
Missed Marriage : Loving Losing

Two days before the proposal ceremony, her future husband brought her a wedding invitation that made her taste the most terrible hell of love. "What do you mean?". Liana asked with tears starting to fill her eyes. "Sorry, because I will marry another woman". Danu Prayoga answered without guilt. At that moment, her world felt like it was collapsing, her heart was crushed, mixed with a great sense of shame. How should she explain everything to her extended family? ... After her illness was betrayed, Lia changed jobs. She accidentally met the nephew of one of the President Directors of a well-known hospital in the city center where her ex-husband worked. The man was very cold and domineering. However, he has a warm heart. His name is Marvin Alexander. Will Lia be able to heal her wounds? Find the story by reading each chapter in this novel!

Linayanti · 都市
163 Chs

A different life story.

"Doctor, what about the condition of the patient in the next room?". Okemi asked while walking.

"The patient's condition has improved." Danu replied.

"I'm grateful". Okay said.

The two of them had arrived at their room, then Okemi met Danu. She wanted to tell him that all the files and equipment had been properly prepared, "Excuse me doctor, I have prepared all the files and equipment that will be brought this afternoon". Okemi said.

"Thank you! I salute you who are always ready to accompany me to treat patients". Danu said.

Okemi smiled, she blushed, "You're both doctors, it's my duty as a good co-worker, then I'll excuse myself". Okemi obviously.

"Okay". Danu nodded, he returned to continue his work earlier.

So very thorough, Danu must not be careless in looking at his patient files, lest there be patient data that is knocked over because it is very dangerous.