey! Stop running!" A girl furiously yelled, causing the whole group to turn.

When they saw the soaking wet girl, looking like she wanted nothing more than to kill them, all of them immediately panicked and increased their speed.

"Stop running my ass!" Jaime shouted back with a chuckle, almost like he wasn't very afraid. "You look like a demon after my soul!"

"Argh. When I catch you!" The girl yelled in frustration as her speed increased, rapidly catching up to the group.

"Ope. Oh shit." Jaime laughed. "Quick! Find a crowded place!"

Jaime grabbed Aisha's hand, quickly pulling her toward what seemed like a type of shop. The rest of the group heard what Jaime said and quickly followed, disappearing into the shop.

"Welco-" The shop owner cut his greetings short, looking at the group that just entered. When he looked at the group, an intense foreboding feeling welled in his chest, like he was staring at an impending disaster.

The shop wasn't overly large, but it was spacious enough. There were displays set up around the shop, showing many different kinds of vases and urns. There was even some plain-looking glassware on some of the shelves as well.

The shop had a comfortable earthy aroma that was most relaxing. The environment seemed to be quite good, and there were a few customers inside browsing the shelves.

The second Jaime entered the shop and noticed what was inside, a devilish grin stretched over his face. "Perfect."

Aisha looked at Jaime and then around the shop. When she made eye contact with the middle-aged man behind the counter, she mouthed, "Sorry."

Timothee came flying through the door next, crashing harshly into the back of Jaime. The collision sending him sprawling backward, holding his head.

Timothee crashed into a large urn the same size as himself. Together with the urn, he fell backward, smacking onto the ground as the urn shattered beside him.

"Ah, shit. What the hell?" Timothee was stringing curses, holding his forehead.

The other two entered just in time to see Timothee crashing onto the floor. Cain was startled, but Jenna couldn't stop herself from giggling.

Jaime chuckled, grabbing Timothee's hand and pulling him to his feet. "Something tells me that is only the first of many."

Aisha shook her head but felt like Jaime was probably right.

The group then dashed toward the far wall of the store where there was a counter used for purchases.

Jaime ran and smoothly vaulted over the counter before ducking down behind it.

Aisha apologized to the man standing behind the counter before also climbing over.

Jenna sat on the counter before swinging her legs over the side and dropping down behind it.

Timothee clumsily tried to jump straight over the counter, but his foot caught the end, causing him to flip and land flat on his back on the other side. "Urgh," Timothee groaned.

Cain simply climbed over the counter and crouched down beside the grinning Timothee, who was still on his back.

"This your shop, old-timer?" Jaime asked, looking up at the man standing beside them.

The man was at a total loss. Everything had happened so fast, he couldn't even form a sentence. But the more he looked at the group, the more he felt like kicking all of them out of his store.

After a second passed, the man looked down at Jaime. "Listen here, you little-"

At that moment, another troublesome-looking person smashed through the door.

It was a pretty girl wearing grey robes with the symbol of a large black swan emblazoned on them. Water was dripping from her hair and the robes were somewhat clinging to her wet body. Her eyes burned with an intense fury as she looked around.

'Please don't be here for the reason I think you are.' The shop owner silently prayed that what he believed was about to happen didn't happen.

The soaked girl walked up to the counter where all five of them were hiding, glaring at the man. "Where are they?"

The man recognized the symbol on the girl's robes, making his back break out in a cold sweat. "E-esteemed guest, please. Don't-" He began to stammer.

"I'm not going to ask again." The girl's voice turned cold as she narrowed her eyes.

The man swallowed fearfully, debating his options. On one hand, he could give them up, but they would probably destroy his shop in a fight. On the other hand, if he didn't give them up, he very well might die.

However, the man didn't get to choose as Jaime popped up from behind the counter–the always-present devilish smile on his face. "Busted." He exclaimed, shrugging.

The girl's fury burned hotter when she saw the boy. His hair and clothes were soaked with water, clearly, it was he who jumped into the bath with her.

"Where are the others?" Her voice was like a hiss.

Timothee popped his head out from the back of the counter, a stupid grin still on his face. The tattoo on his forehead very noticeable. "Here I am!" He shouted, his arms akimbo and his legs spread. "Hahaha."

"Don't-" Aisha's voice sounded as she tried to stop Timothee, but she wasn't quick enough. "Ahh." With a sigh, Aisha also stood up, knocking the grinning boy on the head. "Hi."

Seeing that everyone else was beginning to stand, Cain also stood, facing the girl. He didn't pay her much attention, though, as he began to look around the shop in wonder. "Oh, wow." He spoke, absentmindedly walking over to a painted vase on one of the walls.

The girl's eyebrow twitched when she saw Cain, but she decided to ignore him, looking instead at the smirking brown-haired boy.

Jaime watched Cain completely ignore the girl and burst out laughing. "See anything you like?"

Cain turned, looking at Jaime while holding a blue vase. "They're all so beautiful." He then looked at the shop owner. "Did you make these?"

The shop owner stared at Cain like he was looking at both the bravest and the stupidest person in existence. "Umm. I made some of them. My wife and daughters make them as well." The owner looked around the shop, noticing that everyone but his daughter had left. He glared at the girl, nodding his head at the door, gesturing for her to leave.

The girl shook her head, a resolute look plastered on her face. She had the 'if you're staying, I'm staying' look.

Cain watched the interaction between the two. "Is she one of your daughters?"

The owner looked over at Cain's innocent expression and inwardly shook his head. "Yes, that is Melina. She is my youngest."

Cain looked over at Melina with bright eyes. "Which vases did you make?" He began walking in her direction as he asked the question.

Melina watched Cain nearing her with a strange expression. Glancing at the other two talking at the counter, Melina could practically see the tension between the two of them as the girl's face grew redder and redder. She looked like she was going to pop at any moment. And yet, here was an innocent boy, asking her about her vases. Melina couldn't help but find it funny.

"Uh. I can show you some of the vases I've made, but they are mostly in the back." Melina answered, leading Cain through the store and into a back room.

Melina began showing the innocent boy all sorts of vases in many different colors. Cain's eyes were glowing as he watched, making Melina appreciate the boy more and more. She even began to forget about the conflict that was moments away from boiling over as she became enraptured in showing the boy the vases.


"Take that back or else!" Rella screamed at Jaime.

"What? A beautiful woman deserves to know that she is beautiful. Everything I have said has been the truth."

Rella's face had become pure red at this point, a mix of anger and embarrassment showing on her cheeks. "If you don't take that back, I will kill you."

Jaime didn't seem to pay her comment much heed as he sighed. "It is not my death that I fear. It is the fear of your beautiful self being locked up that I cannot stand. That is why I cannot allow you to kill me."

Rella looked almost confused by Jaime's words. "Locked up?"

Jaime's brow raised at that question. "Yeah, for killing me and breaking the law, ya know?"

Rella laughed. "Laws? The cities have their own rules, but there is only one law. The Strong Rule The Weak. That is the only law of this world. If you have power, you can do whatever you want!" Rella narrowed her eyes at Jaime. "And I am the strongest one here. That means that I can kill you."

Jaime's expression was priceless. He was completely stunned by the stupidity of what she just said! 'Are you fuckin kidding me? What's this, 'strong can do whatever they want,' bullshit? That is the dumbest thing I've ever heard!'

Jaime wasn't the only one thinking that, everyone else had the same thoughts running through their head. 'Isn't that a little too retarded?'

After Jaime finished processing what Rella said, his expression suddenly became serious as his eyes narrowed. "Well then, in that case, let's see if you have the ability."


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