
MHA: The Quick Silver

Adrian always dream of being fast or having super power that makes you super fast, but one day while he was Jogging a truck That he evades passes him and he curse at it the *Boom*.... Please Donate Power Stones No Pressure and Enjoy My FanFic.

Now_You_S33_Me · アニメ·コミックス
26 Chs

Race with All Might.

"Thank you young lad, although it isn't allowed to use your quirk without license, but I am here to justify your action" Said All Might

"Oh!, Thank you All Might!, and your welcome" Adrian smiled and bowed to show his sincerity.

Just as All Might was about to jump and go, Izuku came, running and shouting for All Might.

"All Might!, C-can I be a hero!?, A hero without quirk!?" Izuku asked almost tearing up.

All Might stops and ponder what the young kid said.

"Every great hero, there is one similar event that happened to all of them, their body moved on it's own, saving someone without even knowing they are moving, There so many people that became a hero, but their forgetting something essential, it's not about fighting, it's saving somebody, even if it's later, next day, next week, next year you will be saving people in need, that is a hero, You can be a Hero too" Said All Might

Izuku shocked, and a ray of hope flashed in his eyes. Izuku got determined from All Mights words.

'Huh, the speech is a little different and Izuku didn't cry, but got just even more determined, sigh it's getting late, I'm going home' said Adrain.


5 months passed by...

He got home tired and ate and slept.

When Adrian woke up he showered and brushed and got some gym clothes to go outside to jog.

Adrian trains his speed above anything else. Adrian pushes his limit because he has Unlimited Stamina so he sprints and never stops training.

When Adrian got past people you could only see a blur. he ran until he dropped.

When his body can't take the soreness.

Adrian ignored the destination and just ran, he immediately snapped of it and look at his surrounding, he got into the dirty beach that is now cleaned?.

He remembered that Izuku is training for All Mights inheritance, now he got into where Izuku will Inherit his Quirk.

He sees All Might in his Big form, and the one in front of All Might was a buff Teen with green eyes and a green bright eyes that contains flashing hope.

"Young Midoriya, you have come far, the first time you were here was 5 months ago. Now you have grown to have One For All to be Inherited in your body, now you have time to Adjust" said All Might.

"What is One For All?, Is it a Quirk?, Is that your Quirk!?" said enthusiastically by Izuku.

"Young Midoriya, I have a Quirk called One For All, This Quirk is passed down from powerful heroes, and each has a special Quirk assimilating. The Quirk will make you strong by only inheriting it from me. Just by cleaning and carrying heavy things, you got strong pretty quickly, althoigh I don't know hwat you went through to get this strong, but!, you can now have this Quirk because you are strong enough. This is will be your Gateway to become a great Hero, Will you be my Successor?" All Might Asked.

"Yes All Might!, I will be your successor and be a Great Hero!" Izuku clenches his fist with conviction...

"Swallow this!" All Might grab a piece of his hair and flashed it in Izuku's face.

Izuku's face contorted as he looked at the piece of hair and confusedly look at All Might.

Adrian chuckles as he tried to hold out his laugh, Izuku hearing it frowns, but All Might explained.

"This is my DNA, It contains the Quirk, you will have to swallow it to pass on my Legacy!, although there are different kinds of ways to give DNA, all of them are kind of hard to give, if you know what i mean" All Might scratched his head looking at the sky.

"O-oh, its ok, I don't the choice to say no to the greatest quirk of all" Izulu said as he grabbed the hair and ate it.

You could see Izuku gag at tge thought of swallowing another persons hair, but if this is how it takes to gain quirk, he will even eat blood.

"Thank You All Might" Izuku bowed as All might replied.

"You're Wlecome young Midoriya" All Might said.

The two smiled and Adrian broke the two's moment.

"Hey, To- All Might, can we race?" Asked Adrian.

"Race?, What for?" All Might asked as he pondered Adrians intention.

"I just want to know the gap between us, Its more about the Clout" Adrian said as he put on some weights.

"S-sure, If this is what you want for helping my successor, then I'll give you your race" All Might siad as looked at Adrian's feet.

"Nice!" Adrian said as he stretched.

"One question, Why are you wearing weights?" Asked All Might.

"Oh this?, this is for training, I can't take it off even if I want to, this serves as a handicap, You have strength, but I have speed, So if this was a strength contest you won't even need handicap you will win anyway" Adrian said as he bounced his body to hype up.

"Oh, that's why. Young Midoriya, If you please count down for us" All Might said as he got into a running position.

Adrian also got into position, but with more calmer stance.

While Izuku counted from 3, Adrian put on his goggles and his headphones.

You could see All Might nod from that, You don't want Mach 20 dust, hitting your eyes, or the sound barrier erupting your eardrums.

As Izuku counted down to one, the two vanished and appeared as a blur.

All Might used his strength to gain speed with each of his feet digging the sand and using his immense strength to push himself.

Adrian on the other hand ran, but more like skipping to maximize his speed.

If Adrian just ran without skipping, gravity will pull himself down and slow himself down, so he skips so that his body has time to resist gravity

Adrian goes further beyond by using air as glide and bend his body forward with his arms in his back on the side.

This effectively sped him up as the wind helped him resist gravity while also pushing against the wind.

'This might seemed inneffective for athletes, but by doing the Naruto run I can increase my speed even further. The more you speed up the more the wind resist you, by doing this I become more aerodynamic' Adrian thought as he left All Might to dust and appears at the end of the beach.

Not even a second passed from Izuku's point of view.

All Might arrived and was in awe at Adrian's technique and also his quirk.

"You will be a great hero someday" All might said as he smiled and spits blood.

"Are you ok?" Adrian asked worried that he might have injured All Might coincidentally.

All Might puffed in to gray smoke as he riverted back to his former appearance.

"I'm heading out, I'll rest for now. Tommorow is my All day patrol. Tell Tound Midoriya I left" All Might sighs as he grabbed a taxi to U.A

Adrian appears in front of Izuku, Scaring him.

"Wah!!, A-Adrian!, Stop that!" Izuku said with a hint of anger.

"BUAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!, You should have seen you're face *Laugh*" Adrian laughs as he pointed at Izuku's face.

"Sighs, You never change. Where is All Might though?" Izuku asked.

"Oh that?, He left after transforming said he has all day patrol tomorrow" Adrian said as walked away.

Izuku hearing that nods and follows Adrian.

"So who won?" Izuku asked.

Adrians brows lifted as he thought of a reply.

"Who knows" Adrian said as to not discourage Izuku's favorite hero.

"Huh?, What do you mean?" Izuku said as he asked for more information about what happened.

"No one knows" Adrian said as he lifted his arms up to his head and walks.

"Oi, tell me" Izuku asked.

"Nope" Adrian said popping the p.

"Oi, Tell me" Izuku asked as Adrian used his quirk to vanish.

"Oi!!!!, don't leave me hanging! What happend!?, Oi!!!!!!!!!!... Izuku's voice trailed of at the beach as Adrian laughs while going home.

End of ChapsXD...

I Rewritten this chapter because I was so rushed so i fixed it.

Guys can you Suggest the second wish? Maybe Anti Aging or Eidetic Memory or something or Gods-Impulse or if yo know what suits it. Don't recommend stregth thatswhy midoriya is still has One For All.

Now_You_S33_Mecreators' thoughts