
Chapter 1: Millie

I'm gonna tell you right now, Millie is not here anymore. She is gone. It was an accident. I was in the car with her. I was the driver. It took me awhile to realize it but, it's not my fault. It was the other drivers fault. He was the one texting and driving. It still pains me, how one moment we were singing and dancing to the Ariana Grande song on the radio, and the next Millie was dead, just like that. One second she was alive and in the next she was gone. I would give anything to go back, but I can't. It's the past, and I can't change it. She flew through the windshield because she wasn't wearing a seatbelt. She took off her seatbelt so she could dance. I remember the last thing she said to me, "I love you".Thats what she said to me. No matter where I go, I still hear her laughing and smiling right before the car hit us. I remember the exact song that was playing on the radio that we were singing, "Break up with your girlfriend" by Ariana Grande. We were like halfway through the song when the other car hit us. My head slammed off the steering wheel and I hit my head hard enough that it knocked me unconscious. I actually didn't see Millie fly through the window, and thank God for that.

I woke up hours later and I was still in the car. I think I should point out that we were in the middle of nowhere. The guy in the other car didn't die, but was completely paralyzed. I remember that when I woke up, the first thing I did was reach my hand out to Millie and I'll tell you, when I didn't feel her there, I felt sick. I turned my head to look at the seat and she wasn't there. I started panicking when I saw the huge hole in the window right in front of Millie's seat. I opened the car door and dropped out the car. I remember standing up and looking at the other car. I felt like I was gonna puke when I looked the other way and there was Millie, just lying there, in the middle of the road. I could barely walk straight. I walked over to Millie and low and behold, she was still alive. Her eyes were open and she was staring at me. I sat down next to her and layed her in my lap. I started crying. We were in the middle of nowhere and there was no phone service. She looked at me and she just kept dozing off but kept herself awake. I held her hand and hugged her. Her hand was bloody. I held her for a couple minutes and then told her it was ok to go and that I would be fine. I was lying though. I could feel her relax and close her eyes. I felt her hand let go of mine, and she was gone.