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What is Mkwmfn

WebNovel で公開されている、Alhassan_Paul_0353 の作者が書いた Mkwmfn の小説を読んでください。Please today I saw wonderful lady who running after a man for sex...


Please today I saw wonderful lady who running after a man for sex



Once upon a time there was a man called Sapateh,He was rich and he can buy any thing he wants. It was heart breaking for him because he had no children and no woman to call his some people in his area start calling him names some are saying he gave away his penis for riches some are saying different things about him. But he likes to help others since he has no children he decided to do charity every single day because he was poor according to him he said that keeps him going and going to success. Their was a young boy called (Ezatu Med) he was 3 months when his mother left him in another man's door those people take good care of him cloth him gave him every thing to survive on his mother pay visit to him almost every day in school because their is her only chance when lunch time comes she started to explain things to her son since that day it was and everyday process for the son to understand things according to her she said it is poverty that lead her to do such since his father deside to run away from his responsibility she apologized to her son.Another beautiful day again she went to visit her son and they start their conversation politely the son asked his mother about his dad and the woman reply "my pikin nah long story o" am listening said the son. 5 second earlier the woman start to explain things to her son telling him that his daddy was a poor man but she loved and cherish him until now he has became a billionaire in the city saying his father was her first love at that time she cannot lived without his father said the woman they struggle together fight things together until he made me pregnant and ran away I struggle so much with you for nine complete monthy I gave you away to those family because they can take good care of you at that time things was so hard for me to survive not talking about taking care of you when I gave birth to you their was no money to pay your bills in the hospital I had to swept the hole compound for a month in the remaining 2 months I lost my mother I lost my family we hard an incident our house was burnt I had nothing left I lost my mother, father two sisters and my uncle I had to sent you away after that 5 months later I here say your daddy day work for one restaurant in the city there he started his success and thing went well for him I deside not to visit him because you have already had a good sponsor.The son later said to his mother that he wish to visit his dad in the city one day the mother reply no problem my son no problem. After a week the mom hard to stole the boy from school and went to the nearest park and buuk ticket for both it was a raining day and a hole day process the next morning they arrived in the city tried to locate the house of her son's father few hours later they finally see the house it was like a movie when the son sees his father tears is every where in his eyes the son ran to his father and hug him so tite coming closer said the son are you my father? The father says yes son am your father the mother was so terrified and the father apologized to her she sees reasons and accepted and they start living a happy life.

Billy_Man · 都市
2 Chs

Villainess's Love: A Boon Or A Curse

Destiny plays the biggest role in one’s life! It could take you to heaven from hell or throw you down from heaven to hell, and when it comes to Love, It plays the biggest role in one’s life. If destiny is in your favor, then love will become a boon but… If it’s against you, the same love in the form of a boon would become the biggest curse in the form of a wound in one’s heart. The same thing happened to Neel Singh Rathore! He belongs to one of the richest families in the world and had everything he needed but he still felt empty in his heart until one day he saw a girl in the rain, trying to hold onto her umbrella! The moment he saw her, He lost his most precious thing to her: His heart! It was love at first sight and now all he wanted was to be with her and spend all his life with her till the last breath he had in his body. He loved her, she loved him back! “Saranya! If there is no you, there is no meaning of my existence in this universe!” “I know! It’s the same for me! I might become a walking dead without you!” Everything was going well but who would have thought that she would trample on his dignity to the point where he couldn’t understand if he should be with her like a loyal dog or save his dignity? But in the end, all he wanted was to be with her! Either she hates him or loves him, he would never leave her! Because he knew that, she could never leave him! If he was in pain then she must be in double the pain he was feeling at that moment! He decided to wait for her to come back and one day, she did come back with a little baby girl claiming to be her father and making him happy to the point where they fought against the cruel destiny, being one together once again and fighting with all the hurdles that might come between them! - - - - - - - - - “No! Don’t look at me! My body is full of scars, which might make you feel disgusted and you might end up hating me!” Saranya said while trying to hide her back which was full of wounded scars. “What are you saying?” Neel said as he kissed her back lightly, “You have nothing which I would hate! Even the ugliest scar is the most beautiful treasure for me!” He said and made her look at his face and wiped her tears away with his lips and then started kissing her softly, making her heart go all soft and full of fuzzy and warm feelings! ------ Disclaimer:- The story travels from present to past, so please don’t be confused! You will eventually understand!

ARU · 都市
30 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
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  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定


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