

In short, I woke up in a white room. Literally, ceiling floor, all walls perfectly white. Even the chair I sit on is white, the table in front of me is also white. If you're curious about where I came from, the answer is I don't know.

The last thing I remember was when I went to sleep after reading Fanfiction all day. It was Saturday, I am allowed. And apparently I fell asleep to never wake up again.

(Michael)-Thank God I don't have to see my family. When they find me dead in bed. I don't know if I would I survive it.....Hehehe.....It's funny because I'm dead ... hehe ...

(God)-Maybe enough, I know I didn't give you a good sense of humor.

For a moment I was stunned, as if I guessed that there is a chance to meet God. I read a lot of these things, but I would never guess that he would look like Morgan Freeman. I watched a movie where God played and maybe that's why God appeared to me in this form.

(God)-That's right, so tell me what you want. I know usually people go to heaven or hell. Recently, however, it gives some people the chance of what you call "reincarnation in a fictional world." Come to me this fictional world is not fictitious. Just one of those that I created. And answering your questions. Worlds that you you think they are fictitious, they really exist. People from your world can be said to have visions or to come and create stories, novels, movies about events from other worlds. You understand the truth.

(Michael)-Damn, wait, wait. Does this mean that there is a world of High school DXD, Bleach, Marvel, DC, Pokemon ...

(God)-Indeed, so tell me what you want. You have three wishes.

Hell, what to choose here, what to choose here. So many possibilities, and so little choice. Hmm ..... I have ideas.


(Michael)-So good, I would like to have a System. You know what's going on like in the novel. Which I read in my lifetime.

(God)-I understand and how you would like this system

(Michael)-I've always had one idol. I would like a system based on Alucard from Hellsing.

There was a moment of silence, God was lost in thought. There was silence for fifteen minutes.

(God)-Do you understand what you want.

(Michael)-Yes of course. I am ready.

(God)- Heh...Yes, you will receive the Alucard system. However, it modifies it a bit. You will find out your time.

I am grateful that I have a chance to ask him something. If he gives me some restrictions, it's hard. I just have to work harder. And that's it.

(Michael)-Thank you, I rely on you.

(God)-Hehe...Good second wish.

To be honest I'm not very handsome and even if I was. I would like to become like him. To whom? To Alucard, he is my idol. Come not identical, younger version.

(Michael)-I would like to look like Alucard. Only a little younger, about twenty years old. And not identical, a bit more handsome.

(God)-As you wish, but your age will depend on the world you go to. So choose.

Damn I don't know what to choose .... So many options ... I don't know .... Fuck ....

(God)-Okay, I understand what you think. So let me make your case easier.-Then God snaps his fingers and next to him a Giant lottery machine appears. You know the big circle with the names of anime, movies, series and the like. And at the top of the circle is an arrow.

(God)-Okay, come and draw your first world.


Yes, I will give you the opportunity to move to the next one first. But in time the system will explain everything to you. Spin now

>The sound of the spin machine.

The machine begins to slow down, increasingly slowly. Until the moment I see the inscriptions on the wheel. The arrow passed the world of Helssing. (Not T-T), then passed Marvel, then DC ... And when he was about to stop, and in a world he would not want to go to. The arrow slows down and from what I see it wants to stop in the Pokemon world.

I fold my hands to pray and say:

(Michael)-God, that's not it, it's not that ...

God smiled at me and waved a hand lightly. And the arrow when it was supposed to stop in the world of Pokemon. She jumped one field and landed on ...

(Michael)-High School DXD...

I was about to approach God and hug him. But I stopped myself because he could change his mind and send me to purgatory.

But after all, I was thrown into the deep water. This sunrise is at a high level of difficulty and I can be killed quickly. But it is also a chance to gain strength quickly. Because I watched anime, several times, all seasons. And if I was lucky I could use it.

(God)-It can be difficult, so take care. It will now send you to one of the alternative dimensions of High school DXD. It differs from the original one in fact that you are in it. So I hope we don't meet soon, if you know what I'm talking about.

And suddenly darkness fell.

This will not be pure anime download. It may be that we will see characters from the Anime series in a few chapters. So wait for the next one.

Kriuswercreators' thoughts