
Chapter 11


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Back home, Izuku started to fiddle around with nearby objects, trying to figure out what kind of quirk All For One had given him.

A Nightmare inducing quirk maybe? Or maybe a Wind manipulation quirk? He was pretty annoyed by the fact that All For Ine wouldn't tell him what quirk he was given.

It really didn't matter though, he knew he must have had one, as he didn't feel any dishonesty coming from the man.

All he knew was that he was tired after all partying, and needed to sleep.

"I'll find out tomorrow, School's gonna start then anyways." Izuku said to himself as he flopped onto his bed like a ragdoll.

Meanwhile, with Katsuki, he was back home lifting weights in the basement, where lied broken down sandbags with Izuku's face taped onto them.

"Damn you Deku!" Katsuki muttered as he threw the 50 kilo weights against the wall, making a loud clanking noise that rewarded him with a screaming warning from his mother upstairs.

He just couldn't process what had just happened yesterday. Why would Deku, out of anyone, KISS him out of all things.

Was it his way to take revenge, so if he got a girlfriend, she kiss wouldn't be his first? He knew Izuku, he was weak, cowardly, frail.

And yet, that time they meet at his house, his cowardly personality seemed a little forced. Was it because he knew that he was safe since mom was with me?

Katsuki then turned red with rage.


Then it hit him.

"Wait a minute..." thought Katsuki (*Gasps, is he gonna find out?)


Katsuki then turned to one of his sandbags, which had a picture of Izuku's face taped on it.

"Just you wait Deku! I'll crush you for this tomorrow!" Said Katsuki.

It was the last few months of school before the Entrance exams at Yuuei.

Izuku knew that he needed this time to master his quirk, whatever it is, so that he might even stand a chance against whatever the exams bring to the table.

As the first period rolled around, Izuku took his usual seat at the back of the class.

As the usual students flooded in, he noticed something off.

At this time, Katsuki would usually barge into class, yelling "WADDUP BITCHES! YOUR KING HAS RETURNED!" Or something like that, but glancing at him, he calmly walked to his seat near the front of the class and quietly sat down. Even some of the nearby students were confused by this sudden change.

As the days moved on, Izuku started noticing that Katsuki was mostly just glaring at him.

No threats, no physical harm, no nothing. Frankly, it started to freak him out.

"Is he mad at me? As it Toga kissing him? I bet it was Toga kissing him." Thought Izuku.

Towards the end of the day, Izuku had just experienced something he never thought he'd see in the past!

He went through an entire day of school without getting physically assaulted by Katsuki and his gang.

As happy as he was, it was also pretty concerning.

Walking home however, he noticed that Katsuki was following him. Now THAT was real creepy.

Having had enough, he turned around in a dramatic fashion and yelled out while pointing his finger at the wall he noticed Katsuki was hiding behind.

"K-K-Kacchan! I-I know you're t-there! Sh-show yourself!" Izuku called out.

Katsuki, As expected, came out of cover and walked up to him in an intimidating way, the more familiar way.

"A-Alright! What's y-your game K-Kacchan? Why are you doing this?!" Izuku asked.

Katsuki just ignored his question. Grabbing him but the collar, Katsuki lifted him up in the air.

"What's wrong with me? I was about to ask you the same question!" Yelled Katsuki.


"Explain yourself! You stayed cowardly for all your life, and even tucked your tail,and cried like a little bitch! Only a week ago! So where is this sudden boost of confidence coming from?!" Asked Katsuki.

Izuku started sweating and breathing heavily.

"I thought you had changed somehow, so I took this day to observe you. Yet you haven't changed a bit! So I came to the conclusion that you were taking advantage of the presence of my mom to get into head! Am I right?!" Asked Katsuki.

Izuku, with no real answer, just nodded nervously. Katsuki, getting the message, just took on a sadistic smile.

"Well guess that just proves to you that I have the brains to back up my brawn!" Said Katsuki.

"I never TOLD you you were a meathead!" Izuku explained.

Katsuki didn't take that well.

"Are you contradicting me?" Asked Katsuki, raising his right hand to punch him.

Izuku, bracing for impact, held his breath. Time was passing however, but Izuku never felt the impact. 10 seconds, still nothing. Izuku wondered what was going on.

Did Katsuki spare him? It can't be! He was still holding him in the air. Open his eyes, he suddenly noticed. It was as if Time itself was in slow motion.

Unable to hold him breath any longer, he exhaled, and Katsuki's fist met his face.

As Izuku tumbled to the ground, the realization of his quirk made him laugh.

"Oi! What'cha laughing at Deku?!" Katsuki yelled, kicking him in the stomach.

Izuku clutched his belly in pain as Katsuki repeatedly beat down on him.

But Izuku didn't mind the pain, and simply laughed it off as Katsuki was pounding him. Getting frustrated, Katsuki grabbed him by the neck.

"WHAT'S SO FUNNY?!" Katsuki yelled.

"AHAHAHAHA! HAHA! Oh my! I can't believe you!" Izuku uttered in laughter, trying to think of a different reason to hide his quirk,"TO JUST IMAGINE YOU IN YUUEI! YOU AS A HERO! HAHAHAHA! HOW YOU WOULD DEAL WITH HOSTAGE SITUATIONS! HAHAHAHAHA"

Katsuki grinned.

"Oh well, it's not like you'll ever even make it past the test!" Katsuki laughed.

Izuku looked at him with rebellious eyes.

"wanna bet?" Asked Izuku.

Katsuki simply shrugged it off and knocked him out cold.

Izuku woke up back home. Looking around, he saw that this was in fact his room. He felt something warm resting on his chest, and looked up. He was shocked to see Toga, asleep on his bed, resting her head on his naked chest.

"Izuku?" Izuku heard his mother whispering.

"mom? What happened?" Asked Izuku.


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