
Mistakes (BL)

It was supposed to be a happy ending, with us laughing together and loving each other deeply, but what is this?

Yui_Asahi · アクション
2 Chs

1- Are you scared?

Jisung's POV

"Ahh! My whole body hurt why would they want me to run errands for them!" I cursed and stomped my feet on the ground forgetting that my aunt just cut the bottom of it "Ouch!" I bit the bottom of my lip and shut my eyes closed as the wound aches, some people looked in my way with a weird look 'I want to punch their faces' my brain says as I pull my shoes off and took a look at my feet, I sighed a relief that the wound didn't open up, I put the shoes on again before standing straight carefully, I was about to leave but I heard someone crying inside the alley beside me 'Is that a ghost?' my brain panicked as I looked at the dark alley confusedly 'should I go in?' I asked myself and looked at the bag of food in my hand I shrugged and went inside the alley anyway.

As I walked in I saw a small figure beside the garbage, I walked even closer to the kid and stood in front of him "Hi! I'm Jisung!" I say enthusiastically before sitting in front of him, he looks at me with a messed up face I smiled at him, even more, wider and pat his head, he stopped crying and was about to speak but a thunder rang the whole alley making the two of us flinch 'It's about to rain!' my brain panicked again but I stopped as a loud cry burst out from the kid in front of me syncing with the sudden heavy rain 'I'm screwed!!!' I look at the kid again "Are you scared?" I asked him with a concerned look on my face, the kid keep on sniffling and wiping his tears off of his face he then nods indicating that he was scared, his whole body's shaking too.

I don't know what to do should I cry too? No! Omg I don't know what to do!

I suddenly flung myself to him wrapping my hands around him, hugging him tight with a blank look on my face because I don't have any idea what am I doing but he hugged me back and he began to calm down.

Minutes later he stopped crying and looked up at me before breaking the hug "Are you okay?" I asked and looked at him, he nodded and smiled at me I smiled back and take a seat beside him "What's your name?" I asked him "I'm Shin Ryuji." He says with a straight face "I'm Jisung! I'm 5 years old! You?" I asked enthusiastically with a wide smile on my face thinking that I'll have a friend "I'm f-four." He said staring at the ground with those puppy eyes, he's so cute I want to be friends with him!

After a minute of silence, he then looks at me and asked "Why do you have so much boo-boo on your face?" He asked pointing at the bandage on my cheek and a bruised in my left eye, I looked at him blankly before smiling widely again "Because I play too much that's why." I said with a smile on my face, I don't even know why I have these wounds, scars, and bruises all over my body.

After a minute of talking and laughing with Ryuji, someone screamed his name making the both of us flinch "Shin Ryuji! Oh my god!" The lady in a fancy suit runs towards him and hugged him tightly, I looked at them with a smile on my face 'You wish you have a mom huh?' my brain teased, the woman looked at me and smiles genuinely "Thank you for accompanying my child." She says with a smile but then her eyes widen when he saw all the scratches, bandages, and a huge bruise on my left eye, she runs towards me and held my face lightly "What happened to you? Do you want to go to the hospital? Oh my god, who did this to you?" She flooded me with several questions, I smiled at her and shooked my head "I just play a lot and stumbled that's why I have too many boo-boo!" I said with a wide smile on my face, she looked at me with 'I don't believe you' look but smiled anyways "Is that so? Do you want to eat something?" She asked I shooked my head again "I'm good, I needed to go home to my mother probably get worried if I take too long." I said and walk towards Ryuji "Bye JiJi!" I excitedly hugged him and kiss his cheeks "Bye to you too lady!" I said before leaving them.

"You don't even know how to play poker!" I heard my aunt yell from the inside, I froze as I imagine what my punishment is because I came home late, I take a deep breath before coming inside the house "You mother fucker!" She cursed walking towards me with an angry look on her face "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK COMING HOME LATE HUH?!" she yelled even more, as she grab me by my ear and drag me inside, I dropped the bag of food on the ground as I try to fight my aunt's hold, it hurts so much I think my ear would fell off.

She then threw me to the wall my face meeting the hard cold wall with a loud bang ringing the whole room, I felt a hot sensation on my nose my eyes getting watery, but I'm not crying I don't know why I can't cry even though they punch or even burn me alive I just don't know why.

I hold my nose as blood started to drip off of it "Ugh! Fucking weakling! Stop that fucking blood or I'm gonna make you lick the floor clean!" She yelled before going back to the coffee table where my uncle, father, mother, and my aunt play poker "Haha he deserves it." My mother says laughing with my uncle and father.

I stood up and rush inside the bathroom where I wipe the blood off of my face "This hurt so bad." I said looking at the now red water, I then look up at the mirror where I see my face "Woah! HAHAHAHAH you got so much boo-boo!" I laughed at my reflection and smiled widely after, I blinked three times before a tear rolled down my face "Eh? Am I?" I stopped and wipe the single drop of tears and looked at my reflection again "... Crying?" I smiled at my reflection and a stream of tears poured out of my eyes and I start sniffling harder than before "Why? Why am I crying?" I asked myself, again and again, I keep on wiping my tears off but it won't stop.

"Stop please stop!" I yelled frustrated at my tears "No! No! I can't! I can't stop!"

"STOP FUCKING SCREAMING!" My mother burst in and walked angrily towards me "M-mom I can't stop c-crying!" I said still wiping my tears off, she tsked and grab my hair, hard enough to make me scream out of pain "STOP BEING SO LOUD YOU FUCKING MORON!" She yelled even more before throwing me to the room, I curled up holding my head because of too much pain I felt after my mom release me.

I heard her footsteps again but not a barefoot one it's a clicking sound of her heels 'Were screwed man.' my brain whispered, I curled up, even more, trying to protect my head because she once "accidentally" kicked my head with the pointy end of those heels.

She started kicking my back "I lost the fucking game because of how loud you scream!" She yelled and kicked me harder and harder on every kick she gave "Fuck you! You should just fucking die!" She yelled, even more, my back hurts so bad, I can feel my bone was about to break at how hard she kicked, I can't take the pain anymore, I think I'm about to pass out.

Third POV

The poor 5-year-old boy fainted on the spot with his mom still kicking his back.

*Bang!* A loud bang was heard from the living room "Hands up!" A man shouted, making Lee Jisung's mother flinch and stopped kicking her son "Shit!" She starts panicking, taking off her heels, and was about to escape by the window but one of the police came inside the room and make the woman kneel and stopping her from escaping.

The policeman then looked at the little boy's frame behind the woman, curled up "I see the kid!" The police officer shouted making 3 policemen walk inside the room with paramedics behind "Check the kid!" The police officer says before cuffing Jisung's mother's hand and dragging her out of the room.

"The kid's nose broke and he has a deep cut on the bottom of his foot." One of the paramedics says as they wrapped the kid in a blanket and do some first aid because the kid's wound opened up and his nose is still bleeding too much.

They carry the kid to the ambulance to put him in the hospital and cure him while his relatives and parents were sent to jail for abusing a kid.


"And I woke up that's why I have a scar on my foot." I say with a smile "Aww!! Our baby Sungie has a roughed past!" The manager exclaimed hugging me tightly then my other co-worker joined in, all of them feeling sorry about what happened to me years ago, they didn't know that... That's not the worst part of it 'Pfft baby my ass.' my brain sassed.

"I thought you had a great childhood at how you turned out to be a nice guy, lol." One of the guys Nicole was with commented as he showed me a teasing smirk 'I want to crazy murder him.' my brain says with ranging anger on its tone, I don't know but I have this whole crazy personality inside, as my brain keeps on giving me lots of intrusive thoughts my whole outside appearance is like a ball of sunshine all smiley and bright while I think of opening his brain and poured some acid inside or taking his two eyes out and start chopping his head off and send it to his family "Jisung is so innocent look at him blushing while we talked about dirty things." Yuna one of my co-workers says, while my face turns redder but it's not because of what Yuna says it's because I get excited with my brain telling me how he would crazy murder the man that sitting beside Nicole.

After a while of drinking, talking and lots of fake smiles I showed, I excused myself to smoke outside and to clear my loud brain.

I went to a dark alley beside the pub, I rest my back at the wall and tapped my pocket for my cigarettes and lighter. As I lit up the cigarettes I heard someone talking shits about me "Bro did you see how the fuck Jisung looked at me? He looks like, he wants to fucking murder me, bro!" The guy from before says jokingly while giggling with his buddy 'Look? Bro, I want to fucking murder you!' my brain yelled and I chuckled at his response "You're just imagining things, but I think there's something wrong with him." The other guy says "Right?! He's such a two-faced bitch, lol." I chuckled and walked away, I don't want to deal with their bullshit.




Third-person POV

"AGH!!" The boy named Seb yelled as a sharp object caresses his skin "Please! Please! Stop! I'm sorry!" He begged as his other friend was lying lifelessly on the ground with its intestine out and its head cut off. The other boy keeps on crying while Jisung starts deepening the knife on the poor boy's leg "Please Sung! Spear me!" He begged again with a trembling voice and a scared look "You should have to think about it before talking shit about me." Jisung gritted his teeth and stopped, he walked away putting his knife down and getting a spoon and also a bowl, he turned around and smiled devilishly then walked closer to the boy "Are you scared?" Jisung asked teasingly his smile slowly fading midway, he walked closer and closer to him "Do you think I'm scary?" He asked again the terrified man smiled and shook his head "No, y-you're not." He said with terrified eyes and a trembling voice.

Jisung sprinted and grab the guy's face tightly "Why are you shaking?!" Jisung widen his eyes syncing with a terrifying smile on his face "It's b- because i-i-its c-" Jisung stabbed the man's left eye, the blood splattered on his face, and a scream came out of the guy's mouth "I hate people who lie!" He yelled on top of his lungs till he successfully scooped out the man's eye, the scream continue for a minute until the silence slowly take over.

To be continued...