
Chap 3- Goodbye Home-Sweet-Home

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩 𝟑 - 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐛𝐲𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞-𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭-𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞:










{ 𝟕:𝟒𝟕 𝐀𝐌; 𝐏𝐨𝐯 𝐊𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐚; 𝐊𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐚'𝐬 𝐁𝐞𝐝𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦 }


Picking up a copper gear with my prosthesis arm, I stare at its polished surface. My usual calm-looking red eyes reflected back at my own self.

" Need' to get some small projects going to stop that from happenin'."

It has been an hour since the flamethrower incident… And yes, many like this one had already happened before….

I do try to keep myself from trying anything subtle but they slip at times and when you notice I'm already starting to test the damn thing….

Spinning the small gear in my index finger, rapidly shaking my head to get that out of my head.

It already happened before, it's just a scare! Jus' need to fix it when I get to Japan.

Flicking the gear up and rabidly catching it in my mechanical palm, hearing a crunchy sound that makes my face earn a small smirk.

Opening my palm letting a torn apart piece of copper fall down. now almost 1⁄3 of its original size.

" Everything seem' fine, the finger coordination is fair too."- Confirming that my twenty minutes of work to put the fingers that flew off in the explosion was good enough, I turned around.

Looking at what remained inside my bedroom after I stuffed my black military backpack that was sitting beside the door. Another Gift from Papo, used often to carry back home the components I would find when we exited to scavenge around.

My bed that still had those vibrant orange covers my dad regularly cleaned, my comfy cushion.

The desk that I built using some wood planks, same for the chair resting by it. On top of the desk are dozens of books stacked on top of one another, some diaries full of projects I never started because of the lack of resources, and some small chibi statues I built from metal parts of the characters I would see in some books that had only drawings…. Comics, weren't they?

Read some, but they started to give way too many ideas on things so I kept it at a minimum….. Those have some really creative ideas…..

Too many even… And I don't have the resources to even start thinking on how to make them work… So for now, I choose to not swim too deep in what I can't touch.

Another thing that I realized with the help of Comics, is that even if I don't have the knowledge to create these possible ideas, it will start to bother me to read more books to gain it….

Like always… At first, it was the manuals for building toys Papo would get me, which I still have stored under the bed even, then fundamental school books in the usual classes….

And it kept going and going, all of that so I could know how to start a project, be it small or big.

It wasn't a choice. The more I asked bout' the world around me, the more ideas would dropkick me in the back to get going.

Like…. - ' Oh you see that tree? Wouldn't it be cool if we built X something to climb it? Wouldn't it? 𝐖𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝𝐧'𝐭 𝐢𝐭?!𝑾𝑶𝑼𝑳𝑫𝑵'𝑻 𝑰𝑻?!?' - And that's how these Intrusive thoughts would roll, getting more annoying if I let them be, my only peace was when I was making something already.

Hence why I started hitting junk metal parts, fidgeting with random things to create a useless gadget and such. It all helped to make my own mind think I'm doing something already and don't need further ones right now.

It could still shoot one or another while I was working in one already, but not in an overwhelming way, more so a suggestion.... Suggestions that I would 𝒎𝒂𝒚𝒃𝒆 follow... Like today's case...

" Should get goin' alredy, Papo probably got everythin' up there by now." - Walking towards my right, standing in front of a piece of broken mirror that stands glued on the concrete wall.

It worked, that's all it matters. I fixed my hair, leaving it as a ponytail. My clothes seem fine for now, the few other ones I have are already inside the bag so it should be fine.

Taking a deep breath, both hands clenched into fists as I stare at my reflection. - " Both my exo an' prosthesis give me enough power to bend iron by punchin' it…. Hmmm*nods*... Definitely can poke someone's eys out. if needed.. Hmm*nods*...."

Hyping up a bit, it would be a two-day voyage… It means no more Forge, so the tools inside my bag and the metal scraps are my best friend for the road….

Slightly smirking as I go towards my bag, pulling the zipper open and getting out a Rubix cube made using different materials. Strangely, it calms me down slightly trying to solve it. Not as good as creating stuff, but it still helps while we're traveling.

Closing the bag back up and giving it a good wank to rest it on my shoulder.

Everything is ready, time to go.


Not as loud as the Forge ones, the metal door opens giving me a view of the side corridor. Glancing back one last time as I step outside.

" Cya, will'be back soon'." - Closing the door, then starting to make my way towards the exit.

Can't look back.

Might change my mind and stay around if I do...


' 𝑴𝒚 𝑭𝒐𝒓𝒈𝒆....'










{ 𝟖:𝟎𝟐 𝐀𝐌; 𝐏𝐨𝐯 𝟑𝐭𝐡 ; 𝐁𝐮𝐧𝐤𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐄𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 }

The sound of various tools hitting one another followed the blonde young girl as she stepped up the stairs one after the other.

Her large black backpack swung left and right as she only wore one of the pair of the bay's straps over her right shoulder.

Whistling, she looks down at the Rubix cube in her hands, moving it around while fixing and then scrambling it again to fix it once more.

Fast-hand sweeping motions like a pro, she feels a light breeze hit her hair catching her attention off the cube.

Flinching while looking up, the sun hitting outside can be seen, the entrance was already opened by her dad.

Continuing to play around with the cube once more she steps up, exiting for complete the bunker, as soon as she does taking a long breath of the 'fresh' air.

Immediately regretting and having her attention brought away from the cube once more.

Scratching her nose while deadpanning the large clouds of black smoke that could be seen going up in the distant skies. - " Gunpowder…. Wheck….."

The horrendous strong scent of the same was everywhere, markings of all the bullet cases that showered the battlefields all over the countries the war ranged throughout.

*𝒔𝒉𝒖𝒇𝒇𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈* - Hearing something to her right, she looks over the house that their bunker was located behind of, an extra large hole that could easily fit a tank through was located in the wall towards the bunker side.

Walking off the hole using a plank he had put down to go up inside the house and out was Sumass, dragging his bike already having a bag full of everything they would need firmly strapped on its far back by some ropes.

" Pretty bad ain'it? Heard they tried bombin' everythin' again, but a tough dude threw a bike at one of their jets makin' them retreat." - Laughing at the government attempt, Sumass sets his bike's resting pedal down, walking over to his daughter to also watch the smoke in the distance.

His figure shadowed hers quite a bit, but even so, she was relatively tall for a girl given her young age thanks to the bald man's genes, standing at a good 173cm/5 '8f. She lived her whole life thinking she was short given her dad, and was in for a surprise given the place she was going to.

" Hmm*nods*... Did they try the capture method again?... Haiyaa….. It didn' work before, what they thought would happen now…." - She asked because she had a feeling it was something their government would try.

Coughing while laughing loudly her dad gave her a small tap on the back. - " Not this' time little kukla. Only bombardin' using highly compressed explosive bombs, seein' how the field's state was from far away."

Shaking his head after huffing a low chortle, Sumass turns around not forgetting to highly slap the shorter one's shoulder and waving towards Kaela for her to follow along.

" Now let's go, need to gety to the first resti' point before nightfall onto us like using it's bear claws."- Climbing on top of the like, he makes sure they have enough fuel to go.

As for the blondy, her hair floats in the breeze which carries another scent she had grown used to, the heavy smell of iron amidst all of that Gunpowder was oblivious.

" No ideas for how to fix this yet it seems.…..Hmm,*small nod*…. Need' to study more ...." - Turning around, she walks up to her dad who starts the bike up as soon as she sits, changing her backpack to be on top of her lap, to fit in better.

The cruiser bike was somewhat large but the things her dad had put behind took quite the space, fixing her position a little more until Kaela found a comfortable one, finally, she gave him a loud hum to sign she was ready, making the tall dad kick up gears and take off.

Driving through the remains of a destroyed house that only had a few concrete bits to tell story before arriving at the very rough street they would be following throughout the next two days counting from now on.

" Wah- Ah-oh-ah-" - Each hole in the road would make Kaela let out a funny apathetic little sound, it wasn't bothering her. It was more like an automatic response for some reason.

Not that it mattered, it amused her dad after all. It would make for an interesting ride in his eyes.

Now, eyes on the road.
