
Chapter 8

Izuku rushed to shadows and started counting the footsteps, whilst also getting a battle plan ready.

Izuku only counted around 3 people, but he wouldn't underestimate his enemies so hi was ready for more. also from what they said, it seemed that they had at least a single gun, or a quirk that could fire projectiles, next the footsteps seemed light so they didn't have much armor nor equipment.

Waiting in the shadows, Izuku noticed the robbers had split up 'Fools, Heh you underestimate my power', when he was about to sneak behind one of the robbers, a gun shot was heard from one of the other stores that were being robbed, making the robber turn around to see what was going on, only to spot a kid trying to sneak up on him.

yet it was already too late.

Izuku-'Target acquired, initiate Dic*Punch'

as the robber turned around, Izuku spotted the optimal target. wound his arm back and FINISHED HIM!(MK narrator voice). before the robber could make a sound, Izuku punched the side of his head whilst he hunched down, knocking him out cold.

on the other side of the room, small crackling sounds were heard, and then

Boom! "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" Bang!

an explosion went off, blasting another one of the robbers straight in to the *leader* knocking both of them down. but the lady didn't want to go down that fast and used her quirk to shield herself from getting hurt.

Her quirk seemed to be some type of plastic manipulation, with the way she moved nearby CDs to create a proto shield. using this as a chance to strike, Izuku used his quirk on the soles of his feet to gain a quick boost and launch a Superman Punch, straight in the robbers face.

But Fate wouldn't want that to happen would she. The robber quickly moved the *shield* to block the punch and sneered at the site of mere children trying to best her in combat.


and that's exactly when it happened, moments before Izuku's outstretched fist touched the plastic shield, he extended his fingers in the shape of a knife and turned them to flames...

"Funke Faust!" he whispered in a low voice yet everyone in the store could hear it, the next moment, his five extended flaming fingers launched away from his palm and burnt straight through the plastic, letting the fingerless palm go through it like paper and hit the robber straight in the nose, making her go flying back whilst doing a sick flip.

But that was not the end for her... why? because behind her was Katsuki with all his glory, waiting for his chance to blow her back ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

with the final blast, all three villains were out cold, but the other stores were still being robbed. Izuku ignored his fingerless arm, which didn't bleed but insted released black smoke whilst small flames slowly rebuilt the lost fingers.

Izuku and Katsuki rushed to the bent metal shutters and started bending it back to shape, whilst trying to make as little noise as possible, so other robbers wont be attracted.

when the bent pieces were back together Izuku used one of his fingers on his other hand, and turned its temperature up to 1600C turning the finger to a blue flame, then welded the shutter pieces back together.

what? were you expecting them to rush out and save the day? no, what is wrong with you? they are just kids, only reason they succeeded was because they ambushed the robbers. now if they rushed out they would be shot, and killed, plus they would get in trouble for using their quirks if it was not self defense.

Izuku went back to check the customers, who thanked him and Katsuki, whilst telling him that they had already called the police and were told that they'ed be arriving in a few minutes with pro heroes.

Meanwhile Mina and Eijiro were staring at Izuku with their eyes and mouth wide open... only thing that escaped their mouths other that the occasional "Wow" and "Woa!" was

Eijiro-"You two were soooo MANLY!"

Mina-"You two were COOL! and Amazing!"

a minute or so later, they heard police sirens and some fighting sounds. later it went silent, only the sirens remaining, and then the shutters opened, on the other side, were police men in full gear, who rushed in the store to check the situation and check for robbers.

The day was plenty eventful, when asked who knocked out the robbers, the people told that it was done in self defense and thanked the 4(?) young heroes for their bravery.

Everyone was sent home after everything was settled, the attack had no fatalities but few were wounded. all in all, it was a fun day for Izuku Midoriya.

[4 cuz Kirishima and Ashido were protecting the people soo yea... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ]

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