
MHA: Air Supremacy

Dying in a skydiving incident was not the way he wanted to go. But, reincarnating in a world where you're born with a power called Quirk did seem to make up for it. Seeing he accomplished most of the things he'd planned in his first life, why not be a Hero? ... Now, read on as you follow the story of Yusuke Yoarashi in the world of My Hero Academia! ****** All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner.

FleemusDesirus · アニメ·コミックス
24 Chs

24: Nothing Special


[In the Ruins Zone...]

A tall, slender young man with a bright green mohawk wiped some sweat from his cheek as he said with a grin, "That's Villain scum Number 8."

An explosion then went off in the background with a spiky blond-haired teen shouting, "Well, that was my ninth! You can't beat me, Mohawks!"

"Come on guys, you're really competing right now?" remarked a spiky red-haired student while blocking an attack from a Villain.

"Of course!" both Kamakiri and Bakugo shouted, to which Kirishima just sweat-dropped.


[Meanwhile, in the Plaza...]

"Yo, Aizawa-sensei! Need some help?"

"Get out of here, you brat," Aizawa said, ignoring the flying student.

"Come on, now. I promise I'll behave." Yusuke replied with a smile as he landed.

Seeing that smile, Aizawa felt a sense of painful nostalgia as an image of a familiar teeth-bearing cheery, light blue-haired friend popped up in his head.

However, that didn't last for more than a second since Aizawa immediately rid of the useless thought.

"It's too dangerous here, kid. Just wait by the entrance," he said, exiting the wind dome and punching his way through some Villains.

"We're bound to get into situations like these, sensei." Yusuke retorted.

Aizawa relented and sighed. Either accepting the teen's logic or simply tired to argue with him. "Fine. But remember this; if you ever get hurt, I'll make you clean the whole school campus."

Yusuke just smiled and dodged an incoming attack from a Villain.

"Wires? Wires are no good as an offensive weapon in battles, Mister Villain," he said, constructing wind blades to cut said wires.

The Villain clicked his tongue and tried to tackle Yusuke. He summoned a strong gust of wind, pushing the man toward the floor.

"Argh!" he shouted after getting the air knocked out of him. He then followed it with a weak shout, "N-now!"

"Hm? Oh, nice one." Yusuke voiced out, seeing the wire that was wrapped around him, preventing him to fly or move his hands.

He then heard a sharp whistling sound coming toward him. A few meters in front of him was a Villain pointing his fingers at him. Yusuke saw some thin projectiles heading swiftly at him. All those years of Karate Lessons made him really flexible, so he simply bent backward, dodging the projectiles.

"Ew, what were those?! Nails?!" Yusuke exclaimed, looking repelled.

"Tch, how could you miss, T-" the Wire Villain started to yell but was promptly knocked out by Yusuke.

He immediately dashed towards the Nail-shooting Villain, a gust of wind aiding him. The Villain, in panic, stumbled backward, giving Yusuke the perfect chance to knock him out.

He looked at Aizawa to see if he needed help, only to see him knocking out non-mutant Villains left and right. Being distracted for a second, he was tackled to the ground by a masked Villain.


'But, I didn't hear any movements!' the teen shouted inwardly.

"You're done now, arrogant rascal." the Villain voiced out, cocking his fist.

Yusuke was about to use his quirk, only to stop when he saw bandages wrapping around the masked man. The man was immediately thrown off of the teen, being slammed on the ground which knocked him out.

"I saw that, kid. You shouldn't get easily distracted in a fight like this," said Aizawa, with his usual impassive expression.

"Yes, sir. I'll keep that in mind." Yusuke replied with a shy smile as he got up.


While this was all happening, a certain man was looking on with annoyance. He prepared all of this, weeks of planning, and all of the preparation was starting to go down the drain! What's worse is that the Villains he recruited are being defeated by only two people. One of them is even a child! A damn child!

The person he wanted to kill isn't even here, and he was starting to get impatient.

"Where is that damn Kurogiri?!" Tomura shouted, scratching his neck intensely.

'Seriously, how hard is it to take care of some snot-nosed children?!' he yelled inwardly, his rage rising to an even higher level.

Still, even with all that rage, he still kept his eye on Eraserhead.

'He's starting to get exhausted... Twenty seconds...' the man-child thought in glee, almost replacing the anger he was feeling earlier.

"Focus on the annoying brat. I'll handle Eraserhead." Tomura told the other Villains. After the Villains cleared, he immediately dashed at Aizawa with his hands stretched forward.

"So, you're the boss, huh." Aizawa voiced out, dodging the hand while sending his bandages toward Tomura.

Tomura ducks under the bandages and closes in on Aizawa. The Pro Hero jumps away as his hair falls down.

"Nineteen seconds..." the Villain muttered as he charged toward Aizawa once more. Aizawa's hair rose once they engaged in hand-to-hand combat.

Tomura's fist shot forward, aiming at Aizawa's face, but the experienced Pro Hero just blocks it with his palm, successfully kicking the Villain in the leg and his stomach.

Tomura stretched his open hand toward Aizawa's face, but he simply slapped it away, and with a swift sweep, Aizawa pinned the Villain to the ground.

"For a boss, you're nothing special," he said, his unkempt hair falling down.


Got some spare stones?