
MHA┃ Ice and Darkness.

Dying at a young age, a boy is given the opportunity to live out a new life free of disease in the world of My Hero Academia. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This will be an AU, I will be changing some things around to my liking while some things may stay the same. New Villains might be added as well, don't know yet. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This story is for fun and It's not to be taken seriously... I mean AT ALL.

adding · アニメ·コミックス
9 Chs

Chapter 8.

Chapter 8.

Attack On U.S.J


Walking out of the giant mist like portal, Kiseki, Toga, and Tomura stood silently while watching the two pro heroes utterly humiliate the hired thugs. Even with their numbers, Aizawa and Midnight were still holding their own...

And easily too.

"... So much for preparation." Kiseki spoke, his tone was that of still water... Calm. Toga on the other hand, was much more excited for this operation then even Tomura himself.

"Kiseki! Kiseki! Can I go too? This looks like fun!" She pleaded, pulling on his jackets sleeve. Kiseki glanced at her and saw that she had that same sadistic and excited smile like always when she had the opportunity to go collect some more blood.

He was kind of put off by it but it didn't bother him too much.

"... Sure, just don't leave any traces if you kill someone." He said, taking his eyes off of her. Toga didn't waste any time after hearing his answer, she immediately dashed off towards the students but before she went, Kiseki stopped her.

"... Hold on... Kurogiri." Kiseki said. And not a second later, the black mist like portal behind the trio formed to that of a man.

Kurogiri's yellow eyes looked at Kiseki, clearly waiting for an order.

"... Separate the students, take Toga and Tomura with you. Let them kill some students." He said, before his eyes shifted over to Tomura. Kiseki let out a sigh as he had a few thoughts running through his head.

'... Should I let Tomura do that...? He might ruin the plan with his impatience but whatever.' Letting out a soft breath of air, Kiseki turned his gaze towards Tomura and spoke.

"Tomura, try and kill that Todoroki brat. He has a harder hitting quirk, just like that Bakugo kid." Tomura let out a grunt of annoyance but none the less agreed. He couldn't risk annoying Kiseki since he was the main hitter.

If Kiseki got annoyed and left, no one would be here to handle All Might. Although, if Tomura had a chance to put all five fingers on All Might once, then that should be good enough.

"Understood." Kurogiri responded, bursting into black purplish mist once again. The mist engulfed Toga and Tomura and not a second later, the three of them disappeared. Leaving Kiseki by himself, in the middle of the room.

The sounds of pained grunts and loud thuds from punches and kicks resounded through the area of USJ.

Kiseki watched the two pro heroes battle against his miniature army of thugs with slight boredom. He knows he's not supposed to be doing anything yet till All Might shows up, but like... What is he supposed to do while he waits for Aizawa and Midnight to attack him?



As Aizawa and Midnight swiftly and proficiently knocked out the thugs in front of them, they started conversing.

"That kid got rid of his team mates. Is he dumb or is he just that confident in his abilities?" Midnight spoke, her voice displayed her confusion. Aizawa didn't answer immediately, after taking out a thug in front of him rushing towards him with a mutated rock fist, Aizawa spoke.

"I don't know. He seems like he's the same age as the students, maybe he's just arrogant. But on the off chance that he has enough power to handle us, we need to quickly take him out first. We can worry about the other three later. I'm sure Thirteen can get the kids out of here." He stated.

Midnight didn't reply. Her face held that of understanding and anxiousness.

'Something about that boy scares me a little...' She thought as her gaze met Kiseki's. She looked into his eyes and for that split second, she let her guard down.

A thug ran up and punched her in the face with a mean right hook, throwing her off balance for a second, but that's all the thugs needed. Another thug, a woman this time, ran up with her mutated tail in the air, the pointed part diving down towards Midnight's head.

Nemuri's eyes widened but quickly regained her senses and quickly cut a small gash on her outfit, releasing the pink knock out gas. The duo of thugs widened their eyes and quickly tried to jump back, but the damage had already been done.

The two of them fell unconscious within a span of seconds. Leaving enough time for Nemuri to get back on her feet and get back to the fight.

"Nice little display there, you sure you don't need help?" Aizawa questioned, his voice reaching her ears despite the loud sounds of thuds and unconscious bodies hitting the floor.

Midnight face flushed a bit due to embarrassment, but it quickly regained its natural hue as she spoke.

"S-shut up, it was a onetime thing!"



Yes, I know it was a short chapter with literally nothing much happening, but I wanted to get this out as soon as possible and apologize for my absence.

My grandparents had gotten covid and died because of it. It was hard, and due to the feelings of their deaths, I lost motivation to write.


I'm back, don't know when the next chapters going to be, but yeah.
