
Chapter 17: Yoshimura's Debut

"How tense."

Sitting in a space big enough to fit multiple booths, a bar—hell, there'd even be space left if one wanted to put in a dance floor in the middle—yet sitting at the only table in the room as everything else had been cleared out.

Apparently, to fit their 'persona', Ashnah had Naia rent out the entire place for the day.

She even paid extra for them to have everything cleared out.

So it was just the two sitting at the table at 11 a.m., when the sun was nearing its peak, just waiting for their guest to come.

"Guest… Yeah, right, that's too kind of a name for a crime Lord Yakuza."


Looking over at his "mother" for the duration of the mission, she was in an even sleeker outfit for today, wearing black obelisk earrings that hung down, highlighting the white skin and accenting her blush.

Thin pink lips and eyebrows, and short parted hair towards the right side, which was flattened and pressed out so that it fell on the left side of her face.

But most importantly, a professional smile, moving her hands with grace, and not allowing a speck or crinkle within her dress to appear.

She was the epitome of elegance and grace, so much so that even Ken doubted she was the same person he saw beating up a punching bag a couple of months ago.

Ken saw her lightly sipping the expensive Gyukuro tea, savoring the taste and allowing the peaceful atmosphere and drink to heighten her mental capabilities.

But he couldn't drink in peace, not when he was stuck worrying about their mission.

The boss and Seneca were in the building just over, ready to react, should the situation deteriorate. However, that didn't mean anything.

So many things could go wrong.

Worse was the feeling of being underprepared, despite the days he had to think about what he would and could do. But nothing seemed to want to go his way today.




"He's here."

The steps stopped right at the edge of the doors, which were in front of the top of the stairs.

Below this restaurant was the bar area where drunkards would normally be, while above was the restaurant area.


The wooden door opened, and Naia stood, a professional face and stance, keeping her purple head bowed as she stood escorting their guest inside.

Overhaul seemed to take a good look around, likely scanning the place for any cameras, to which there was only one on the far end of the room, to scan everything, and for any hidden items, but he quickly stopped as the lack of anything really likely dispelled his doubts.

"Glad, I'm a kid for this one. Though I should try to act mature, any slips like staring too long and messing up in my speech can easily be forgiven."

The man walked to the only seat left for him, and his mother put down her cup to face the man.


They locked eye contact as Overhaul took a sip of the tea, not worrying about whether it was poisoned.

"Is he arrogant or so sure of himself? Either way, those people below shouldn't be normal… stay safe, Naia."

"What excellent taste, Madam…"

'What do you mean excellent taste! The tea's gone cold by now…Though now that I think about it, there was mention that Gyukuro tea tasted great even when cold.'


"We'll, Madam Yoshimura, surely we didn't come here for a pleasant chat on tea, and I'm confused as to why someone of your stature would contact the Shie Hassaikai? Please forgive me for my ignorance, but if I may pertain as to why I'm here."

Somehow, her smile reached up even more than before. She patted Ken's shoulder, which was their signal that it was his turn to do practically the only task he had today.

Carefully, with shaky hands as he was trying to show hesitance and fear, Ken's fingers went for his white medical eyepatch.


Lo and behold, his black eye and red pupil were pulsing devilishly.

The man frowned at the sight of this.

He took off his white glove, pulled a cloth out of his green bomber jacket, and wiped his hands, attempting to get rid of the goosebumps that had appeared.

"I see."

"Yes, I've been made aware you're in possession of a tool that can enhance quirks."

Either he was experienced in this talk or he already expected this, as his expression didn't undergo any change.


"Do you have the opposite? Something that can weaken or even erase quirks altogether."

A thinking expression appeared on the man's face before an epiphany visible went off in his head.


"I'm a frank woman, so I'll cut this short. I wish to buy them both off of you. If you have a minimum requirement as to price, I'm willing to buy more-"

"Madam, we do not have a minimum requirement, but we of the Shie Hassaikai do not wish to sell-"

"3 Million Yen."


"7 Million."


"15 Million."

"MADAM! Ahem-I apologize for my outburst, but please understand, we do not have intentions of selling at this moment."

"Yes, I apologize for my actions as well."


"But I'm afraid I can't stop."

He looked like a vein was about to pop with the number of times he's been cut off, but just before he was going to continue to deny her, Yoshimura put on a weary expression.

"My son can't go out and be a child normally because I need to worry about what would happen if they saw that eye. I'm sure you know, but the social world of the upper class can be quite hard; he has to be homeschooled, and my busy schedule means he can't even see me much."

Standing up, she bowed slightly to the man.

"I understand the intentions of your organization, but please also understand the concerns of a mother. I just want the best for my boy, and I need you to do that. Please, allow me to acquire the medicine so I can cure my son."


"Madam, please sit down. I cannot prescribe the drug earlier than its initial date-"

Not faking her look of disappointment this time, her features made her look pitiful.

If Ken didn't know this was an act and Overhaul wasn't a callous person and was a more compassionate individual, they would've rushed to her side to comfort her.

"-However, after the launch date, within a couple of days, I will reserve a dosage for you. The price will only be 12 Million Yen. Along with that, I'll prepare ways that we can keep in contact and inform you once I've finished the medicine that will fix your major problem."

'That's Extortion!'


"Then we're done here."

He quickly downloaded the rest of his drink, had a handshake with the teary-eyed Yoshimura, and said his goodbyes before getting in his car and driving away with his entourage.

Engine Rev

"Boss, that woman-"

"I know." 

Overhaul wasn't stupid; someone knowing he was in possession of a valuable item wasn't odd; he was the person who made those rumors in the first place!

But for her to know exactly what it was, along with when and where to find him, that was what he thought was suspicious. 

'Though her background could have given her privy to such information, I've never heard of her before.'

That was also a point of fault; he made it his job to be aware of every big buck around, so a new player appearing struck his brain.

"She could be a hidden person, but if she's that rich, why didn't she just remain in the shadows. Surly, she has thousands of subordinates to do this for her."

 'Was she trying to be more sincere by appearing in person? But people at that level rarely do things out of the kindnest of their heart, especially putting themselves in danger.'

There were points not adding up—things he couldn't piece together that made him very wary of her.

'But her words.'

She had said she wanted to 'cleanse' her son 'using medicine' to rid him of a disease. Such ideals were something he could recognize; they were so rare that the young man was starting to think only he believed in them.

Thats what made him change his mind, along with some future prospects.

'It was her idea that gave me mine…Eri didn't the boss's granddaughter have a quirk similar to that? If I used Overhaul on her, I could create the drug she wanted. In the future, I could' save' many more; I could fix this world and restore the Yakuza to a position of power.'

He had his plans set, if stuff went according to plan, he would bag a new partner and a couple million yen.

He turned to the front and locked eyes with the driver through the rear view mirror.

"I want all of her information. Don't dig too deep, but her name, business, when she arrived here, and where she's staying, things you can find without alerting people and leaving a trail. I also want surveillance on her these next few days, anything unusual should be reported immediately."

"B-But boss, wouldn't that anger her if s-she found out. Not to mention her r-r-revenge!"

"Idoit! Sigh, It's standard procedure for those at the top to play all of their cards, if she doesn't want me investigating too deep into something, send a signal. Besides, she owes me for now. Is there any problem left!?"

"N-No…I mean Yes Boss!"

Overhaul shut the divider between the front and back and swung his leg over the other as he twirled the King's chess piece in his hands.

'If things go well, I can bring up these plans with Boss, surely he'd be interested in revenge against those Quirk users who ruined the Shie. And if not...

A ruthless ambition spread through his eyes as he once again imagined a perfect world without quirks.

'We'll then the Shie may be getting a new boss.'


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