
Miracle Summoner

"The talent in magic is top-notch, but physical abilities are worthless? Summoning numerous familiars, yet staying in the back alone? To this, I only have one thing to say. 'None of that matters!' This is the story of a young boy who cherishes miracles, both receiving and giving." "As long as I have my familiars (companions), I am invincible!" -------------------------------------------------- [This is a translation! The story does not belong to me. The author who wrote this is, in my opinion, one of the best fan fic author I've known and none other can compete with his work. I want his amazing story to reach other readers too. He's written multiple works and this is not his best. I just wanna try translating this one cuz I don't want to ruin his best work. So I'll see if I can translate this properly. I'll be using Google translate and Chat GBT to help me translate this as good as possible. And please if you can, support the original author of this story. The Author's name is "RuQingRuSu". I hope you guys enjoy. ] I'll try and upload at least 5 chapters a day since the author already finished this story. I've just started so I'll be updating this book as much as I can per day.

TypicalFicEnjoyer6 · アニメ·コミックス
1584 Chs

-944- [ Primogenitors ]

The two major flaws mentioned actually stem from the inherent nature of the "Crimson Wing Formation."

Firstly, all its magical power is sourced from blood.

(Ten times the magical power amplification already incurs a substantial consumption, and with the increased multiplier, the blood consumption almost exponentially skyrockets.)

Therefore, even with the "Crimson Wing Formation" breaking through the tenfold amplification, Rozen cannot easily use it. The damage to his own body would be too severe, and mishandling could lead to a fatal outcome due to excessive blood loss.

This is the first flaw.

And the second flaw is...

(Even with the principles of the "Infinite Chain Reaction" incorporated, it doesn't truly allow an infinite amplification.)

This is only natural.

Just like Evangeline, who bears the "Multi-Controller" and "Infinite Chain Reaction," despite needing only the magical power equivalent to a single person to control the entire city of automata, she, at most, can control a city. It's impossible for "Multi-Controller" to envelop an entire nation, let alone the world.

If the magical power truly amplifies to such an extent, Evangeline's body would undoubtedly burst before reaching that level. The same principle applies – exceeding a certain level of amplification through the "Infinite Chain Reaction" would cause significant strain on the user's body and disrupt the structure of the blood being converted into magical power.

At that point, not only would the blood be transformed into magical power, but it would also evaporate before the conversion could take place.

Therefore, even with the incorporation of the "Infinite Chain Reaction," the "Crimson Wing Formation" still has its limits in amplification.

That limit is...

(One hundred times.)

Once it surpasses one hundred times, the structure of the blood will be directly destroyed, and the blood cells will boil and evaporate, rendering it impossible to convert into magical power.

So, a hundredfold amplification is the true limit that the "Crimson Wing Formation" with the "Infinite Chain Reaction" can achieve, and it cannot be further increased.

However, this is still an astonishing amplification.

It surpasses the original "Crimson Wing Formation" technique by ten times. If the ancestors of the Akabane Clan were to learn that Rozen possesses a technique capable of amplifying magical power a hundredfold, they would undoubtedly be shocked.

Not only the Akabane Clan, but anyone else learning that Rozen has a technique capable of a hundredfold magical power amplification would also be astonished.

This is Rozen's current achievement.


(With ten times the power increase of the original "Crimson Wing Formation," the consumption also increases tenfold.)

Rozen sighed.

Originally, the "Crimson Wing Formation" already required the consumption of blood to convert it into magical power. Now, with the power being ten times the previous, the blood consumption will also increase tenfold, making it impossible for Rozen to use this technique casually.

It can be said that, if Rozen dares to use the current "Crimson Wing Formation," even with his entire body covered in blood replenishment charms, he would still experience dizziness and faintness within a few seconds due to excessive blood loss. If the usage time is extended to a few minutes, he would only be waiting for imminent death. 

Thanks to this, Rozen has now shifted his research focus to another direction.

That means finding a way to reduce the consumption or discovering a method to sustain such expenditure.

Fortunately, being in the Demon Sanctuary provides access to various demon species, and ongoing research and analysis of their abilities.

Rozen is considering approaching the problem from this angle to find a solution and has been diligently responding to Natsuki's guidance. This effort aims to acquire academic and magical research books that Natsuki can bring back from the artificial island's Management Cooperative.

These books include some confidential information and projects from Itogami Island.

In summary, Rozen is leading a fulfilling life in this world, continuously enhancing his abilities, and steadily approaching his goal.

(It wasn't in vain that I made the tough decision to travel to this world, regressing to infancy.)

Due to time considerations when choosing the world to traverse, Rozen gritted his teeth and opted to regress to infancy in this world rather than follow the safer route taken when going to the Sword Art Online world.

In that case, he had only regressed to childhood, maintaining the ability to act independently. Regressing to an infant, Rozen would lack memories and the capability for independent action, making it challenging to adapt in a completely unfamiliar world.

In the past, there was no other option, but now with choices available, Rozen decided to follow a path similar to the Sword Art Online world, regressing to infancy.

However, the time gap between the regression period and the flow of time in the world is directly related.

Regressing to infancy means a faster flow of time compared to regressing only to childhood. The time proportion between the two worlds would be larger, allowing Rozen more time to enhance himself.

In this situation, Rozen, determined, chose this world and regressed to infancy. This time, he wasn't alone; Kinu and Gyokuto were there to guard him.

Even though Rozen, in his infant form, couldn't use his powers, and his magical circuits were inaccessible, the two divine beings could maintain their presence for a while, especially with Rozen infusing them with a significant amount of magical power. Particularly Gyokuto, could likely carry infant Rozen and find a reliable person for him.

This is why Kinu brought Rozen to Natsuki.

Thinking about this, Rozen couldn't help but sigh.

(Who would have thought that Kinu would find a witch as my big sister?)

Moreover, this witch has quite a background.

The problem is...


For some reason, Rozen's face became clouded.

In this situation, Natsuki observed Rozen and suddenly spoke.

"Perfect, I plan to take a long journey soon. Why don't you come with me?"

"A long journey?"

Rozen was suddenly stunned.

This isn't something particularly unusual.

As a national attack mage and an instructor in the Special District Security Forces, Natsuki sometimes receives tasks that require her to travel to other demon sanctuaries. Her title as the "Witch of the Void" was earned during one of those missions, instilling fear among European demons.

Now, Natsuki is going on a business trip again, and Rozen doesn't find it strange.

However, if he is to accompany Natsuki, it would be the first time.

After all...

"Natsuki-nee, haven't you always believed that I'm too young? Even if I want to become an attack mage, wouldn't I need a few more years? Why do you suddenly want to take me on a business trip this time?"

Rozen couldn't help but mutter.

In the end, in this world, Rozen is only twelve years old.

Taking a twelve-year-old brother on a business trip, especially to a place that could potentially become a battlefield, the past Natsuki would never have done such a thing.

"If something happens to you, wouldn't all my efforts over the years be in vain?"

In the past, Natsuki would use words like these, glaring fiercely at Rozen, te

lling him it's too early for him to be involved in such matters.

This indicates that Natsuki does indeed have a hidden side of doting on her younger brother.

As a result, suggesting such a thing this time truly surprised Rozen.

Regarding this...

"You should be aware of the existence of the 'Primogenitors,' right?"

Natsuki responded with a question.