
MHA: Author of Fate

HONKKK! Just like that, he died. He died from a truck that came out of nowhere like a cliche start to an isekai! After achieving a grand milestone in his pathway to success, fate decided to give him a cruel twist and he dies so unexpectedly that it almost felt unreal, but... But it was real. There's nothing to deny that. He was gonna die, he was gonna die to that truck and was helpless to stop it. His life flashed before his eyes, his orphan days, his school days, his depression and joy, his anger and envy, his oh-so-useless emotions and thoughts popping one by one like countless fireworks ready to illuminate the dark abyss in the sky. Finally, the glaring white light enveloped him and he greeted death, the fate given to him so suddenly, with unending anger, and a vow. A vow to fate that if he were to ever be given a second chance, a chance he knew would take a miracle to come, he would grasp at every straw, grab at every single damn opportunity that he can sniff out from the most putrid hells on Earth, and he'll grab his own fate, his own destiny... his own story, and make it his to write. Follow as a man named Dolian rewrite fate itself, and become the author of his story, for an Author of Fate shall be born. AN: BARS! Now that's a synopsis. Anyways, back to this desolate wasteland called webnovel and stuck with you guys again after my spiritual retreat and living life as a normal high school kid... well as normal as you can get when you still have to stress about writing after dying at school and school requirements and all other bullshit. Besides that, I'm back baby! And I'm still bisexual as fuck, also I'm probably a chaser which is yikes; I'm turning redder by the second! But back to the topic at hand, AOF is gonna be a fun project because Dolian's abilities take some inspiration from LOTM's spectator pathway, but I'll also be giving my own flair and twist to his quirks and powers. Of course, even though it says MHA on the title, it would eventually get removed because this is a multiverse story baby! I'll try and make this story as interesting and as good as I can do, but this is more so for my own growth as a writer because my writing style... kind of sucks. So if you do notice my writing fluctuating differently in different chapters, then there you go. Now that's all said and done, I promise to hold back my urge to write soft BL content and not make another disaster like Telekinesis, and yeah, goodbye~ (The cover art isn't mine and belongs to this awesome artist https://www.artstation.com/artwork/9mKO1y)

NoNameDeity · アニメ·コミックス
78 Chs


Uwah, I can't believe this novel is dropper, cry cry.

So yeah, you guys still alive?

I was suppose to take a break till today and not write a single thing, but I wanted to escape from the pain of life and before I knew it, I'm already at Chapter 12 in Fortune Stealer.

The general plan is that I'll start the checking process in Royal Road and would only upload Fortune Stealer here in webnovel after that gets checked and published.

So by the very least, you'll most likely find Fortune Stealer uploaded at that place in three days starting tomorrow.

And that's it for this quick update. It's kinda scary extending out to new platforms, but growth here for origina novels sucks ass so I might as well rey it out while I have tons of free time.

ALSO, a little side note, there's probably no more guide because I have to write three chapters a day to accomodate that stupid little two chapter daily upload, so fuck you.

I also don't know if I'll even continue with the discord thing because frankly, I don't have the energy for it.