


"Hmm. You guys, why are you here?" I ask my classmates who are outside of the police station as they all approached me.

"Kaito. Are you alright? Did you manage to get away with the previous stunt you pulled off?" Ilda ask me.

"Yup. I am right though we will have one week off." I replied to his question as some of them cheers getting a week off.

"H-Higurashi," Deku calls me as he bows to me.

"Thank you for saving us back there." He thanks me as I blink my eyes hearing that as Ilda, Koda, Denki and the others except Shoto and Bakugou thank me as I scratch my cheek.

"It is not a big problem," I replied as I put both of my hand into my pockets as I walk away from them until I stop walking. I turn my head as I look back toward them.

"But never expect for me to rescue you guys again. It is not that I want to say I did not want to save you from villains but we are heroes in training. We need to be strong enough to fend off the villains. If you are not strong to defeat a villain, at least make sure yourself did not become a burden to others. You guys enter here to become a hero. Then at least train for it. Many people will depend on us the moment we are known to the public. It is not like we can always depend on All Might to rescue us when we are in pinch. He eventually will become an old man who had to use a wheelchair to move around. We the student of UA High School need to fill in his shoes and the other heroes to become the next generation heroes. Train your ass off until you fainted. Even though Aizawa-sensei said no training during the week off, just ignore his threat. It is not like he will expel us after we had potential as he said. Your drive to become a hero reflects on how much effort and determination you had in yourself." I give them a speech as I know these guys need to be stronger than their Manga version and Anime Version.

After all, the villains are getting stronger each time we confront them. So we heroes need to increase our strength too.

"W-wait Higurashi-san." The rich girl, Yaoyorozu Momo suddenly called me out.

"I heard you train with Class 1B-girls after the school ended." She said to me as I raised my eyebrows as I know with how chatty the girls from Class 1B, no wonder she heard about their training with me.

"Yes. I indeed have trained with them and pinpoint out what they need to do in their fighting styles and way to improve them using their Quirks." I told her.

"Then can I also join the training session?" She asks me as I bore my gaze toward her eyes.

"Fine. But we will do it after I tell Aizawa-sensei who is behind you guys." I said as I point my finger as all of them look at our home from the teacher which makes them jump in surprise.

"S-sensei?!" They all shout except Shoto, Bakugou and me as we three gazes at All Might who has a very wide smile with a proud expression on his face, President Mic, Nighteye who seems to be just put away his recorder, Detective Tsukauchi and Principal Nezu who has a smirk on his face.

"Hahaha. A nice speech you give there, Kaito." All Might said as Principal Nezu and Aizawa walk forward.

"You damn problem student. Just after I said no training for you guys during the week off." He then released a defeated sigh.

"Well, Eraserhead, it seems your class this year is going to be a promising one. Rejoice a little bit." Principal Nezu told the Underground Hero who gazes at me.

"Make sure you guys rest for 2 days. The training ground will be open for anyone to use. Me, President Mic here, Midnight and Cementos and other teachers will randomly supervise you guys for whoever wishes to use it." Eraserhead told us as I plan to tell Kendo and the others about this.

"Hai Sensei." We all said as all of my classmates had a determined gaze on their eyes as they all approach me.

"Kaito/Higurashi, let's train together," They all said to me as I released a defeated sigh.

"Fine," I replied as they all grin hearing that as Bakugou approaches me.

"This time. We fight for real. No holding back you bastard." He said to me as I smirk hearing that.

"You too, Porcupine Head," I replied as he scoffs and then walk away with Shoto approaches me.

"You and me, one more time we fight." He said as he then walks away.

"Just make sure this will not go on like the last time, Todoroki," I said to him as he stops and nods at me.

My, I and my classmates soon make our way to our houses leaving the grown-up heroes who smile seeing this.

"Man. This batch of student sure is going to be a super amazing one."President Mic said.

" We all can agree to that Hizashi." Midnight said.

"His way of speech and the way he carries himself, Higurashi Kaito, you indeed are an interesting one. I cannot wait for your future achievements." Nighteye thought in his head.

"Now I can assure the next generation is in safe hand. Now time for some patrol." All Might said as he then jumps away.

"That muscle head." Detective Tsukauchi said as he enters his car to follow the Number One Hero with Nighteye is the same as the others go back to their living place.


"So, you defeated all the villains by yourself then Kaito?" Kendo ask me as we are in a group voice call as me, Yu and her using Whatsapp pp.

"Are, you not afraid of fighting all those villains?" Yui asks me.

"Nope." I replied by popping the word "P".

"Anyway 2 days from now we will be training with my class since they seem to fired up when I deliver a heroic speech toward them," I told them

"Oh. I guess I should tell the other girls about these." Kendo said as we continued to talk about some random staff mostly me defeating all the criminals.

"Wait, are you saying you just stun them at first and then make all the mob sleep because they annoy you then. Why don't you just make them sleep the first time they engaged you?" Kendo ask me.

"Simple," I replied as both girls want to hear what my answer is.

"Because I want to let the strong villains know what the future hero they will face the next time we meet again," I replied making both girls released a defeated sigh.

"You Battle Maniac!" Both girls insulted me as they know how I wanted to fight someone worthy enough to make me go serious.

And that is their goal to make at least take them a bit serious than usual for them to know how different are we in term of power.

"Then good night girls. Make sure to attend UA academy 2 days after today." I told them.

"Alright," Kendo replied.

"Okay," Yui answered as she and Kendo ended the call.


"You gotta be kidding me," I mutter as in the first morning I open my door, there is All Might with his signature smirk with Nighteye behind him as both of them posing.

"Hahaha. Good morning Young Kaito. It seems you are not a heavy sleeper." All Might greeted me as I look at both of them.

"H-how did you know my address?" I ask them.

"Simple. I am the one who told them." Principal Nezu who just climb All Might replied making me look at him.

"So what do you want with me?" I said as I am now tying up my sport shoes lace while wearing my custom made weight bracelets on my arm, legs and my body.

"We are simply observing you for your safety. And what are those bracelets?" Nighteye ask me.

"Weight bracelets," I replied as I start to do warm-up exercises.

"Oh. I never see those models." Principal Nezu said to me.

"I made them. No wonder you never see it on the market or any stores." I replied as I toss a spare toward him as he catches it only to make him fall but All Might catches him with the bracelet.

"Heavy." Both of them thought in his head as Nighteye seems interested in it.

"Interesting. Tell me, how much does it weigh?" He asks me.

2 kg. As of right now, I have about 5 of them on my body so that means I have 10 kg of them for me to do my daily training." I told them as I lock the door.

"Are you saying you do this every day?" All Might ask me as I nod my head.

"Only in the morning. I always take off on Sunday or public holidays." I tell him.

"If you did not mind me, I have to start my daily training." Told me to them.

"Hmm. Then let us do not bother you. a bit before that can I ask you, what are your daily training composed of?" My principal asks me.

"Do you want to know them?" I ask them with a very serious expression as the 3 of them nodded their head.

"Simple. 20 km of running. If you are tired you can just walk. Then, 300 push-ups, sit-ups and curl-ups. Those are all I do to use my quirk which drains my stamina and physical processes. " I tell them as they nodded their head.

"And adding to the fact he is wearing those weight bracelet, no wonder he can pull some outstanding power using his quirk. The more powerful power he wants to use, the more stamina and physical prowess are needed. Interesting. This Kaito sure is maybe the next greatest Hero. Even Mirio will be pale compared to him. And he is still a 1st year." Nighteye thought in his head.

"Hmm. Maybe I can ask Kaito here to make some of these weight bracelets for the student to use them. Of course, the school will pay for them and set up an exercise hour for them to do the exercise that Kaito do. Of course, they can choose whether to join it or not." Principal Nezu thought in his head.

"No wonder he is strong. It seems Young Midoriya will be having a hard time catching up with him. I even did not know what this young man will show us in the future but I know it will be an exciting one." All Might thought in his head as I already start running.

As for today, I decided to run around the city since why not?

"Huh? Why the heck are you not staying at your home Kaito?" A familiar voice from Hobo, I mean my Homeroom teacher enter my ears as I look on my right as I see him and President Mic in a car.

"Good Morning Kaito. " President Mic cheerfully greeted me as I greet him back.

"I am now doing my daily exercise," I replied.

"There is something beneath your jackets," Eraserhead told me.

"Some heavy bracelets that I attach on my body," I replied.

"Hmm." Eraserhead looks at me.

"This problem child. He has done it for a long time judging by how calm he is despite him catching up with us." He thought in his head.

"Then good luck. Also, be careful of your surroundings." Eraserhead said to me as his partner bid goodbye to me as the car disappears from my eyes as I continue my run.

That is until I pass through a supermarket only to see a pair of blond ash coloured hair mother and son who seems to be bickering at each other until the son noticed me.

"You! What the heck are you doing early this morning huh?" Bakugou ask me as I stop myself from running to talk to him.

"Doing my daily exercises. What else?" I replied as I look at her mother who is also looking at me.

"Hello. My name is Higurashi Kaito. Bakugou's classmate and the one who always kick his butt when he goes overboard." I introduced myself toward her making Bakugou popped out his veins hearing that.

"Heh. So you are the one who my son always complain of. Good to know someone finally beat the crap out of him." His mother said.

"The heck did you mean by that you old hag?!" Bakugou said toward his mother who then knocks his head.

"Anyway. I am going to resume my run. Have a nice day." I said goodbye to them and resume my run as Bakugou keep staring at my back.

"Hmm. Follow him if you want to. I do not mind carrying all these groceries." His mother said to him.

"Tch. Do not complain they are heavy when you carried them all alone." Bakugou hand all the bag to her mother.

"Now run after him brat. You surely also want to see what his training compose of right?" Bakugou can only nod to what his mother said as he chases after Kaito.

"Feels like someone is trailing me." I thought in my head as then I stumbled another one of my classmate who is the humanoid Pikachu, Denki and Sero who both are talking to each other.

"Hey. It is Kaito." Denki said as I approach them.

"Morning guys."I greeted them.

" Morning. Damn dude, you already train after what just happen." Sero said to me.

"I will feel weird if I did not do this every morning. So, where will you guys go early this morning?" I ask them.

"Oh, we are going to meet Kirishima and Ojiro. Do you want to join Kaito? We are going to hang out at the shopping mall and maybe watch the recent activities that are now trending." Denki asks me.

"Sure. After I just finished my daily training." I replied.

"Cool. Chat me after you arrived at the shopping mall." Sero said to me but then both of them look behind me as I turn my head only to see Bakugou and Kirishima who now are running side to side.

"Hahaha. Bakubro, you are slow." Kirishima said to him.

"Huh?! Just you wait for you Harden bastard. I am faster than you." Bakugou said as I see Ojiro who is behind them both.

Then both of them stop in front of me.

"Oi, arrogant bastard, why are you stopping?" Bakugou ask me.

"I am talking with them." I point my finger toward them as Ojiro arrives.

"Hey, didn't you guys want to hang out at the mall?" I ask.

"Screw that. When Bakubro said that he wants to follow you on your daily exercise, I want to join too." Kirishima said to me.

"Umm. But what about your cloth?" I ask Kirishima who look at this cloth.

"Ah crap, I forgot I am wearing my casual clothes." He said.

"Tsk. Just change all of our clothes." Bakugou told me as I sigh as I snap my hand as all my classmates have their clothes change to P.E uniform.

"Eh?" They sounded.

"Well, my passenger, be sure to catch me up. But first, do you want weights?" I ask them.

"Weights. You wear them?" Ojiro ask me as I showed them my weights.

"Whoa. 2kg. How many of them are on your body?" Sero ask me.

"5," I replied as Denki now try to calculate the amount of weight in my body.

"10 kg. Seriously?" Denki asks me as I nodded my head.

"I want them too." Bakugou suddenly sounded.

"Oh. Me too." Kirishima sounded as I snap my hand as all of them now ear the same weights on their body but then they fell on their back.

"Ugh. Heavy." Denki said as he tries to move his body but failed.

"Same here," Sero said.

"Oh, man. This feels heavy." Ojiro surprisingly can stand up albeit using his hand and tail though struggles to maintain it.

Bakugou and Kirishima manage to stand up but I can see them struggling.

"Damn, Kaito, and you say you wear this every day when you train yourself?" Kirishima ask me.

"Yup. So, want to do it or not?" I ask them as Bakugou just nod his head as I see he is trying to hide his struggling of handling this.

Denki and Sero manage to stand up due to my reduce the weights by 1 kg.

"Okay. After we finish this, I will treat you guys with breakfast." I told them as we start to run.


"Tch. This is hard. I never want to admit it." He is now trying to catch up with Kaito who is steps away in front of him with Kirishima is bride him as the other 3 is running but at a slow pace.

"No wonder he is strong. By doing this every day, all his physical traits will be increased making him able to perform all those outstanding powers he showed. " Kirishima said as Bakugou stares at him.

"Hmm. He is right, this training will benefit us greatly as it increases our endurance and stamina which will affect the usage of our quirk." Bakugou then slowly pushes himself to run faster with the others to take notice of this.

"Whoa. Never sees Bakugou this serious? I guess I need to do the same. Pushing our limit." Ojiro followed what Bakugou do as Kirishima, Denki and Sero glanced at each other as they then nodded their head.

Their run ended with their action have been caught by many citizens as they go viral in the media.


"These problem children. Even though I ask them to rest." Eraserhead who now is in the office of the principal mutter but inside he feels glad knowing his students are taking this matter to become a hero very well.

"Heh, what a class you have this year Aizawa." Principal Nezu said as he now is watching all the videos of Kaito with his classmates running.

"The others probably will be affected by this," Eraserhead said but a smirk can be seen on his face.