
Mizuki's Sky

Mizuki accompanies her sister on a tropical vacation for a week during summer vacation, and meets Sora there. His life is already a bit of a mess, but he's giving himself a break before he rebuilds it. It's just a week? I have updated the rating to Restricted, after reading the feedback over the chapter where she is attacked. This story shares charcters with Takumi no Eri, and is part of my Animephile. Pikachu belongs to The Pokémon Company. Any other resemblance to people and places is coincidental.

gusdefrog · 若者
60 Chs

Provocative Movie

They started the movie on the same screen that usually displayed their console game sessions. Mizuki glanced up at Sora's face with amusement, when she saw the opening scene of a girl bathing. He shrugged as he grinned down at her.

A handsome samurai went to tell his teacher that he would be leaving for the next battle. Afterward, he sat on the porch and watched the rain for a while.

His teacher's daughter came out and approached him without speaking. She opened her Kimono in front of him, displaying her bare body, and his physical reaction was immediate and visible. Neither of them made a sound as she stepped forward, and then unfastened his clothes enough to mount him.

The storm became fiercer and blew over them. Instead of cutting away, as it would have in most of the movies Mizuki had seen, the camera watched them having sex in the rain until they finished.

The samurai went off to war, and died gallantly not long afterward, with a long death scene. With his last words he begged his friend, whom he had just saved, to take care of the girl he'd left behind.

When the notification came home, the girl sank to the ground sobbing. Her father berated her for being overdramatic, and she tearfully revealed that she was expecting the handsome young man's child. Her father promptly disowned her, but rather than simply abandoning her, he dragged her off to her lover's family and demanded that they take responsibility for her.

The samurai's eldest brother agreed to take the girl in at his wife's urging. There was no love between the man and his wife, who was miserably pregnant. The woman spoke briefly of how the girl could take her place in wifely duties.

The samurai's second brother tried to claim the girl as his own concubine instead, when she was presented to the household. After a family argument, the two brothers agreed to share her.

They took turns with her, while she sank into depression and didn't resist. It was graphically depicted with several semi-consensual sex scenes.

The samurai's ugly friend, who had vowed to look after her, returned alive, but was both weary and injured. After a bit of hassle, he finally discovered what had become of her, and watched from a distance for a while.

He muttered his thoughts aloud, that it was not a kind fate, but that she seemed resigned. In such a rich household she wouldn't starve or suffer too much, but he stayed and watched over her for a bit longer.

One night, when his wife again refused his advances, the eldest brother approached the girl on his younger brother's night. He was doing it from behind when his brother came in.

The scene was displayed from the ugly samurai's point of view, so all you could tell was that they argued briefly and then the younger brother slapped the young woman. He gripped her hair, pulled her head up, and filled her mouth.

Mizuki looked up at Sora and asked with a kind of horrified expression, "This is one of your favorite movies?"

Sora shifted uncomfortably. "Watching it with you, makes it seem a lot more violent than I remember it," he admitted guiltily. "I think I focused more on the sex and the samurai's story, and less on her point of view. I'm sorry, we can stop it if you want. It does have a happy ending though?"

Mizuki shrugged, and they kept watching.

The girl struggled, but was helpless as they took her from both sides. She was suffocating and she passed out before the ugly samurai finally took action.

He slew both of his friend's brothers before they could give the alarm, grabbed the girl and ran. She woke up before he got very far, and struggled until he told her, "I just killed my best friend's brothers so that you would not die, so run!"

They ran for a long time, and the exhausted, battered girl asked miserably when they stopped to rest for a minute again, "What's the point of running? I already know I can't survive on my own, and how long are you going to take care of me?"

The ugly samurai looked at her and replied calmly, "For the rest of my life, I swore I would look after you in his place."

He took her to a remote village, and claimed a broken down house. Time sped up and her belly swelled as he turned the place into a home for her.

One afternoon he finished a task and laid on the porch of their home to rest. As he watched her doing laundry, his arousal was very prominent.

She turned and looked at him for a moment, then walked over. Wordlessly she bent and unfastened his clothing.

He said, "You don't have to."

She replied, "I know," then lifted her skirt and mounted him.

Time sped up again, and they had several children. He taught their sons the way of the sword. The eldest strongly resembled his beautiful father, but none of the children were ugly.

The movie ended with another framed sex scene, this one in silhouette as the ugly samurai laid down behind the screen that hid their bed, and his erection sprang up as her clothing came off. The credits rolled as they moved rhythmically.

Mizuki and Sora were both silent for a minute, and then Mizuki commented, "I'm not sure that was a happy ending. I wonder what she thought about her sons training to go off to war like their fathers after all of that."

Sora replied unhappily, "I'm sorry. And I'm not sure I ever want to watch it again. It's totally different when I'm imagining you in that kind of helpless situation."

Mizuki patted his arm and said quietly, "Well, I didn't like it very much, it was too sad. But it wasn't boring and it was really well done. The way they framed all the sex scenes like it was some kind of stage play was interesting, and there was a lot of beautiful scenery."

Sora sighed and Mizuki laughed. He looked at her questioningly and she grinned at him and pointed out, "That girl's character was even more beautiful than the actress though!"

"What?" Sora asked blankly.

Mizuki laughingly explained, "The way she affected men. If they saw her body they were instantly hard." She chortled. "Like Kakashi levels of attraction!"

Sora grinned at her and replied, "I don't know that it's all that exaggerated, you affect me nearly that much."

"Oh?" Mizuki questioned with interest, and stripped.

Sora stared at her for a half a second before protesting, "You're sick and you said it hurt your head."

She leaned closer and reached out to touch him, and then murmured, "I'm feeling a little better, want to go do it in the shower?"

"Yes," he agreed immediately, and stripped while she stood up and went to start the water.


Someone pounded on the door after they moved back to the futon. Sora sighed, and then called out, "Just a minute!"

He pulled on pants before opening the door, and his irate neighbor started in immediately, as soon as the door started to open, "I work nights man! Usually your place is totally quiet on weekends, so I know you don't do this all the time, but can't you watch your porn at a lower volume today!?"

"We'll try to be quieter," Sora replied with embarrassment.

His neighbor caught sight of Mizuki in the bed behind Sora once the opening was wide enough, and gasped before demanding angrily, "Are you messing around with a child?!"

"I'm not a child!" Mizuki protested immediately.

Sora blushed and replied to his neighbor's incredulous look, "She's not, she's just small."

His neighbor still looked taken aback, but after a moment he threw up his hands and declared, "Fine, whatever! I won't say anything else, but be quiet until 10pm, okay?"

"Sorry," Mizuki apologized quickly. "We'll close the bathroom door so it's quieter next time."

The man just stared at her for a moment and then shrugged and left. Sora closed the door softly.

Mizuki looked at Sora's embarrassed face and sighed.

Sora walked back, and knelt beside her before asking, "What Mizuki?"

"I'm sorry that people mistake me for a child, and I really wish my age didn't bother you, and I can't think of anything to do about it," she replied in a rush.

He kissed her and assured her calmly, "I'm embarrassed, but I love you, and it's okay Mizuki. Don't worry about it."

After a moment she asked, "Have we been any louder than normal today?"

He laughed and replied softly, "No, but usually it's pretty late when we do it in the shower. How are you feeling?"

"Good," she replied firmly. She kissed him again and assured him, "I love you Sora."