
MHA: Stacked Cards

Izuku Midoriya, a Japanese highschooler decided to kill himself. Asking until the end for a quirk, any quirk, he jumps from his school rooftop and dies... Until he doesn't. With a split skull and a new quirk, he tries to be a hero one more time. Themes of Suicide and phycological trauma, if there are any issues with these themes or if you have suffered from them before, avoid reading. Image by Boku_Abara

DaoistreLnu5 · アニメ·コミックス
23 Chs

Chapter ten: Introductions

The groupies marched over to me in almost amazement.

The face of Mina, in particular, was glowing in a happy shine. While the others gave me a gentle smile or wave.

Many besides the group approaching eyed me; class mates like Bakugo for example, who didn't even get angry, watched me from afar with an odd gaze.

For once, he didn't remind me what a nuisance my existence was to him.. that's weird.

Did Nezu threaten him?

The image of the principle holding a pistol the Katsuki's head makes me giggle.

That would be a sight.

No, he wasn't the only one eying me; The other class, 1B, seemed to wonder why I was here before anyone entered, while the remainder of my classmates who decided to keep their distance sat far from me.

Then more students arrived, probably general studies. UA was a hero school, yes, but also a regular school; many other children who didn't pass for the hero course had joined the general studies, though that didn't mean they didn't have great abilities.

Ida, Momo, Mina, Uraraka, Kirishima, Shoji, and three more who I didn't meet before, had moved towards my table.

A Frog girl, A Headphone-ear girl, and a bird man; I saw them in class, but I ghosted most people then.

I just sat still, waiting for them to come. I was through my tenth dessert already, so I didn't mind getting comfortable; At least, not while I was still hungry.

"Heyo! How was class?" I asked as the group started to sit down.

"It was a basic introduction into our subjects mostly. We did Japanese History, Health Class and World History." The Bird guy spoke.

"Some Teachers are pissed at you bro" Kirishima said worriedly.

"Good thing I have an excuse, it would be a shame otherwise." I grinned at them as the conversation started.

During the exam, he used a quirk that was conscious, which means his mutation is unrelated!

Could it be due to the quirks in his bloodline not mixing? Or was it like an ability with multiple powers?

"Why didn't you come?! It was so boring!" Mina said switching from angry to exhausted as she slammed her tray onto the table; she seemed fun. She looked at me with an angry expression, obviously jokingly, waiting for an explanation from my side.

"Ah~ I had to eat. My quirk makes it so that I have to spend ALOT of calories, and Momo's Quirk used some of my remaining fat, so it was urgent." I dismissed her anger with a grin.

She dropped the angry face, sat down and smiled again.

The rest followed too, Uraraka and Tenya sat to my left and right, with Bird guy sitting next to Tenya and Frog girl across from him; Momo, Mina, Shoji, Kirishima, and the headphone girl all sat across from our side.

"How's the food?" I asked, interested in making some conversation; Mina was already digging in.

"It's *Bite* rea-lly good, want some?" Mina seemed energetic, chewing as she spoke, she was really messy, but Kirishima just condemned her messiness. "Mina, don't speak with food in your mouth." He said exasperated by her casual messiness.

"Sorry~ It's really good though!"

She giggled at his reaction as she finished the spoon.

The table all started eating.

I was eating a lovely dessert, while the others ate various different meals.

Noodles, Rice and meat, pasta, and steaks were a few of the available meals in UA's cafeteria, each person chose what they liked.

Uraraka especially filled the plate; though, I can't complain. I ate greater amounts of calories than anyone here, for around 3 hours straight.

Momo and Shoji had unpacked their bentos instead. Home cooked food was something even I loved; It was nice to receive lunch boxes from those who cared.

But sadly, I had to interrupt him.

I wanted to do something before he ate; I wanted to get Shoji's quirk.

This time, I might aswell get to the point and request it. I tried not being direct last time, made a big fuss out of it.

"..Hey Shoji." I asked as he turned away from his cloth covered meal. He gave me a hum as he looked at me.

"Can I copy your quirk?" I say without emotion.

The table went quiet.


He stopped unpacking his bento, setting the box down as he looked at me; it seemed he was curious more than anything.

".. I don't mind. But why my quirk? There are much cooler ones out there, I don't see the value in having mine in particular." Shoji asked, less depreciating, more intrigued by my reasoning.

Seems like he doesn't value his quirk much, which case he missed its prowess; growing additional organs.

I knew he could do so with sensory ones, like noses or ears, but I certainly would use extra organs like mouths or eyes with other abilities.

"I want to use Aizawa's "Erasure" with your quirk. It would work with my "Slime" ability to produce more eyes."

I say fairly excited for his response, I look in his eyes as one does.

He stares back at my excitement silently. Seemingly seeing through my 'façade'.


He nods to me. Understanding how useful the combination would be against another enemy or villain. Thankfully, not many people minded it.

"I see." I heard a clap. Momo started speaking.

"You could multiple eyes with "Erasure" to target multiple enemies simultaneously! But, what does "Slime" do? I can guess by the name it allows you to shape your body somewhat, but I think I'm missing something." Momo spoke softly.

She was intrigued at my abilities.

Others were too, keen on my possible weaknesses, maybe they were trying to find things they could use against me. I avoid telling people possible weaknesses when I could; Even the most trust worthy can be used by other people, via manipulation or a quirk.

Maybe she was just interested on quirks, like how I was with heroes, always taking notes..

"Simple, My "Slime" quirk allows cellular restructuring of my body and organs. I can either keep my bodily functions active, or have my cells temporarily replace my body as I turn to slime. Though, it is FAR too graphic to use in public, since My internal body parts and flesh dissolve into a bloodlike liquid; no one likes seeing me turn into a mass of my own organs and liquified body parts."

Few shivered at the thought, but some were more understanding.

It wasn't the full extent of slime, as the ability allowed total restructuring of my cells, it also allowed my cells to change from one type to another; I could reattach cells that were separated from my body, I could multiply my regeneration past permeant scarring.

My cells held a non-Newtonian like substance within their walls which mitigated impact damage, "Slime" had turned almost all kinetic energy affected into wasted power, making attacks of lower caliber ineffective.

Not a single wound was permeant when your cells had taken the functions of their colony, I was essentially a mass of single cell organisms acting as a single entity.

I could shift the nerve triggers that resulted in a quirk functioning. This made me incredibly powerful.


Shoji's expression darkened as he understood the sentiment of a mutated body, how other people usually reacted to one; he had gone through several experiences in the past.

He could only share his sympathy with the boy; Izuku most likely knew of the discrimination well.

And he did. Just the exact opposite; while Shoji was a mutant quirk user, Midoriya was once quirkless.

He too knew how people acted to those they saw as inferior. Izuku despised it.


"..That's amazing. Is that only one quirk?"

The girl who I didn't know, spoke. She interrupted the gloom that appeared on Shoji's face briefly.

"Oh, I'm Kyoka Jiro. Nice to meet you." She said casually.

The other two started aswell.

"Fumikage Tokoyami, greetings." Bird guy nodded in my direction, he spoke with curtesy.

"Tsuyu Asui, Ribbit. Call me Tsuyu." She said as she pointed to her face.

I smiled, extending my hand to Jiro.

Jiro almost grabbed my hand, but stopped at the realization as my grin widened.

I laughed at the reaction, turning to everyone.

"It's nice to meet you all." I said in a much more welcoming tone. "As for your question Jiro, yes, it is just one."

I chuckled at her surprised face. Everyone always reacted to my abilities with shock; it was funny to watch on a daily basis.

"How many do you have?" Ida said worried, only after a few seconds passed.

"Ah, Ida. I can ask a better question. Where can you find the largest deposit of powerful quirks?"

"..UA." he answered after a second with a gasp and widened eyes; Did he just realize how many quirks were in UA?

"How many people do you think I can make physical contact with in a day?" I asked again to which no one responded.

"hehe. I have alot of quirks; enough to outclass most teachers already. Only a few exceptions existed." I say in pride.

My ability truly was fascinating. As was it powerful.

I now looked at Shoji, offering my hand. He looked at me again, there was no smile anymore, just a question, "Take my hand, won't you?"

As a grin of excitement widened on my face.

"hehe- sure, I don't mind."

He chuckled at the sight of my excitement. The others on the side watched closely as I shook his hand.

Uraraka and Momo especially were leaning to see.


A second later, I covered my mouth as blood coughed its way onto my hand, covering my palm. I coughed a few times after.

"Are you alright, Izuku?" Uraraka said panicked as Ida placed his hand on my shoulder. I simply nodded, wiping away the remaining red from my lips with a napkin.

They didn't like the sight, much to no ones surprise.

"Does that happen every time." Momo said worried. People usually never coughed out blood, less they were ill.

"Yes. It does." I answered without emotion.

I pulled a handkerchief and some alcohol spray and cleaned my hand. My lips were colored a mix of velvet; as red as the reddest apple.

Crimson red dripped onto my fingers; it put a smile on my lips.

"I now can make more organs. Thanks." I said happily to the boy, who just nodded.

I could have done the process of restructuring new cells into organs manually, but this was more efficient.

Otherwise the process would have been slower than now.

"Could we see it in action?" Jiro spoke, much more interested and excited. Perhaps the image of the test exams was still within their minds.

They looked at me with interest.


I pulled my had to my face, then it appeared.

An eye. Atop the back of my eye.

I could even see through it!





They responded differently, Kirishima was oddly excited.

Jiro looked over at me in a slightly odd tone.

"Doesn't that hurt?" She asked; It usually does, but I'm not going to say that.

"Sometimes; but my "Slime" allows me to ignore body shifted pain."

To be exact, it allowed me to control my nerve impulses. Though I didn't shut the pain off.

It was mine alone too, my pain was mine; I would not allow it to be taken from me either.

Some others like the other class 1-A students looked at me far away, perplexed by my ability; while 1-B only stared briefly before looking away.

"'Integration' is really powerful. You can do so much with it, it truly is an honor to be colleagues." Ida said formally, though he was both inspired and dejected.

"No need to be so formal Ida, Ribbit. We're all classmates, there's no need to be strict around us." Tsuyu spoke to the boy; she seemed interesting. My alternative quirk for cellular frost damage. Needed to get it.

Ida only nodded calmly, then relaxed his body slightly; He soon sat more comfortably, "Thank you, Asui" he said in a kind and embarrassed voice.

"Call me Tsuyu, Ribbit" She said as she started gazing at the others.

Mina was suddenly shocked.

"Wait! You shook my hand! Can you use my quirk?!" Mina said excited as she inched closer to my face.

I extended my finger to her, confused for a moment, she too placed her finger on mine.

The instance my finger had made contact, my skin unraveled pink as it spread from the very tip of my index across my body, up to my face in a swirl, My eyes turning black with a yellow ring covering the center; Every tip of my body was now pink, as it slowly spread through to my hair.

My hair swerved from green to pink in a glow, and in an instant two horns appeared; My hair kept its fluffy nature and now, I looked just like her, to which she gave little response besides a wide eyed stare and no movement.

She was baffled by the change, "WOAHH! YOU LOOK JUST LIKE ME!" she said excited.

I giggled like a child to her response, as she then she started asking questions with rapid fire words. Soon I would gain all of their abilities, the others spoke moments later.

"Woah!" Kirishima said amazed, "You can transform too?!"

Because of my quirks, I could hide many of my mutations, my actual form was a mesh of several mutations.

I just wanted to show of though; The conversation picked up from there as Mina became excited again.

Wonder if I could get some quirks.


And like that. Lunch passed.

Kirishima offered I mimic his quirk because I was excited about it.

To which I readily accepted; not passing any opportunities.

The remaining 3 classes bored me. I was already versed in memorizing due to my mutations, Home economics, English and math were very easy. I was introduced to present mic, and opted to use a tendril to poke his cheek. He scolded me, since he was aware of my abilities, but shrugged it off.

Like that, Present Mic's quirk was now mine. A useful ability. Especially for an English teacher, it would serve well with Shoji's power.

Tried to do the same with our math teacher, Ectoplasm, but he just said I had to earn his ability. Earn.


Oh well, I'll just take it later. If I could clone myself continuously like he did, I could set a constant perimeter of my copies to act as emergency defense or offense. I could easily use more violent levels of attack with clones at my side, a perimeter of soldiers waiting at may command.

Either way.

I have a long day ahead; Still haven't tried my new quirks out.

Oh boy, thermo nuclear reactors are going to be a lot easier to make.


(After classes)

Everyone left home; that's sad.

I was working in my private space, ready to re-make the drones.

Ion thrusters, Chemical formula's, even internal nuclear fission.

Now all doable; Momo really didn't get what a gold mine she was, literally.

I place the solid, 1 millimeter diameter gold plated sphere into the reactor for the hundredth time; I was not verse in nuclear fusion.

Slowly but surely, after blowing myself up twice, after 40 or so minutes for my body to re-assemble itself, I'll get it working.

And, number 178. Here we go; The fizzing of the electromagnetic chamber was heard, loudly. The ball of cesium began breaking down, as the gold membrane was slowly peeled of bit by bit, millimeter by millimeter; The cesium was sealed in a dense outer covering, just to ensure it didn't irradiate any object in the forest.

Then, the machine began the rapid cooling and heating of electrons, taking radiation energy from the reactor, converting it into stronger electromagnetic waves.

liquid helium was a hard thing to procure, even harder to store, I opted for nitrogen mixtures to continuously boil instead. The nitrogen liquid would boil at a higher lower temperature than water, and was easily extractable from the outside environment with chemical mechanisms.

Not to say it was easy, I'm barely keeping this thing active / stable right now; but it's progressing smoothly for 4 hours of work.

It was on 246 try that I succeeded, with extreme radiation staining the forest. Fun. Apparently, attempting to produce radioactive and controllable particles for a defensive mechanism was not a good idea; I'd stick with Nitrogen Ions later on, just because I didn't want to blow myself up again.

Now I had to tell Nezu to help clean it up.

Wonder if we can bring someone with radiation control.

Whew, this was a long day; I'd probably get punished for this too.

Damn it.