
Mitsuki's Personal and Totally not Filled With Tea Diary

Mitsuki has got all the tea of the universe and he puts it into one small book. He goes through everything you can think of. Literally normal Boruto Universe but make it everything that shouldn't be in it but in a good way. Literally it is in the name, want a rollercoaster ride, just look in Mitsuki's Diary

Siyeon_Min101 · アニメ·コミックス
117 Chs

Saturday, January 2nd 2021

Dear Diary;

So Boruto may or may not have dragged me and Sarada to the Hokage monument. Trying to light a firework he found in Lord Seventh's office, and proceeded to blow up the First Hokage's face. We didn't hear the end of the crying when Lord First saw it. Which was then met by a lecture which I didn't deserve by all our parents and Lord First's Wife.

But tell me why Elder Madara and Lord Second Tobirama was trying to get Boruto out of it. I believe that because of their relationship with the Naruto family, hypocrites to the max if you ask me. But then tell me why my dad and parent pulled up and dragged me by the ear all the way home. You know how embarrassing it is for all five of your older siblings. Big brother Kakashi even though very much having most of his face covered was crying from laughter, Big brother Kabuto wasn't any better, Big brother Tenzou just silently enjoying my suffering, Big Brother Rogu just acting like I don't exist and Big brother Deidara acting like a hyena.

But in the end I was released with apoloizing to Lord First even if I was just an innocence bystander. Sigh, dad got me out of the punishment, while my other parent well they are still not on good terms with the village but we don't talk about that.


Innocent Mitsuki