
MHA: Stacked Cards

Izuku Midoriya, a Japanese highschooler decided to kill himself. Asking until the end for a quirk, any quirk, he jumps from his school rooftop and dies... Until he doesn't. With a split skull and a new quirk, he tries to be a hero one more time. Themes of Suicide and phycological trauma, if there are any issues with these themes or if you have suffered from them before, avoid reading. Image by Boku_Abara

DaoistreLnu5 · アニメ·コミックス
23 Chs

Chapter Twenty: A Snap of the finger.

'Yet another problem to add to the list.' Nezu thought as he gazed at the paper in his paws. A stack of several more laid beside his seat at the round table in Meeting room 4, and as he read through each one of them with the patience of a monk, the others gazed at him with both curiosity and concern.

Each paper read a sensory report, or a sonar scan, or a timeline of the events prior the meeting; Each read yet another piece of evidence to justify the notion of Izuku's suspected, a Spacial Manipulation quirk.

Worse, one that, if used as a means of attack, may result in catastrophic damage against UA, if not the world. Quirks that could manipulate space itself to produce gateways or methods of defense were VERY rare, and any organization that could possibly have one had to be VERY powerful.

A hundred thoughts of several groups crossed Nezu's mind, several recent problems aswell.

The HPSC wasn't an option as they wouldn't have this kind of card up their sleeve without the risk of attracting attention in their attack, All Might's attention.

Fully aware of what a simple phone call could do from the man himself, the President of the Hero Public Safety Commission wouldn't attack only a summer after the line was drawn, and the entire attack doesn't match their repertoire of stealth and indirect politics, nor was the possibility of this being a random attack viable either, as the resources of a Spacial quirk was simply too valuable to be used without some backing, implying that an organization unbeknownst to anyone has done this.

It held a sinister pretence as to why anyone would attack the school, and for the love of Izuku's sanity, it was best that Nezu rid the risk of yet another attack as soon as they can.

"So- When are we starting? And.. Why did we have to cancel classes?" Present Mic spoke somewhat disgruntled, but before another word could be spoken by the hero, the doors of the room opened wide; Aizawa and Vlad had been troubling themselves with informing the class, the latter moreso than the former as getting Izuku out of the cafeteria was a hefty task. Seeing them enter the room and Aizawa's eyes tired, moreso than usual, show little regard for everyone else, it was no wonder Vlad felt relief cross him for having such a 'calm' class in comparison to 1-A.

"Now that everyone's here." Aizawa and Vlad took their seats, and the table was filled almost entirely, "We can start with the meeting." Their leader spoke with fake excitement, but his breathing stayed calm as he did so.

"I've called all of UA's main Heroes and staff to discuss the media incident; And to mention a plan of action against anyone breaching our walls ever again."

"Wait a sec. We're here for the reporters? I get they were annoying, but isn't this much?" Present Mic's words left a sigh from Aizawa, and they looked at each other with the former speaking again, "What? I have classes man! Now I've gotta adjust my schedule."

Nezu gave a small chuckle.

"Well, no, that's not really the reason I've called you all here."

Passing a gaze over the others, Nezu took the briefest moment to collect himself, his words prepared like acting a stage, yet even he couldn't remove trace amounts of anger from his tone.

"Everything I say from now on stays in this room. No one mentions a thing outside." His serious demeanor collectively gathered nods from all of the staff there.

He sighs for a second, before adding his word.

"UA has been attacked."

Like the sight of a grenade, everyone took a moment of shock before reacting wildly. Mostly, horror spread to the expressions and stature's of those present. "Whaaaat?!" Present Mic screamed as his eyes widened.

Midnight did nothing, but her face still managed to form a frown that contrasted the cool expression of Eraser Head.

Vlad's face too darkened by the slightest margin, his attention never left Nezu, not for a moment did his eyes leave from the faces of everyone else either.

Snipe and few had kept a calm, nervous silence, yet they're casual stature faded as Cementoss, Ectoplasm and Thirteen bore stares into the Dog-Bear-Mouse for some elaboration.

To which the Principal awaited their request diligently.

"How? I thought the media were being pesky as usual." Recover Girl was the one to finally speak after a long winded 4 seconds of silence. Her fingers clenched her cane as everyone's worries were more than on the line. Her tone was flat, to the point as a feeling of worry spread to her aswell; A feeling that, for the moment, distracted everyone from All Might's cold gaze and clenched smile.

Another bomb was dropped.

"A spacial Manipulation quirk. To be exact, a Einstein-Rosen Bridge, most commonly known as a wormhole." Nezu said without a moments reprise, all while keeping himself composed and relaxed in his seat; His words were something of a second shellshock, to which the room scrambled even further to mediate.

Those who deemed silence and patience as the best action, now, were quickly discarding the notion of sitting still and waiting for an explanation; It took no longer than a second for a response, even worse, it was louder than the previous one.

"WHAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTT?!?!??!?!?" Present Mic's voice boomed over the others, yet it wasn't his reaction that was the most fearful.

"I-Impossible. Who would possibly use such a thing against UA?" Cementoss spoke as he looked over to the others; Out of everyone here, Aizawa and Vlad were the collected ones, while Nemuri fidgeted her thumbs in a circle like pattern before pulling them under her fingers.

"And why? UA is certainly the greatest Hero school internationally, yet that would mean little as to a proper reason to use such a high valued resource." To Ectoplasm's tone and words, the image of Izuku Midoriya entered more than a few minds.

Aizawa's demeanor further entrenched his brows, as a visible frustration appeared with his eyes. Present Mic noticed the change, then Snipe, and after the others.

Midnight bit her lip in frustration. Sweat dripped from her forehead and cheeks, she didn't look at anyone now, gazing downwards with feelings of respite, almost distraught, she kept her cool as much as she could.

Cementoss's eyes widened; He gazed at the two with rapid shock. His head moving between them only once as his palms touched the wooden garnish of the furniture. He tried to rise from his seat, his body moving to speak, but the sight of All Might fiddling his fingers stopped him and the others from speaking.

"Everyone- Calm down." The number 1 Hero spoke only once, it was a booming voice laced with his teethy smile, he spoke once more after they stopped interrupting, to which his gazed turned to the furriest participant of this discussion.

The latter sat in his chair in silence, no smile or grin, nothing evident on his face.

"A Spacial Manipulation quirk-k?!" Anan Kurose, also dubbed as Thirteen, spoke in an almost silent voice, which had caught the ears of everyone present; Their attention left the questions in their mind, along with their actions taking the form as organized heroes.

"Yes. A Spacial Manipulation quirk." Nezu spoke once more, regaining the direct sights of every person there.

"One that without any doubt, managed to bypass UA's defenses almost instantly, not even considering the very fact that whichever organization-" His glance turned to Aizawa, "-Managed to destroy the gate using an entirely different ability."

The screens behind Nezu opened, revealing a tactile, strategic map of UA in it's entirety; Rather, what was most notable was with all of the lines and shifts in sound approximated at the time of the attack, the sped up video paused and slowed right before the main focus happened.

"This is during lunch, 20 minutes ago where a student and soon to be staff of UA, Izuku Midoriya, confronted an intruder with the ability to convert any object touched into a powder like substance. Analysis of said substances is underway, but will require time to determine."

"You sent Izuku?!" Recovery lady spoke once Nezu stopped, "Do you even know how reckless that is?!" She said visibly cringing.

"Isn't sending a child to fight a dangerous intruder... Illegal?" The space themed hero spoke.

"Is he injured?" Ectoplasm added.

Both were roughly ignored as Nezu continued.

"Yes, it was a dangerous endeavor. But Izuku was... eager, to say the least. He'll be a staff member soon, though he'd be under observation, so the situation may arise where he needs to act; Not that I would have asked him to go if I wasn't sure he was more than capable."

"Still, he's a child Nezu. A child. You could at least have called one of the several heroes employed." Recovery girl held a genuinely angry look. Though it didn't faze the Principal.

"To which he did." Aizawa interrupted as he attempted to move the conversation away from the child. "The new security system is under development, and not everyone was on campus at the time, plus, the entire thing was set up so we'd be busy while they caused what was assumed to be a 'media problem'. If Izuku wasn't there, well, this information wouldn't be known in the first place."

"I've seen Izuku's.. abilities, first hand. Though I don't agree with sending him, he'd be more than capable of defending himself." All Might spoke with a cheery grin, which shook when granny looked over to him with pure spite.

A single glare later, alternating between the three, and she sat back down. She huffed a recognizing, yet still upset, puff of air.

"Putting aside the moral implications of employing a child as a security measure." Nezu spoke, "This isn't what's of concern."

The video continued to play as a direct kick to the intruder's ribs caused several to wince. The shattered concrete was more of a sign that Izuku was NOT gentle with the enemy.

"He seems to be violent." Snipe commented as Aizawa frowned at the word.

"You don't even know." The very very tired teacher sighed as he looked at the video with a twitching eye-brow.

The wall was broken apart and then disintegrated, to which the sudden dematerialization spread across the room to several cabinets. Then the wall, and structural pillars, all upheld by Izuku's powers.

Nezu gave a quaint nod to Cementoss before the question was asked.

Then it happened, the seconds of sped up video and a black dot appeared. Then the static appeared, and every single sound wave slowly disappeared as the void widened more and more.

A collective silence covered the discussion room.

Then a single, small, sound wave appeared from the void, and another after. Then more left and reappeared, the broken figure slowly sank into that dark matter before it disappeared entirely.

"That.." Ectoplasm spoke with worry.

"Is something I now have to deal with, newer security measures will be applied on Monday." Nezu interrupted, "Now as the big question... How do we counter it? And which group wants access to our educatory and class files?"

"Spacial Manipulation quirks, at the very least, ones that can do that are as rare as water in the desert. I reckon it has to be some kind of organization with more than enough leeway to be sendin' off resources like that without worrying bout horse play" Snipe said as he crossed his arms.

"But who'd have the resources to do so? There aren't many villains who would attack All Might's workplace, on the first week. And why? A personal grudge? What would intruders have to gain from accessing our files? We keep all student information elsewhere, all that's available would be paperwork." Hound dog finally added his own comment, looking at the others with concern.

"Could it be a governmental organization?" Midnight finally said the words itching at her throat and tongue; Judging by the reaction of the principle, a mild frown, she was on the mark.

A sudden realization hit her as she remembered not many knew about that day; Nor did the heroes here, who were paid by the HPSC on the side, lean against them.

Vlad glanced at her face, she hesitated to speak another word.

"Why would any government have reason to? Without causing a scandal of course, attacking UA is generally a stupid move. UA's power runs throughout the world, attacking us is a stupid move." Vlad's tapping of his knuckles and contemplative look said more than he let on.

"Unless... There's something that we're not being told?" He stopped tapping.

"What are you saying, partner?" Snipe said as he looked suspiciously to the homeroom teacher. The man took no offense and spoke back calmly, looking over to everyone.

"Well, Midnight has been squirming the entire time we've been seated. And Izuku's position isn't exactly a common occurrence either, nor was there a position like his in the history of UA. Is there something we're not being informed of, Nezu?"


Some knew Izuku and held a good relationship with him, but the question had to be asked regardless of their feelings, why was Izuku in UA? As Nezu took a moment to relax his shoulders, he let out a chuckle.

"Who knows about Izuku's ability?"

Ectoplasm, Aizawa, Midnight, Present Mic, Recovery Girl and Cementoss all raised their fingers. The remaining didn't, but reasonably, they asked their co-workers long before the meeting; Snipe was the first to speak on it.

"Wasn't it a copy quirk or something?"

"Similar." Nezu said. "But Izuku can permanently copy quirks on contact and utilize those quirks without limit to the amount or effect on his body."

Vlad's eyes widened to what would be absurd levels. The surprise caught everyone unknowing off guard, like Lunch Rush, and Snipe.

"Wait a sec, what?! A quirk like that- that's more valuable than the Spacial Manipulation quirk!"

"Exactly the problem."

Nezu turned to his screen-like wall as several camera's opened from the corners of the room.

"UA may seem like a simple school, the greatest hero academy in the world, but surrounding it's walls are vultures."

Snapping his finger, the screen turned red. 'Awaiting confirmation.' It rang out as some watched with interest. Nezu's demeanor held some form of strictness as he stood straight and without expression; Something seemingly intentional as the rim of the screen turned green.

"Access files 23 through 124, Emails sent within the last week."

The screen turned green before several emails popped up; Then several hundred.

Schools and organizations across the globe. Some from the Middle East, others in East Asia, even from Russia, Belgium, Greece, France, Germany, and many more after.

Some wealthy few had sent their regards. Governments sent many of their praises. Even companies of meticulous stature sent him interested offers to meet one specific child.

Whether it was from the US. Whether it was from Hong Kong. Whether it was from South America. For some, it was from the hearts of Europe.

All of them were requesting they meet Izuku Midoriya.

"You see, Izuku, is both cunning and self-destructive; Fully aware of the risks, he requested that I publish his ability publicly, even when such details had no place within his files. Because of this.."

He turned to the others as they stared in contemplation. All Might's almost visible frown was a hidden indication that none of this was good news.

"We have a problem. The eyes of purgatory are on us now." He said with a heartfelt and angry gaze, many in the political world of Limbo were now interested in the boy's abilities.

Nezu had every right to be worried. They all had mare than enough reason to gulp at the sight.

After all, these were the ones who chose to ask.



Within the walls of a decretive laboratory, A doctor and A conqueror stood side by side, watching the bubbles of their project finally pop. They stood infront of the large, meter sized cylinder of glass and medical machines, with hundreds of tubes pouring into the figure within, a bird faced, brain exposed humanoid.

"Isn't it simply beautiful?" The doctor spoke, watching every breath leak out of the fluid within, pouring to the top as new oxygen was fed directly into the lungs of his child. Never before would he be able to complete such a specimen, without the research he amassed over decades at least, he definitely wouldn't have made a living bio-weapon. Though not as capable as Kurogiri, this one contained 7 quirks; All of which would have destroyed his previous tests from the sheer physical requisites.

"It truly is. 80 Years into the making, and we have finally made strides through our plans; Soon, your children may act as the crutch to our eagerness. The Nomu should serve.. as an appropriate test for the weakened symbol of peace." He spoke, taking a second to bask at the sight of a larger CO2 bubble fly upwards to the tank's topside air deposits, gathering as a few inches of air at the roof of the container.

The green fluid bubble slowly, temperatures increasing by the decimal, as to adjust for the next stage of incubation; Truly, a feat of engineering by the doctor himself.

"..Soon perhaps. We'll need to work out some fine tunings before we can reach such a phase, but until then, I am curious.. excited even... to see my work come to bear fruits for you." The doctor said, as his glasses reflected the glimmering green neon lights, as their shine was ominous, yet detailed n the reverence of an artwork. An masterpiece.

"Patience doctor, we'll be getting done with the small details sooner than we think. Until then, this sensational specimen will serve as a test, for both Tomura and our future abilities. I'm curious as to see what my pupil shows me." He said with a small chuckle, causing the doctor to let a friendly and soft glare by the turn of his chin.

"I still wonder why you chose that child. Surely, for the quality of your quirk, you can find a greater specimen, No? Using that child, of all people, seems like a waste of resources." The doctor let out a sigh, involuntary gazing for a response as he rubbed his head, as he looked at his old friend and awaited a response, his body arched, wrinkling his coat and shirt.

"Tomura just needs time. Sooner or later, he'll bring the destruction of the world. His eyes do not lie, there's a flame within him that speaks of pure hatred, pure evil. My instincts are sure of it."

A brief second later, after another 2 bubbles or so pass, the doctor replies with his gaze on his dear work.

"Well, I suppose time will tell. Though, asking for yet another Nomu this late in his plan, his arrogance is honestly something else; It took over 3 years just to find the means needed for the first, I'm not pulling another one from no where."

"Hm.. Well, we could always give him the defective one; After all, although we've achieved minor gains with it, now it lacks use other than spare parts."

"That one? Well.. I suppose I don't need it anymore, do I. It was our very first attempt at combining quirks, but shameful of me, I didn't factor in the differences in types... it's nothing but a memento now, one I kept for a rainy day. If you want to give him it, I don't mind. Though it won't be anything more than a pawn, it can barely hold 2 quirks. Nevermind follow more than basic commands." He let out a soft chuckle in retribution against the thought.

"That's alright. Tomura's concern is with one of the children at UA. It's doubtful that he'll meet again with the child, but if he does, it'll be satisfactory enough. Besides, I want to see if Tomura is capable to make something out of it, if not, we'll recycle it's parts into something better."

"Yes. While it's abilities are lackluster individually, now that we have made strides, perhaps we can combine them to form something... powerful."

His lenses glimmered as the bubbles started rushing out from the black being within it's glass cocoon; Like a marble statue, comprised of several stitched parts and limbs, brainwave scans started rising on a monitor farther from their position.

"That's the spirit. Now, shall we test it's abilities for tomorrow."

With a snap of a finger, the fluid drained from the vial at a snail's pace. The medical steroids stabilizing the Nomu's body and muscle mass had stopped pumping, not that stable mass wasn't reached days ago.

"I do believe it's about time. Let's start the test trials."

The doctor grinned almost madly as another section of the room glowed vaguely. Inside another tube, one of the several there, was a smaller figure, one that had more time to structure itself.

It's heartbeat slowed to almost a stop, beating once every minute, but it had long been waiting for it's defective body to be placed under proper combat.



"Don't you think it's funny." A voice boomed around yet another table, an oval one with Kai Chisaki and his two hands beside him at the very top seats. On the side of Overhaul, their leader, stood a man in a coat, black from the hat, bird mask, all to the shoes.

The tapping of his finger resonated with the table as the one at the bottom was silently screaming at the scene, the hired merc was almost pissing himself.

"I hire security from someone outside Shie Hassaikai, and now, you're telling me the people who have worked for me, for years, are now betraying me?"

The Czech man, no older than 20, took a gulp of air before speaking. He stood nervous at the far end of the table; Nervous at what would happen if they didn't believe him, and nervous on what they'd do if they did.

"I-It's true! I saw-w it myself-f! They-y lost over 40 members in a matter of minutes! There's no way-"

His voice squealed like a rodent, becoming more frantic as his words became more misunderstandable. Stutter after stutter, the pale man was silenced at last; His words were cut off right at the middle.

"Stop. Speaking." Overhaul spoke with a frown on his face, his finger scratched the varnish of the roundtable softly through his glove. His words were law here, and no one uttered another breathe without permission, his permission.



The man standing nodded only once before moving towards the interviewee.

His gaze sat on the man only briefly, before Overhaul's tapping accelerated his actions.

"Alois. Did you see the intruder?"

"No. They didn't appear on any cameras."

"Have you betrayed us in any way shape or form?"


It took less than a second for Alois to speak by each question. And when he did, control fell from his hands. Only the truth remained from his lips as his answers seemed faster than his regular pace.

"How did Team 9 betray us?"

His words carried some form of ethereal weight, as the one asked was compelled to speak. Before he could process what happened, his mouth ran his true thoughts. He spoke with haste and clarity like he was reciting a story.

"There's no way that over 40 members could all be wiped out like that by an enemy invisible to my cameras, not without inside help."

His eyes widened in fear as he realized what happened, he couldn't lie whatsoever.

After a nod from Overhaul, Shin spoke again.

"Is that why you ran away?"

"No. Whatever did that was terrifying at the time, I didn't want to get caught up in something like that."

"Are you trying to deceive us Alois? Do you think you can?"

"No. It would be too much of a risk to do either due to my identity." He spoke again to the conflicted, yet disturbed and angered, gaze of Overhaul, the other, Shin, looked to their leader for some response, which takes several more seconds.

"hm" The boss spoke once more, still tapping his gloved finger on the varnish once again. He took only a brief moment of hesitation before he confined in his close confident.

"Has Group 9 given any word on this? Did you contact him Mimic?"

With a nod, the latter responded quickly.

"The leader, Mister Takomi, said they ran a training exercise to measure their combat abilities.."


"The leader said that our security was useless, so he removed Alois from the operation."

Chronostasis spoke once more as his leader went silent.

Then, the tapping stopped, and a frown appeared.


"Yesterday night, sir."


He started to scratch the table softly, before he stopped and readjusted his posture.

"I see. That old dog, I suppose I should have gotten rid of him sooner, huh." Overhaul spoke with a gaze that gave way to terror and tears for those bearing witness. Alois did his best to hold in the cough he garnered during the conversation; Overhaul considered his words carefully, yet somehow, couldn't help but notice his finger tear through his glove by the smallest point.

He let out a discomfort and warranted sigh. Removing the glove from his hand, he received another pair of gloves from his aid; To which he nodded an appreciative look at the action.

"Mimic. The shipments arrive tomorrow, yet Takomi planned something like this.. We can suppose that he's either going rouge, or that he has backing.. possibly from another Yakuza."

Silence filled the room momentarily.

Then Overhaul looked to their prime candidate. He grinned as a plan of action had started to form within his mind, one that took only a snap of his finger to gather their attention.

"Well, I guess you still have some purpose Alois. Be grateful for that." The man said with a smile on his lips.

Or that's how he sounded behind the mask.


Guess whose back?

Back again?

Shadys back.

Tell a friend.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! Tell me what you guys think about the chap.

DaoistreLnu5creators' thoughts