
Yoriichi Vs Villain.


Hearing the scream, Yoriichi looked back at the source of the scream and narrowed his eye.

After confirming something his figure suddenly disappeared leaving only an afterimage.

He strode towards him, but no one amongst the crowd notice his disappearance because not even a sound escaped from his movement.

---General Pov---

A giant man about 10ft tall with an angular jaw and beast-like body, has a big sack of something behind his back alongside him is a skinny man in steampunk goggles holding a gun attached to a backpack behind his back.

Both of them were wreaking havoc, the police surrounded them.

"Tch, Fucking Police I don't have time with small fries like you!"

The gigantic man then swung his arm towards the group of police.



Which sends them flying 10 meters away, some of them were heavily injured due to these.

And maybe some of them even suffered permanent injury.


The gigantic villain laughed at the injured policeman, for him this was entertaining.

"Were gonna be rich after this partner, HAHAHAHA now let's get out before the heroes arrive!!"

The skinny man said, his partner nodded at him and put the skinny man on his back, they were about to leave when suddenly a figure appeared right in front of them.

His appearance was so sudden that it caught both of them off guard the same goes for the crowd and the policeman.

It was a teen wearing a red haori, his long slightly spiky hair tied in a ponytail, while there is an unusual birthmark on his forehead, the teen hold a Katana in his hand while he was staring calmly at the two villains.

They were both agitated by the obstruction of this kid and they both yelled at him.

"Get out of the way brat before we smash your head into pieces!!."

The boy didn't reply to them instead, he changed his gaze and looked at the heavily injured policeman.

His gaze didn't change but the mood surrounding him distorted, his beautiful red-ish hair lightly floated in the air as a flaming aura erupted from his presence.

"What do you find so entertaining?"

The air in the area became heavy as cold sweat flows down everyone's faces, all of them became terrified by the calm yet scary tone the teen emitted.

"What's so amusing about this?"

Then suddenly the whole world turned slow as the teen slowly walk forward toward the villains.

He have a cold look as he slowly strode toward them.




Each footstep became a signal that makes everyone's heart beat faster, his posture, breath, and rhythm of movement instilled fear in the heart of all of them.

Both of the villains wanted to get out but their bodies betrayed them as if gravity became 10× heavier, their breathing became ragged and at the moment the boy was in front of them, both of them were kneeling on the ground.

And for the final, they felt a sharp pain traveling through their arm, and by the time they looked where the pain came from both of their arms are now detached from their body.

Feat creep through them as both of them didn't even have the time to scream their pain, the next moment they saw their missing arms their whole world turned dark as both of them lost consciousness.

---Yoriichi Pov---

I don't know how or why but the moment I saw the heavily injured policeman and then the laughing villain, I felt deep anger crawl through my body.

Maybe it is because of the original Yoriichi's sense of justice but even I got scared of my cold attitude for a moment.

And the moment I have taken out both of the villains, the world turned back to normal and I too got back to normal.

Two armless villains were lying unconscious in front of me while everyone present have a look of fear towards me.

I felt nothing as if it was normal.

The only thing in my mind at the moment is nothing, no remorse, no pity and no regrets.

I look towards the crowd and the moment my gaze met them they all flinched in fear.

after this some guy in spandex arrived at the scene, he carefully analyzes the surroundings and when his gaze focused on me he narrowed his eyes.
