
Episode 56: Alpha and Omega (1)

******* Rose's POV ********

"Are you out of your mind!?" I shouted at the Prophet while punching him in the face.

I forgot to control my strength and my punch manages to send the Prophet flying across the room then he rolls on the floor.

I put away my bow and started walking towards the Prophet. It is quite hard to avoid the injured soldiers on the floor since they are quite a lot of them and I'm not in the correct mind right now so I just kicked some of them away who are blocking my way.

The Prophet is on the floor, coughing blood and gasping for air. I stand in front of him and picked him up. He didn't struggle in my grip and didn't say anything.

"Have you forgotten that the last time someone attacked the Ender Dragon is with a force of the entire world and even then, they still lost?" I asked the Prophet.

"Last time, the world didn't have him leading the assault." The Prophet replied while staring at King Carolus.

This old man is sickening me. Can he not hear himself talk? Does he not know that he sounds insane? Did he really think that a mere five thousand soldiers can win against the Ender Dragon even with King Carolus leading them?

"Get the kids out of here, Rose."

I can suddenly hear King Carolus voice behind me.

"What?" I asked King Carolus while still holding the Prophet.

"Get them out of here."

I look at King Carolus and he has the face and aura that you don't want to mess with. He looks really angry and this is my first time seeing him like this.

I don't know why King Carolus wants the children out of here but it looks like he is not in the mood of taking any questions or having his orders delayed.

I let go of the Prophet and he drops on the floor. I don't know what King Carolus' plan is but all I know that this old man will not get out of this room alive if I don't do something.

"King Carolus. Listen to me. This old man has quite a lot of support in the kingdom and they will be a huge uproar if something happens to him." I said while slowly walking towards him.

"I can take care of myself." He replied with an indifferent tone.

"It is not you, I am worried about."

I stare at King Carolus and it looks like he already made up his mind.

I just started walking towards the prison room where the children are. I opened the door and all of them are on the floor playing with whatever it is King Carolus gave them.

"Come on. Follow me." I said to the children and all of them just stared at me.

"Now!" I shouted and they quickly rose in their feet and started walking out of the prison room.

The children saw the injured soldiers on the floor and their faces quickly filled with disgust and horror.

"Start walking. Keeps your eyes forward and ignore the people on the floor." I said to them while ushering them to move forward.

I managed to guide the children out of the room.

I suddenly can hear explosions in the room but I didn't turn back and I also made sure to have the children keep facing forward.

******* Carolus' POV ********

The moment Rose and the children leave the room, I quickly equipped a bow in my hand and nock an explosive arrows.

Sisilla has been storing supplies in my ender chest since both she and Arthur are in the nether. I don't know what they are doing in there but the explosive powder is really handy to have.

I pulled the string of the bow and aimed at the Iron Farm. I have to make sure that this thing will not be used again. I let go of the string and watch as the arrows fly in the air.

Multiple explosion occurred and the room is started to fill up with smoke.

After a while, the smoke cleared up and the Iron Farm is totally destroyed and there is nothing left and even the Iron Golem is gone.

"What have you done? Did you have any idea how long for us to have that Iron Farm working?"

I can hear the Prophet saying things besides me. I turned to face him and change my weapon into a sword. I then started walking towards him.

"You are making a huge mistake! With my plan, we could liberate this world from monsters!" The Prophet shouted at me while he is also spewing blood in his mouth.

The Prophet is now within the reach of my sword. He looks at me with a strong conviction in his eyes that it sickened me. He still thinks whatever he is doing is right and is the only way.

My right hand is itching to swing the sword but I managed to stop myself. Nothing will change even I kill this old man. He is no use to me since the Goddess won't talk to him.

I just turned around and started walking towards the door.

They are now another set of soldiers facing me. One of them suddenly walks forward.

"I am Crown Prince Ancelot. Surrender your weapon and..."

The man didn't get to finish his sentence since I just shove him out the way. He is sent flying towards the side and his soldiers manage to catch him.

I don't have time to talk or entertain anyone. I want to get out of here. I want to breathe fresh air.

The soldiers that came with the Prince started charging at me but I just ignore them and just swear that whoever comes to me will absolutely wind up dead.

"Get out of the way! Let him through!" I can hear Rose shouted at everyone.

The soldiers suddenly stop moving and turn around to face Rose. They look at each other for a second and they quickly made a way so I can pass through.

I started walking again while ignoring everyone. Rose suddenly grab my shoulder as I'm about to leave the room.

"Thank you," Rose whispered to me.

Thank you for what? Sparing the old man's life?

Rose let of me and I just continued walking out this place.

******* Ender Dragon's POV ********

None of my creations manages to create huge damage against humans.

The leader of the Phantoms is also dead so I guess my plan to rally my creations has failed.

Some of them also stop listening to me and it is fine since I gave them the freedom to think for themselves.

The Goddess is still weak and I can't let this chance go. I guess I just have to do it myself if I want the humans to bow before me.

I started to stretch my body to see how much I can move with these chains stuck to me. It is hard but it is not impossible.

After making sure that everything is prepared, I opened my mouth and roared, creating a huge crack in front of me connecting to the overworld.

******* Carolus' POV ********

There is an emergency meeting conducted in the citadel and I'm sitting here listening to the people here bickering and screaming.

"What? Are you out of your mind, uncle? You want to just exile that man right there and not have him locked up in a prison?" Rose said to the King while pointing to the Prophet who is tied down to a chair while two soldiers guarding him to make sure he won't run away.

"Rose. Even with his lying and manipulation, the man did save this kingdom from hunger and even enhances the overall equipment and tools of our soldiers and workers." The King replied.

"Yes. Father is right and they will be an open rebellion if the populace knows about the imprisonment of the Prophet." The Crown Prince said.

"Just keep your mouth shut, Ancelot. We are having a conversation here." Rose quickly said to the Crown Prince making him shock and his face is filled with anger.

"What is the matter with you, Rose? What did I do to you?" The Crown Prince asked.

"'What is the matter with me'? Are you kidding me? Your the one that didn't turn up when I call for aid and you still even have my armies." Rose said.

"We just got back from the recent battle and the army is tired so I ordered to rest at the border until they fully recovered."

"'Tired'? You are not fooling anyone, Ancelot. The Xaerin only has 2500 soldiers I heard when they march in our lands and you have 5000 in your command. You also have better equipment and better weapons so the battle was already decided. I bet you didn't even kill anyone that day and decided to just step back and let others do the work."

The bickering still continues and I just sit here with words that keep on repeating in my head.

'You will never get back home. Hahaha.'

The words of the illager are haunting me and it won't go away no matter what I do.

I decided to go back to listening to the conversation at the meeting.

"Just tell the people what the Prophet has done then have the old man locked up for eternity. Why complicate things!?" Rose said while slamming her hands on the table.

The room shakes a little bit and my head is starting to get more painful because of the shaking.

There are now people screaming in the room and I'm tired of all of this.

'You will never get back home. Hahaha.'

I raised my right hand and slammed it on the table. The room shakes so hard and all the people who are standing lose their footing and fall down on the floor. All the glass panes on the windows shattered into pieces. Most of the lantern's light was snuffed out making the room dimmer.

After the shaking finally died down, the room becomes quiet and everyone in here stares at me.

I ignored all of the people here and just stand in my chair. I turned around and started walking towards the door.

My ticket out in this world is the Prophet but he just lied to me and he is powerless. I don't have any back-up plans whatsoever.

I can hear someone following me from behind but I just ignore it and just continued walking until I reached the edge of the citadel then climb up on a tower.

I can see from on top of the tower the entire city of the capital of Aezeokar.

None of the people in this city knows what just happened inside this citadel and the royal family will try to keep it that way but I don't really care.

'You will never get back home. Hahaha.'

I noticed that tears suddenly started flowing in my eyes. I quickly wipe them away.

"Is this one of the reasons you decided to hide instead of helping the world? You want us to face our reckoning and pay for our sins."

I didn't notice Rose is now standing beside me when she started talking.

I still don't have any idea what she is talking about and I'm tired of it all.

I didn't answer Rose's question and just turned around to get back in my room. I want to be alone right now.

Rose didn't say anything and just started walking beside me.

I was about to say to Rose that I want to be alone when I suddenly notice the children that got imprisoned in the Iron Farm walking around on the ground.

The children are well-dress now and very clean. It looks like they are taken care of though I wonder what will happen to them.

"Don't worry. They will be sent to an orphanage since all of them are orphans. The Prophet purposely chose those children since no one will be missing them." Rose explained beside me like she just read my mind.

I see. I guess there is still have a positive thing from this nightmare I'm having.

One of the children suddenly noticed me and started waving his hands at me. He is holding something in his hands and it looks like it is my compass.

I was about to wave back at him when there suddenly a huge roar echoed in the sky.

Everyone around here covered their ears except for me and Rose.

I look up in the sky and notice a huge crack and something crawling out in the hole.

It is the Ender Dragon.

I'm sorry I didn't publish yesterday since my family and I was celebrating my niece's birthday.

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I hope you all enjoy this.

Nayamoraccreators' thoughts