
MHA: Psi (Dropped)

(DROPPED) A random college dropout gets hit by lightning and reincarnates into the world of My Hero Academia with a powerful psychic quirk. —————————————————————————— MC will be cold. He will be incredibly OP, he'll be like Tatsumaki from OPM. Something I write when I can't think of anything for my other novel. No release schedule I won't be releasing any chapters for a while. I don't know how long but don't expect for any updates soon. —————————————————————————— I don't own anything from MHA. Everything belongs to it's proper owners. I don't own the cover. If you want me to put it down, just tell me.

Wataterp · アニメ·コミックス
13 Chs

Change of Heart


A bright violet light came crashing down on Noumu. The crash produced a sound that almost made everyone in U.S.J deaf.

As the dust settled from where the violet light is, 2 figures are seen standing, facing each other. One of them is Takeo, he released 25% of his power from his limiter. He usually only uses 5% to 10% of his power, but when the situation calls for it Takeo can reduce his limiter and allow him to wield more of his sealed power.

The fight resumed with Takeo landing in a punch towards Noumu. The force behind the attack was beyond the limits of the monster's Shock Absorption quirk.

Noumu's body's upper half missing. Blown to smithereens, blood and flesh everywhere. What's left is only the lower half.

The stump of Noumu started moving, regenerating fast. While it hasn't finished regenerating it's abdomen it kicked towards Takeo. His body glowing even more brightly than before. Effortlessly blocking the kick with his hand he used telekinesis to throw Noumu into the fake mountain in the distance.

Takeo flew immediately towards where threw Noumu and lifted him up with telekinesis. The monster already finished regenerating his head and has stumps for arms, still regenerating.

Knowing that his attacks won't have any effect he trapped Noumu in a sphere of his energy barrier.

The Noumu finally regenerating his arms mindlessly punched against his violet prison. "You'll never get out of that... unless you're as strong as All Might in his prime."

He turned around to look at the one who led the villains here, Shigaraki, only to find that he's already escaped along with his companion Kurogiri.


A while later the pro heroes have come along with Iida, the one who called for help. The pro heroes were shocked by the bloodbath. "Relax, they're still alive... all of them are. Not one casualty."

Their initial shock was interrupted by a glowing man just right above them. Next to him is a glowing translucent sphere with a dark-blue skinned monster inside, not moving.

The pro heroes checked each one of the villains for signs if they are alive. They confirmed it. Each one of them had severe injuries but still alive and well.

"Mikami-shounen... I'm proud that you protected your classmates and teachers from sudden invasion of a hundred villains and didn't kill anyone but... this is too brutal. It would be better for you to hold back next time." All Might spoke his concerns to the young man in front of him.

"Whatever. No one died, that's all that matters." Takeo, indifferent to All Might's concerns, told him his opinion.

"Here take this guy, you might find something useful. He stopped moving after the guys that seemed like the leader escaped." Takeo deactivated his barrier and released Noumu, unmoving but still alive.

"This is?" Aizawa asked.

"The creepy guy with hands called him 'Noumu', I believe he was sent here to kill you care of you All Might. He has.... multiple quirks."

All Might upon hearing that the monstrosity has multiple quirks tensed up. 'C-could be him? Is he back?'

Obviously, as someone who has watched the anime of this world, Takeo knows who exactly orchestrated all of this. All for One. But he has to act clueless in order not to arouse suspicions.

"Mikami-kun..." Iida walked up to Takeo.

"We can talk later, I want to rest." He increased his limiter again and back to only using 10%.

Soon after the authorities came and arrested the villains that were defeated by Takeo. All of them had expressions of fear. The sight of cold-hearted 'monster' kept flashing in their memories. All of them behaved and cooperated with the police, thinking that it's better to be safe in the walls of prison than out in the world where that 'thing' lives.

The incident of the infiltration of the villains spread through the media like wildfire. This made many people doubt UA's security, saying that they are being lazy. Some people said that letting Takeo live there brought them bad luck, that Takeo is a bad omen, a curse.

UA announced that it was their own fault for the villains being able to infiltrate. In the case of Takeo however, he should be thanked for his actions. He prevented the villains from hurting anyone by going in himself and apprehending the villains all on his own. They also emphasized that there were no deaths on both sides.

Because of this, many people started looking at Takeo at a different light. His reputation is slowly improving for his heroics. But some still doubted UA and thought that it was all a cover up to hide the truth, they thought that the demon killed at least one person, and it's enough to cement their beliefs towards the young hero in training.


The next day, classes resumed as usual, except for a few things. The other students no longer looked at Takeo with remorse, but looked up to him. They never heard about the bloodbath so it's natural that they see him as a hero. Class 1-A has similar thoughts, but a bit different.

Takeo walked inside the classroom for Class 1-A. The 1st years all lined up, looking at him except for Todoroki and Bakugo.

"Ummmm.... what is this?" Takeo broke the silence. Iida walked over to him.

"I don't approve of your brutal methods even if you didn't kill anyone but... I can't deny that you defeated those villains and protected us. There were too many of them, Aizawa-sensei and Thirteen-sensei wouldn't have stood a chance, they would been hurt very badly by that 'Noumu' monster. Anyways, thank you."

When the final word's left his mouth, he bowed towards Takeo and so did the others. They were grateful for him. They were still scared by his brutality, but they don't fear him as a demon anymore.

"I.....uhhh..." Takeo was speechless. No one has ever showed gratitude like this before. Sure while living in UA he has helped alot with various things using his quirk and received praises and gratitude from the staff, but he's never experienced gratitude straight from the heart.

"Tch. Hey you levitating bastard, you might be strong but I'll be stronger than you. Just you wait, I'm the one who's going to be number one." Bakugo spoke with arrogance.

"Go ahead. I'll beat you anyways." Takeo taunted Bakugo, causing the latter to be angry.


"Language Bakugo-kun!!"


The door swung open. "What are guys doing." Aizawa said in an annoyed manner. Clearly not happy that they were causing a ruckus.

The students sat down in their seats. Class is about to start.

Yay new chapter

Wataterpcreators' thoughts