
Calling Detnerat

The teams went back to the viewing area

Bullet took off his mask and slapped the chest plate, returning to normal as he stretched his arms. Izuku woke up at this time and Bullet smacked the back of his head, laughing "So crazy! You attack me?!"

He turned away and held his face, sneering "Clearly courting death, junior!" Aizawa chopped his neck and dropped him to the ground, saying flatly "No more Chinese Dramas…"

Ojiro sighed and shook his head, "He had eyes but failed to see Mt. Tai…"

Aizawa turned to Izuku and asked "What was that?" everyone started talking, "That didn't look like super strength… It was too different…"

Izuku held his arm and frowned slightly "I… I don't know. The power welled up and I couldn't control it… It's like something I believed in up to now all of a sudden turned on me. It was truly terrifying…" then he smiled, "But when Ochako and Shinso tried to stop me, I realized it wasn't so bad…"

Bullet jumped back up, looking at Yui and Reiko closely. He frowned to himself and rubbed his chin, getting dragged away by Momo as the duo were stunned. Bullet was helpless, these Quirks were just… so bad!

One can control objects and the other can change sizes…

Were they going to be a permanent team?! That's the only way it would be maximized!

Unless Yui decides to get a bit more violent and start throwing mini buildings or water trucks…

Aizawa started talking to Shinso about his performance as Izuku walked over asking Bullet about the others' Quirks, taking out a book from nowhere…

That night

Bullet was standing in the common area, topless as usual… But Class-1B was here too!

Bullet crossed his arms and pouted, these girls… They were using the TV to watch a movie!

He was slightly distressed, you know it was 7 now! At 7:30 his favorite Drama is on!

He narrowed his eyes and used the stealth technique, creeping over and taking the remote out of their hands before plopping down on the couch, changing the channel to the Drama as he hid the remote.

The Girls were stunned and looked for the remote, Bullet said in shock "Waaah! Bullet was watching that! Who changed?!" Momo looked at him and rolled her eyes.

Bullet laid in a sofa couch sideways, sighing as he got comfortable, "Such shame… Looks like can only watch Drama… Movie so good… sigh." Setsuna's lips twitched and she asked Momo, "Did he just say 'sigh'?" Momo sighed and held her head, "Just ignore him… he's an idiot."

Bullet watched the drama happily as Toru flew over the couch and sat on him, saying happily "Drama time! Where's Bull-eh?!" she looked down, turns out she was sitting on him!

She ignored it and laid back, sighing out "Mmm! Drama time." Bullet didn't care either way, he was surrounded by girls, the guys didn't want dramas.

A while later

Bullet shouted in disbelief "THIS GOTTA BE JOKE!" Setsuna covered her mouth, "What the fuck!" Yui was stunned and said "Mmm!?"

Momo covered her mouth saying "The empire was overthrown by a buddhist temple?!" Bullet pointed at the screen, saying "No see!? Not Buddhist! Demons taking over!" Toru slapped him, shouting "Didn't you see the 88th Concubine conspiring with the demons!?"

Bullet held his head, unable to believe it!

Momo said "But… If you saw… the demons… they were just puppets of the Arhat!" Bullet pulled on his face, screaming "AHHHH! BUDDHISTS WANT EMPIRE?! WHY?!" Setsuna muttered in disbelief, "This is unbelievable."

A few weeks passed

Bullet was with everyone in the common room, watching a commercial for Detnerat.

He narrowed his eyes and intertwined his fingers, leaning forward and staring at the man on the screen. He had a long pointed nose, a widow's peak, and a few black splotches on his head near his temples.

Bullet frowned slightly as he stared at the guy talking about how Detnerat is the Support company for you, etc. Bullet didn't care about his bullshit… Why did this guy want to talk to him was the question.

He still had the card.

Bullet didn't exactly know what to do about it. He figured ignoring it was the best option. Since seeing that guy a while back, he hadn't seen another guy like him. Bullet wasn't exactly excited to go talk to some snob who sent cards to people. Not to mention, the people who wanted to talk to him were few and far in between.

So the question really was, what did this guy want with a Quirkless person. Bullet seemed to be the target of the League of Villains at one point. They wanted him to join them and All For One offered him a quirk…

Bullet frowned slightly, this guy, Bullet could feel that he was bad news. Maybe not villainous, but not a person Bullet wanted to associate himself with.

Like Kizuki.

The main thing that was troubling him was the look in that guy's eyes, it was like a devout believer… Along with the surge in Meta Liberation War books getting sold everywhere, something was going on.

Thing was, Bullet didn't know what that 'something' was exactly…

Maybe he should make a call to this guy…

Bullet got off the couch and walked outside in the snow, swiping open his phone.

A few seconds later

Bullet was standing in a snow pile, with his arm crossed, holding a phone to his ear.

A voice sounded, "Hello?" Bullet said slowly "You wanted to talk. Sent guy after me." The voice paused for a moment before chuckling "Ah yes! The Quirkless boy, if I remember correctly, it's Bullet, right? Rikiya Yotsubashi, CEO of Detnerat."

Bullet didn't care who he was, asking "What do you want." Rikiya chuckled, "So hostile. Though I assume I should've expected it coming from a former street dweller. Apologies for springing my subordinate on you. I heard you didn't take kindly to the surprise, hm?"

Bullet frowned slightly and Rikiya continued "Actually, I simply wanted to talk. Maybe we could meet for a chat? Oh! Ah, this is in regards to your striking popularity as of late! I must say, I'm quite a fan myself! A Quirkless hero is a much bigger deal than you know! I think we may be able to cooperate on this front. As you may have heard, Detnerat is taking bigger strides in Support Gear, naturally we are in need of sponsored heroes. If you think about it, this is a win-win situation for the both of us."

Bullet fell silent as Rikiya continued, "You receive the support gear you need and Detnerat receives the advertising from your heroism! The reason why I chose you in particular is really mostly for the strikingly unique situation you've found yourself in. You may be too young to understand, however, the appeal of a Quirkless hero is far too great to be ignored by the Media. Of course, any exposure is good exposure. Personally, I believe that we can spin this in our favor… Of course, that is, IF you're willing to accept my offer."

Bullet frowned and asked "Bad news for Bullet all the time. Detnerat able to handle bad press?" Rikiya laughed, "Of course! Detnerat is a highly reputable conglomerate! We can talk in more detail face to face. However, I want you to understand, infamy and fame are two sides of the same coin. As a partner to Detnerat, using our Support Gear, any exposure will be advertising for us. That's all I'll say for now, we can iron out the details later. How does Deika City in 3 days sound?"

Bullet narrowed his eyes, staying silent for a few moments…

Rikiya was sitting at a table, wiping his bloody hands with a rag as Bullet said "I'll be there." Rikiya grinned maliciously and said happily "Excellent, see you then. Oh! And if you can't find a representative, not to worry. We have many people suited for this task." Bullet's voice came through the phone, "Ok." before he hung up.

Rikiya turned to Kizuki and said "This is the kid?" Kizuki crossed her arms and smiled, "Just a freak, really. Thanks boss." Rikiya smiled happily, "Of course, I take care of my people. Not to mention, I'd like to hear his views on us as well." he chuckled and turned to a man, missing his fingers, adding with a smile "Ready to talk, Giran?"
