

The given text is a story about a group of metamorphs who lived for over two thousand years and had the ability to transform into different humans. They were heroes who protected the world, but humans were ungrateful, which made the metamorphs dislike them and not get involved with them for a century. However, they were forced to transform into humans to stop a high school student named Ophelia who wanted to rule the world using her powers. The metamorphs transformed into an unknown house and had to beg humans to take them in as they couldn't use their powers in human form. They eventually convinced a man named Carlo to act as their relative and help them get admitted into Hatton's High school where Ophelia was attending. They tried to make friends with her friends but failed, so they decided to trick Ophelia by telling her that they were metamorphs and had a way for her to rule the world. Ophelia was skeptical at first but believed them after Starlette used her powers on a boy. She asked for their help in gaining powers to rule the world, but they made her forget about ruling the world using their powers. However, rumors about them being monsters spread, and they had no choice but to leave the school and return to the shape shifters kingdom. The story ends with people still expecting the metamorphs even after centuries have passed. The story is fictional as metamorphs never existed.

T_bel · その他
5 Chs


Note: This story is fictional as metamorphs are not real.

It is written by Tiamiyu Blessing.

Ages ago, lived metamorphs who lived for more than two thousand years transforming into different humans. They had no names, emotions or feelings, when they were in their right form, because they weren't humans. But when transformed into humans, they did all what was expected of a human. They were almost immortal. They were shape - shifting creatures. But, they were heroes. They lived to save the world. No one claimed to see their transmogrification twice as they don't transform into the same body more than once.


They were five.

The first was Natasha named by the goddess of Ehush. It had back horns, long nails and said to be feminine. Its face was half-covered by its short hair. Its back horns also had long nails. Its body were covered with iron. It was believed to had been created by the goddess of Ehush as she was the goddess of back horns back then.

The second was Starlette believed to have been named by the seven planets excluding Neptune. It had long hair with two brown horns on it. It was believed to be the queen of the metamorphs and was created by an eagle which lived for fifteen years. It had horns surrounded around it which formed the shape of an eagle.

The third was Elodie, the real metamorph. It looked like a statue. Its left hand had long nails but broad ankles. The right had no hands.

The fourth was Snowdrop made of snow but seemed to hide its identity. Its face looked like lion's but had sharp yellow eyes.

The fifth was Candelabra, the scariest. It had trees grown round its body. Its hands were just like its feet. It was believed to be created by a tree named the Rift tree.

They were metamorphs. No human believed they ever existed. Even though they protected them at all times. They were ungrateful. This made the metamorphs dislike them and never got into the affair of humans for a century. This means they did not transform into humans neither did they protect them.


The same era lived a High school student named Ophelia. An extraordinary human was she. She had powers. And due to this, she wanted to rule the world.

"The world will soon be mine. I'll use my powers to destroy all humans so nobody will be left in the world except me. Then, another set of humans will come and I'll be their god and rule over them. Hahaha !"

She lived with her parents, two brothers —one older, the other younger and her adopted sister, Isabella.

Mark, being the older, was in his third year in the college. People couldn't believe that they weren't twins. They looked so very much alike, unlike the younger, Justin, who looked nothing like her.

Ruling a family of three was stressful enough not to talk of the whole world. But her friends kept cheering her on. "Fighting! You got this! Don't give up girl."

Stupid people, they were going to die after all. There isn't zero point one percent chance that they were going to survive if she succeeded in ruling the world. But it looked as if she was going to succeed in ruling the world.

This case was brought to the metamorphs by some aliens. They never wanted anyone else to rule the world, but them. They thought they tried so much for humans and had to receive a prize for it. So, they wanted to rule the world, not ruin it. Do you think that the metamorphs would rule the world perfectly if they were given the chance to?


" Oh my god! That darn Ophelia! She doesn't know whom she's messing with." They wanted to destroy Ophelia so badly. Do you think it's because they wanted to save the world or because they didn't want anyone else to rule the world but them?

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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