
Modern Children Are Ruining Cultivation

A technological breakthrough allows modern people to enter a cutthroat cultivation world where the strong rule and the weak grovel. An influx of new cultivators wouldn't usually be a big deal in a world so vast; there is only one problem. They are all way too Overpowered and Strange!

Voidds · ファンタジー
27 Chs

[World Announcements Enabled]

A group of strangely dressed individuals sat around a table. Half-eaten dishes covered the table as the group chatted.

A handsome brown-haired young man sauntered down the staircase, yawning as he entered the bar. He looked around the tavern area for a moment before a smile bloomed on his face.

Rella was about to wave at Jaime when she became confused. 'Why isn't coming toward us?'

Jaime ignored the group, instead, walking up to the bar counter and flirting with the young bartender.

Rella's cheeks flushed red with anger. 'This stupid boy!'

As Rella was admonishing Jaime in her mind, a sudden transparent screen flashed in front of the player's views.

If one were to have the ability, they would see every Otherworlder freezing simultaneously, staring into the empty space before them.

[World Announcement: The Annex announcement system has been fixed, alongside several other features. All players should now have access to previously disabled features of the menu. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope you enjoy your time in this new world.]

Cain stood still, reading the message in front of his vision. Before he even finished the first message, another appeared.

[Gift Received: Cultivation enhancement, One Level. Accept Gift? Y, N.]

Cain reached his hand toward yes, but before he could reach it, another message replaced it.

[System Message: Thank you for playing Eden on the first day of launch! Please accept this as a token of our appreciation: Gift Sent.]

[Gift Received: Title - Pioneer. Accept Gift? Y, N.]

Cain was overwhelmed by the number of messages appearing. He quickly reached out his hand, hitting yes on both gifts before they could suddenly be replaced.

A comfortable and soothing feeling enveloped Cain's body when he accepted the first gift. His aura rose slightly as he entered the ranks of cultivation. His body was being subtly enhanced by the familiar energy, opening his sense to the world further.

After accepting the first gift and feeling the great reward, Cain excitedly hit the Y under the second gift.

[Gift Accepted: Pioneer Title Acquired.]

Another message popped before Cain's view, showing him the title.

[Pioneer - Constant Title: As a pioneer of the new world, you have special access to extra privileges. – Allows the possessor of this title to cross the world boundaries. Current access allows player entry into the Abyss Realm, First Circle, once per year. Current charges: 1. Reset Cooldown: 364 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes.]

Cain inspected the writing with interest. A confused expression floated onto his features as he read the description. 'The Abyss Realm? What was that?'

Looking around at the others, Cain could see that they were all also looking through the messages.

Timothee burst out in laughter. "Oho? Now, this seems like fun! Let's go to The Abyss Realm!"

Hearing his words, Rella sprayed the water in her mouth across the table, coughing. "Kah, Kah. What did you just say?"

Aisha glanced at Rella. "You know what the Abyss Realm is?"

Rella's mouth was agape as she stared the Aisha. "You mean, you don't know what it is?"

Aisha giggled at Rella's expression. "Nope."

Rella slumped against her chair in defeat. "Why do I even get surprised anymore?" After a moment of grieving, Rella sat back up. "Well, the Abyss Realm is like the dark side of Eden. For every circle of Eden, there is a reverse circle of the Abyss."

Rella sighed deeply, leaning onto the table. "The Abyss is a terrifying world. It's home to a terrifyingly powerful and bloodthirsty race called Demons. I've even heard legends that there is no spiritual energy in the Abyss."


A sudden squeak came from across the room, making the whole group refocus their attention.

Britta was covering her mouth in shock as Jaime chuckled devilishly. "Who knew it was so easy to become a cultivator?" Jaime cast a devilish smirk at Britta. "Hey, do you wanna get food sometime?"

Aisha sighed. "Haa. That troublesome boy."

Rella seemed to notice something as shock covered her features. Stretching her senses around the room, the shock increases several folds on Rella's face. She could feel that all of the strange people who made up the group had suddenly gained cultivation! Even everyone who was previously mortal had suddenly become cultivators!

Her shock remained for a moment before giving way to a defeated expression. Rella slumped into her chair once again, mumbling. "They just make no sense. Why do I even bother trying to…."

No one listened to Rella's complaints as another message suddenly appeared before them.

[World Announcement System Now active. If you'd like to disable this system, you can do so in the menu options feature.]

[World Announcement: Congratulations, Player - Unnamed Alias - First Player to experience successful cultivation.]

[World Announcement: Congratulations, Player - Unnamed Alias - First Player to acquire a mortal grade treasure.]

[World Announcement: Congratulations, Player - Fire-Brand - First player to fell an Elementary Spirit Beast.]

[World Announcement: Congratulations, Player - Anomaly - First player to acquire a spirit grade treasure.]

[World Announcement: Congratulations, Player - Anomaly - First Player to fell an Apprentice Realm Spirit Beast.]

[World Announcement: Congratulations, Player - Anomaly - First Player to reach the Spirit Apprentice Realm.]

[World Announcement: Congratulations, Player - Anomaly - First player to acquire a wealth of One Thousand Spirit Stones.]

[World Announcement: Congratulations, Player - Anomaly - First player to create a pact with an existing creature, gaining a Spirit Servant.]

[World Announcement: Congratulations, Player….

The announcement continued, but most of the Otherworlders were too focused on a specific chunk, all belonging to a single individual.

"Whew." Timothee whistled. "Is this Anomaly guy trying to speedrun the game or what?"

Aisha and Jenna both nodded. "The game hasn't even been out for twenty-four hours. And they've already accomplished so much. Kinda makes you wonder who it is~."

Somewhere in Eden.

A small figure sat on the edge of a cliff, dangling its feet over the side without a care in the world.

"What do you think big brother? Do you know who Anomaly is?" A young voice rang like bells in the wind.

A large man stood behind the small figure, like a titan hovering over a mouse.

The man's torso was bare, showing off his bulging muscles. His skin was sun-kissed and scarred, giving him a feral look. A leather band wrapped around his naked chest, holding a massive silver great-axe to his back. His long red hair and braided beard flowed with the wind as his dark eyes gazed at the horizon.

"I don't know who he is." The man's eyes burned with a competitive light as he spoke. "But, whoever he is, I will crush him under my boot!"

The small figure twisted its body, looking back at the man. A silver mask covered the figure's features. "What if they are a girl?"

"Huh?" The man seemed to be taken slightly aback.

"Well, you said that you would crush HIM. But, if you don't know who Anomaly is, how can you be so sure they are a boy?"

The big man thought for a moment, raising his hand to his chin. "You're right, Little Princess. That was wrong of me to assume. I apologize."

A comedic scene followed where the massive man bowed his body toward the small figure on the cliff.

"Hehe. Don't worry about it, Fire." The small figure giggled. The figure then turned back, the eyes behind the silver mask looking off the cliff once more. "Although, I am really curious who Anomaly is."


Voiddscreators' thoughts