
Chapter 25 : Woo Year


/!\ /!\ /!\ Important author note /!\ /!\ /!\

Hello guys, surprise chapter today instead of Sunday. I just can't post tomorrow cuz' life, so I'll post today. Next chapter *Tuesday* as always.

I've beeen got caught off guard by some fucked up shit a in my life rn...

Then on the other side, university is restarting in a week and I'm out of money for rent and every other stuff I need to buy, and late for my flat's paper too smh...

Anyway all this to tell you that I won't be actively huh... active ? yeah something like that, until I fix everything going around me at least...

Schedule will stay the same tho, every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday.

So don't worry if you don't see me, I'll keep writing...

/!\ /!\ /!\ Important author note /!\ /!\ /!\


'Anyway…' Kurai reached his new flat, his fur was drenched, although he wasn't cold or whatsoever.

He took around one hour to get back and it was now past 9 pm. He actually needed more time on his way back because everything was so drenched, he ran on the roofs after all. He didn't want to miss a step and slip at that speed.

So he had enough time to think about the situation at hand:

'First, a drug that's everlasting, and only gets worse and harder to deal with the more time passes.'

Reaching his home, he got into his human form and opened the door, 'Second, it was made by that crazy bastard.'

'But then again, it's not incurable.' He tried to think positively.

'Just like the old man said, I need to occupy her mind, it's not something I can cure myself for her.'

Now in the shower, he staggered a bit, 'Yeah… But Rumi doesn't have the same upbringing as that man.'

He continued, 'If I could compare them both, the old man's past is akin to a steel sword hammered and hammered so much that it became as hard as diamond, while Rumi's is just a newly forged sword…'

'Can she do it, all alone, like him?'

Finishing his shower, he laid on his bed, naked, 'No… But since she likes fighting, I'll shower her with enough punches, eheh!'

'But what could her nightmares be about? Spiders, insects? Clowns? The darkness? Apple Pies ?'

'No, no… Rumi is a strong girl, she shouldn't be afraid of things like that…'

'Let's think reasonably…' Kurai thought, still naked.

'The only time that she overreacted was after that fight…'

'Ummm... '

'Is she too conscientious of other people's words?'

'Maybe that's what's weighing on her mind? And the drug probably amplifies it, under the form of nightmares.'

'Pah, sometimes my deduction skills are frighteningly good!' He chuckled, in his room, alone, and still forever naked.

Deciding to sleep, after planning what to do with the bunny girl, Kurai finally wore boxers and closed his eyes.

Though, he had no way to know that he greatly underestimated the drug and the power of dreams upon a young mind… At least for now…




A few days later.

Rumi was still suspended, and Kurai was now on his way to bring her today's books and notes

Reaching their door, he directly rang.

Those last few days he stayed longer with her at her home, mainly because, as he thought, Mai grounded Rumi.

So he couldn't really begin his machiavelic plan and start beatin—... Training her.

"Hi!" As always, Mai's cheerful voice greeted his ears.

"Come inside, Kurai!"

"Hello Ma'am." He saluted her too after entering their house.

Kurai looked at Mai, sending her an innocent smile, "I'll directly go into her room, don't worry."

She was dazed a bit by his cuteness, if at the moment Kurai was in his half-cat, half-human form, she was sure to have a nosebleed instantly.

Meanwhile Kurai was now climbing the stairs, those past few days he had already visited her room, that's why he took liberties today and Mai didn't say anything.

He chuckled, missing a step, remembering the first time he entered Rumi's room after Mai proposed it.

The bunny girl didn't know it and was peeking through her window, trying to see who was at her doorstep.

So Kurai discreetly walked up to her and scared Rumi. '"Kyaaaa" Ahaha, that was so cute!'

Although, after seeing that it was Kurai, Rumi was angry at him, well mostly because she was embarrassed at her behaviour, a future pro female hero shouldn't be scared of anything!

"Is everything alright Kurai-kun?" Mai shouted, peeking her head from the kitchen.

"Yes, yes, I just missed a step, ahaha!"

"Mou! Be careful! Don't start daydreaming like Rumi!"

"Alright, I got it" Kurai resumed his train of thoughts.

'Maybe I should try to scare her again?'

He didn't know why but he really liked to tease her above anything, her reactions were so adorable to him.

Though it didn't mean he was teasing her every time those past few days, no, generally they did their homework together. And they only have fun after, if they have enough time remaining.

Well, generally, only Rumi did her homework, and Kurai either slept or looked at her hardworking face, to the bunny girl's embarrassment. Fortunately, Kurai was fast enough to dodge the flying pens coming after his head.

He had to say, she was even cuter when she was deep-thinking with a bit of her small tongue peeking out of her mouth.

'I wouldn't mind having a cute lil' sis like this!' Finishing his thoughts, he knocked on her door this time.

"Yes, enter!" He heard some rustling then Rumi's voice behind the door.

There, she could be seen diligently working on her desk.

Walking up to her bed and sitting on it, Kurai laughed at her, which made her perk an ear.

"Now, now, don't try to fool me." Kurai smirked at her.

She quickly looked at him then got back to 'work', "I don't understand what you mean."

"You know... When I was younger and was on my phone during the night, but my mother suddenly came into my room… My first reflex was to close my eyes and to pretend to be asleep…"

"So…? Can't you see I'm working?"

"Yes, exactly… You're working, huh?"

With a straight face, Rumi answered.



Kurai was speechless, 'Yikes, she started to take my shamelessness too…'

"I see…" He then stood up and went behind her.

Bending down to her ear level, he murmured sweet whispers, "Weren't you looking through the window again, then hurriedly sat on your chair after hearing me knock?"

Quickly going to her other ear after seeing Rumi turn her head, "I didn't know that future heros were this shameless, lying with a straight face, that's a nice skill."

Rumi, already incensed by him the first time, turned her head the other way, "Bastard!" Her face was redder than a pomegranate.

Both now face to face, "Why do you keep going after my ears?! You are the one who's shameless!" Said Rumi, holding her long white ears.

"Why? Because they cute, duh. " Kurai declared, as a matter of fact.

This made Rumi blush even more, "Raaahg! Asshole! Stop talking!" Growling, she jumped at him.

Kurai was caught unprepared by the savage bunny, he didn't think that she'll attack him in her own room.

Falling on his back because of the wild rabbit, Kurai had now his hands pinned down by Rumi.

She was mounting his stomach, "Heh, did a cat get your tongue, asshole?"

Kurai was looking at her unimpressed while she was grinning and showing him her tongue.

"Getting cheeky on me?" Exerting strength he got free from her grasp.

He then slapped her toned but soft butt, while contracting his abs and getting up.

"Kyaahn!" Rumi let out a surprised moan at his hit.

His slap was just a diversion, since now Kurai had the upper hand, and was right above her.

"Why did you slap my b-butt?! You pervert! Shameless bastard!!" She shouted at him, with her cheeks dyed red again.

"Because you are a cheeky brat." Closing the gap between their faces, Kurai could feel her toned stomach under him.

"You're lucky I didn't come here to play or else I'd have slapped you more, Rumi-chan~"

Rumi wanted to move out of his claws but the bastard grip was too strong! 'Why am I so hot?' She could feel his hot breath tickling her.

"Alright get up! You have your homework to do!" Kurai released her, then got up.

He gave her his hand to stand up, "Come."

Still laying down on the floor, Rumi looked up to him, trying to calm her beating heart.

"Humph!" She quickly got up with a jump, and slapped his hand away, sending it flying.

"1-1, I guess." Kurai said and jumped to settle on top of her desk, with his cat form.


In the end, that's how dynamic their relationship was. No one was angry at each other, Kurai never got bored with her.

Same thing for Rumi, even though she got embarrassed pretty often with him, it still diverted her enough. Well, seeing his cute cat-form, she couldn't help but smile and pat his sleeping head a few times.

Knowing that she was the only one to do it made her smile even brighter.

Just like the other days, when she finished her homework they played games for a while.

The only form of competition that Rumi could win against him. Although he couldn't stay for long because, in the end, she was suspended. So Mai didn't allow Rumi to have more fun than that, Kurai agreed with Mai too.

Even if she wasn't at fault, she fell to the provocations and harmed kids.

That's how the rest of her suspension ended. Thanks to Kurai, Rumi thought that it wasn't as bad as she imagined.

After that though… the 'hell' started for real…

And she wasn't talking about the fact that her classmates were even more afraid of her, no, this was actually nice for her who only wanted to remain with Kurai.

But, the man in question, for an unknown reason, started fighting her more.

That's all they did after school for months now, they didn't go to arcades or whatever anymore. Just plain old spars.

With a slight change.

Kurai's whole demeanor and fighting style became more wild and acrobatic, he didn't tell her where he learned it, she only knew the name.

'Capoyera? Capoera? Capoeira or something…' Rumi was clutching her right arm, which was all sore after receiving a few of his kicks.

It was now winter, but their bodies were hot enough to create vapor just by standing.

It's not like Rumi didn't mind him going rougher, it was the opposite, in fact she liked this pain so much, it made her feel alive and kept her mind sane at night.

She didn't know why she harbored such feelings, but the excitement brought up by those fights was so exhilarating for her.

Though, she clearly remembered Kurai telling her that he was going all out before...

'...Liar.' She thought, but she didn't mind, she knew for sure that the 'her' from before couldn't handle him.

Even now it really looked like he could go harder on her, but decided not to, it was as if he knew the maximum strength he could use against her. Enough to make her suffer, and feel pain but not enough to outright dominate her.

Rumi was on guard the whole time, watching him doing his acrobatics on the ground, prepared to defend at any moment, until he caught her by surprise with a Cabeçada.

Headbutting her stomach, he sent Rumi a few meters back thanks to his momentum.

Rumi got up, this time feeling pain in her stomach along with the pain on her right arm, swallowing a mouthful of blood, she grinned at him, "Come harder!"

She lunged herself at him, both fists crooked back.

'Damn, feels like I did something I shouldn't have.'

Kurai defended her attacks with a handstand rotation of his feet.

'Looks like she became even hungrier for battles, or is it something else…?'

The fight continued for a good 30 mins until Rumi was thoroughly exhausted.

The first few months, she literally had to hide her bruises from her mother, too scared because there was a possibility she actually forbade her from fighting… And Rumi absolutely didn't want that.

Fortunately, over the time, her skin became more resistant, and she got better at dodging or reorienting his hits to get less hurt. Thus she was bruised less, and it was winter too now, so she could cover her body fully.

Like this, another few months passed, Kurai really felt like she was some sort of thirsty beast having found its oasis.

Her hunger for battles couldn't be satiated, 'Welp I don't want to hurt her too much obviously.'

Sometimes she asked for more, even if she couldn't raise her little finger. She truly became addicted to fighting and all the feelings it brought her.

Although it was Kurai's plan to divert her mind, and even if it showed results… 'I didn't know it'd work so well.'

Indeed the bunny girl's behaviour became more tame when they weren't fighting, and less moody too.


"Ah! Shit! It was hard!" Rumi exclaimed after getting out of class.

They just got out from their last exam, tomorrow will be their graduation. Even though Rumi had Kurai's help, she still found it hard.

She also had a particular itch in her core…

...To fight.

She really needed to fight again, but her mother told her to study and that she could get back at it only after successfully passing all her exams.

"Don't worry, it'll be all fine, and if you pass them all, I'll show you something special." Kurai circled his arm around her shoulder, murmuring the last part in her fluffy ear.

"OH! Really? Don't you dare lie to me, you bastard!" Although her words were contradictory, she was full of smiles.

Rumi was already anticipating that surprise.

And her expectations were met.

The next day, they got their results and both successfully aced everything. After showing everything to her mother, she ran up to Kurai and asked for her surprise.

Thus, they were now in that factory again, getting ready to fight.

Rumi was pouting, "I thought it was a gift, not me getting more punches from you."

"Ahaha, don't you love it though?" Kurai smirked, cracking his fingers and neck.

Rumi grinned too, "Ya damn right 'bout that!"

"I guess I should warn you to come at me at 100%, heh"

Rumi put her guard up this time, and held herself from saying something cheeky, her bunny senses were flaring up at an alarming rate.

The air was becoming heavier, it was as if a storm was coming to engulf her whole body.

*Zip Zap*

Suddenly, light blue lightning started to circle in Kurai's golden eyes, literally shocking Rumi.

Dusts started to fly around too, while the lightning around his skin became more prominent.

Rumi had a lot of questions, she remembered that time in class where she was zapped, but this...

Copying her trademark grin, Kurai looked at her blood-red eyes, "I hope you're ready to face me."

*Zap Zip*

Seeing her not lose her smile, he nodded, but nonetheless added, "It'll hurt more."

Rumi shook her head from her disturbing thoughts, wanting to wholly concentrate on the fight, "Alright! Come!"

*Zip Zip*

Both the rabbit and the cat dashed forward and clashed.


/!\ /!\ /!\ Important author note /!\ /!\ /!\

Hello guys, surprise chapter today instead of Sunday. I just can't post tomorrow cuz' life, so I'll post today. Next chapter *Tuesday* as always.

I've beeen got caught off guard by some fucked up shit a in my life rn...

Then on the other side, university is restarting in a week and I'm out of money for rent and every other stuff I need to buy, and late for my flat's paper too smh...

Anyway all this to tell you that I won't be actively huh... active ? yeah something like that, until I fix everything going around me at least...

Schedule will stay the same tho, every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday.

So don't worry if you don't see me, I'll keep writing...

/!\ /!\ /!\ Important author note /!\ /!\ /!\

/!\ /!\ /!\ Important author note /!\ /!\ /!\

Hello guys, surprise chapter today instead of Sunday. I just can't post tomorrow  cuz' life, so I'll post today. Next chapter *Tuesday* as always. 

I've beeen got caught off guard by some fucked up shit a in my life rn...

Then on the other side, university is restarting in a week and I'm out of money for rent and every other stuff I need to buy, and late for my flat's paper too smh...

Anyway all this to tell you that I won't be actively huh... active ? yeah something like that, until I fix everything going around me at least... 

Schedule will stay the same tho, every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. 

So don't worry if you don't see me, I'll keep writing...

/!\ /!\ /!\ Important author note /!\ /!\ /!\

WolfStar14creators' thoughts