
minecraft system in a disruption world

Once upon a time, the world was just a darkness filled with madness everywhere. a star fell from the sky splitting the horizon, and immediately shattered on the ground, giving 4 great powers to the 4 creatures on the ground. they are called 4 Kings. a lot of time has passed... A Minecraft player, came to this world with an abnormal, problematic psychology. They call him the... "King of loneliness" author: @World_simulator ps: this novel mostly Mtl i will do my best to edit it

Inttax · ファンタジー
22 Chs

crushing the mage, fort master

Due to the fire spear that was cast by the mage just now. The ground where Thea and Aertal had just started to be submerged by the sea of ​​fire, and this made the soldiers not far away, start sweating profusely from the rampant heat.

"Hold the fire!"

The hot steam on the ground began to spread into the sky, and this caused the black clouds in the sky to gather more and more, and finally began to slowly rain.

At first only a drop of water fell. But as time went on, more and more water fell from the sky, and the heavy rain finally arrived.

Watching from above that it was raining and starting to fall into the sea of ​​fire, which caused the hot steam to rise up the sky more and more. Dalil narrowed her eyes, and didn't relax her guard at all.

Even though she's arrogant. she would never underestimate any opponent. For such people, they are already eliminated by the baptism.

Maybe that's why all the magicians in this kingdom are very strong, and don't know the word surrender at all.

Waiting for a while and watching the flames of the sea of ​​fire closely. Dalil, suddenly seeing an object in the shape of a black circle, started heading towards her very quickly.

She smiled.

'(I know that the monsters in the abyss forest will never be that easy to lose.)'

The mage knows that with the speed of the object that is approaching her. The chance to dodge it is practically impossible.

However... Dalil is a magician.


The black object started appearing in front of her in a matter of seconds, and started crashing into the barrier that was supposed to use magic very quickly.

The mage started casting protective magic again, so that the shield she created wouldn't break, and cause her to lose his life.

But the mage didn't expect what happened, she thought that the round object would damage her protection and overwhelm her.

Not like that.


Thea suddenly appeared in front of her!

The mage: "!!!?!"

"I say get off."

She swung her netherite sword at the mage and slashed it very quickly. The mage that was protected by the protective spell bounced off, and fell to the ground very hard!



The ground around the mage cracked quite horribly. But was still protected by the dozen or so protective magics she made, didn't hurt at all except for a bit of shock and astonishment.

Looking up from the sky and realizing that the mage is fine and still alive. Thea snorted her nose, and started to pick up a weapon.



"You want to enchant your item?" Sandy asked curiously.

Thea took an emerald that the villager gave her for free and handed it to Sandy.

"Why, it can not be enchanted?"

"Wow, you're quite aggressive. Take it easy, I just wanted to tell you that item enchanters are impossible. Apart from you being a mage, then no one else can!"

Thea looked at sandy confusedly: "Can I become a mage?"

Sand waved his hand: "Oh, look at yourself. Let's forget what we just talked about. I have a special offer for you."

Thea was still silent, and waited for Sandy to finish speaking.

"I have a weapon that has been enchanted by the witch! I accidentally found it in an ancient relic. YOU CAN GET IT FOR 3 EMERALD STONES!!!"

"I wanna buy it." Thea answered without any hesitation at all.

Staring at the trident, which is sea green and has a three-pointed spearheads. Thea didn't feel any difference from the usual trident.

"I'm telling you. The effect can only be used when it's raining. Remember, when it's raining!!"


Gripping spears that have been enchanted using Channelling and Riptide. Thea held onto it very tightly, and started pointing the tip of the spear at the arrogant mage.

"God bless me."

In the eyes of the soldiers and magicians inside the fortress. They saw a humanoid monster wielding a spear in the dark sky, and the sound of thunder in the clouds began to boom more and more like a demon angry at the mortals beneath the ìt.

The blue lightning that was originally still wriggling in the black clouds was like a worm. Started moving towards Thea, and they started to enter the Trident very fiercely!

"TWO!!!! TAR!!!!"

A dazzling white flash of blue lightning began to strike the Tridents in Thea's hands one after another. And the Trident began to vibrate as if it had come to life.


Staring coldly at the mage who had fallen to the ground. Thea started activating the riptide ability.

Proof: "!!!!"

It moves at supersonic speed and leaves a white flash in the air. Thea stabbed the mage with such force, that it broke out in a cold sweat!


The result of the spark of the Trident spear in Thea's hand with a layered protective spell set up by multiple layers of theorem. Making an extremely thunderous sound, as if a god was raging in anger!


With a flash of lightning in the sky that continued to fill the Trident with boundless lightning power. The protective magic installed by the mage, began to break out one after another!

Mage: "!!!!"

The scariest thing in war is not death. But see death itself slowly coming to you.

Every layer of protective magic she had created over the time to guard herself. started to break apart one after another, and this made the mage gritt her teeth even more in fear!

The lightning in the sky also seemed to be helping Thea continuously. Which made her even more desperate!

With the silhouette of a black figure blurred by the flash of lightning in front of her. She could see, that this monster's eyes, really wanted to kill her!!


The more she exerted her strength to stab the mage's chest while being helped by the lightning in the sky, striking her continuously. The blade of the Trident spear began to advance inch by inch, and it drew nearer, to pierce the magician's chest!

The mage was sweating profusely!

Her eyeballs and mouth started to bleed, to make the protective magic become even stronger!

She started to feel the god of death coming to pick her up!!


With a final flash of lightning as if to help Thea break the camel's spine. The last protective magic the mage had finally broke, and Thea stabbed her in the chest with no mercy at all!!!


The plot of land that was originally cracked due to the magician's descend. It started to crack violently again, and in between the cracks, you could see flashes of lightning that emitted a dazzling white glow!

All the soldiers and mages felt their eyes hurt so much looking at this huge crack in the ground.

Even Aertal, opened her mouth wide so stupidly.

"Ma'am... So she was not serious against me!?"

Seeing that huge crack and the tremendous power Thea had unleashed just now. Aertal gulped down its saliva with difficulty.

Imagining that it had taken the mage's place just now. Aertal could be 100% sure that it would die inside Thea's stab that fell from the sky.

"Ma'am... I'm lucky."

Thinking back it could live and not die at the hands of the monster. Aertal wiped the cold sweat on its forehead with difficulty.

Even so... For some reason all four of its legs were still shaking with fear.

The rain from the sky also began to slowly subside, it seems like all the rain stored up there, has been drained and nothing remains.

The dust that floated around the place also started to dissipate from the light rain, revealing Thea's figure holding the Trident spear with both hands.

Having a smoky body and also a few small lightning bolts still hanging around her armor. Thea looked at the scorched earth in front of her, and she couldn't help but stare blankly at it.

Proof... Suddenly disappeared.

Thea: "...."

It was silent for a while and then released the Trident which was lined with cracks everywhere. The moment Thea let go of the handle, the Trident broke, and shattered into smithereens.

Thea: "...."

Lifting her head blankly. Thea crushed the healing potion, and looked up.

"Wow, I didn't expect that there would be 2 king class creatures who wanted to attack my fort. I turned out to be quite popular."

Standing in the sky without any help. A person wearing a wizard's robes, stroked his long beard proudly.

Seeing that there was a mage on the broomstick that was around the old man. Thea knew that this person was not a friend at all.

"Ma'am!! STOP!!"