
Merged Worlds: Hunter's Guild (Discontinued)

作者: Densekugi
完結 · 36.6K ビュー
  • 12 章
  • レビュー結果
  • N/A

What would happen if thousands of worlds suddenly got fused together? And what if one of these worlds was home to some of the most abhorrent and dangerous creatures in existence? Surely people are as smart as the natives of that world and will be able to figure out they need to work together or they'll be in way over their heads, right? ...Right?

8 タグ
Chapter 1The Mixup

"Three months since the God of Gods combined all these worlds, and no one has made contact with ours yet..." A girl commented, sitting on a thick tree branch that managed to hold her weight.

Guild Registration 1.

Name: Lena Vogel.

Species: Meseri-Arachnid.

Nickname: Blood Hood.

Age: 13. (In her world's years.)

Appearence: Body: Long blonde hair, red eye, left eye missing, scarred hands, muscular physique, 5'7ft tall. Uniform: Blood stained hood, raw pelt shirt, pouch belt, tattered cargo pants.

Most Used Weapon: Boomerang Axe.

Getting up, Lena stretched a bit, unholstering her axe from her back and using it to slide down the tree, "Maybe I could go there..." She considered looking at how nice the place looked, then she heards heavy footsteps approaching from behind, "I'll get back to that thought..." She sighed before turning around with her axe ready.

Seeing the thing that approached, Lena saw it's long neck, wolf shaped head, and moneky body, "I hate Serpinaves..." She lamented before tossing her axe at a specific angle, causing it to spin and curve in the air, cutting through the creature's neck, making it's head fall off, "At least this should sell at the guild for a good few Stallons." She smirked thinking of how much this would pay.

"OH MY GOD THAT WAS AWESOME!!!" A voice yelled from nearby putting Lena on high alert again, axe ready in hand.

Looking around and spotting no one, Lena called out "Show yourself! I know you're there!" thinking that whoever it was would make it easy.

A moment after, four girls came out of hiding, one dressed in red, one dressed in white, one dressed in black, and one dressed in yellow, "...How did I not spot you? You stand out like Monarticas..." Lena commented seeing the unusal colors.

"That sounds like a compliment honestly! Means we're good at hiding!" The yellow one said in response to the critique.

Before anything else could be said, the one in red began talking a lot, "How did you do that!? You were so quick! And your weapon came back just like a boomerang! Can you teach me how to do it too!?"

Seeing as she wasn't going to stop anytime soon, the one in white covered her friend's mouth and the one in black began explaining, "We should introduce ourselves, I'm Blake, the one asking questions is Ruby, *Points to the Yellow one.* This is Yang, *Points to the White one.* And this is Weiss." Blake inroduced everyone.

"Blake! Don't just give out information like that! We don't know if we can trust this individual." Weiss scolded her teammate for her inprudence.

Lena looked at the interaction and just had one thought on her mind 'They're not from this world...', and now she decided to voice this thought, "So you're from the other world over there?" She asked pointing to the world visible in the distance.

"Yeah... We were sent here to investigate..." Weiss confirmed, unsure if she should be sharing that information.

Without saying another word, Lena turned to the Serpinave and casted a spell that put it in a small crystal which she put away in her pocket, "Come with me." She told the four as she started heading in a direction.

Not having other options, Team RWBY decided to follow the girl, "Where are we going...?" Ruby asked feeling a little intimidated by situation.

Giving her neck a crack, Lena turned to her, "The Hunter's Guild." She said simply as they got to train tracks, "Get up on that." She told the four, pointing to a locomotive that's on the tracks.

Taking an up and down of the steam vehicle, Blake could not help, but ask "Don't we need a ticket? Or at least permission?"

"It's mine, and I'm giving you permission." Lena stated looking at the four, "Now get up there before I kick you up there myself." She ordered at this point.

After a Bit of Going on the Tracks.

The five sat there waiting to arrive at their destination, "This world is a lot different than ours..." Ruby said looking outside the window, "It's like even the air is out to get you..." She commented feeling the heavy air in her lungs.

This comparison made Lena let out a chuckle, "You're probably smelling a Faux-Odor, the air around those foul plants is always heavy." She explained, spotting said plants hanging from tree branches.

"So... Who are you?" Ruby asked, "We introduced ourselves, seems only right you do the same." She rationalized waiting for an answer.

Weiss sighed at this, "Ruby, you seriously think that anyone would just give that information that easily?" She pointed out disappointedly.

Not following Weiss's logic, Lena did begin introducing herself, "I'm Lena Vogel, a Genocide Rank Hunter at the guild." She said surprising the Team, "What?" She asked confused by their reaction.

At the explanaion Yang let out a smal hum, "You certainly showed us genocide earlier..." She joked pointing at the crystal Lena has in her pocket.

This comment prompted Lena to take the crystal out of her pocket, "If you consider killing a Serpinave genocide, your world must be full of butterflies." She mocked realizing how soft the must be and made them let out offended noises.

"What? It's true!" Lena stated firmly, "Serpinaves are the weakest giant beasts you can find." She explained thinking to all the ones she killed.

The revelation that the giant monster they were intimidated of was the weakest, made them freak out a little, "How do you live here!?" Weiss exclaimed in absolute shock and horror.

Arrived at the Hunter's Guild.

Stepping off of the locomotive, Team RWBY looked at the decadent building on which various creatures were crawling on.

While the four looked grossed out by the creatures, Lena was just annoyed, "Damnded Clawties..." She muttered under her breath as she went in the building, "Are you four coming or not?" She asked the Team, patiently waiting for them.

Walking inside the building, the air was a lot more welcoming and warmer, "This place is a lot more relaxing than outside." Blake commented feeling the pleasant atmosphere.

To not waste any time, Lena went to the counter, "I got a whole Serpinave, how much would it be worth?" She asked the reception lady who took out a paper and read it.

"...A whole corpse would be 500.000 Stallons, but you know the policy Lena." The recpetion lady reminded making Lena sigh.

"You've got to detract depanding on the damage, yeah, yeah, it's head is severed." Lena said as she handed the crystal to the receptionist who took it and handed back the payment.

The receptionist smiled as she put the crystal on a station that teleported it somewhere else, "You always manage to get us corpses in the best condition possible you know?" She told Lena before pouring her a glass of blood and guts.

Seeing the glass, Team RWBY felt like puking a little, "That's... God..." Blake muttered in disgust, feeling her lunch come back up.

This reaction made the receptionist quickly understand what's going on, "Didn't think we'd get anyone from another world." She commented while handing Lena the glass, prompting said hunter to hand the Stallons it costs over.

"Would you like some?" Lena asked the four who reeled back a bit in disgust, "More for me." She said before downing the contents of the glass, shivering a bit from the metallic taste, "Is the blacksmith present? I need the gears of my hook tightened." Lena asked the receptionist who nodded and pointed in the direction of the stand.

Giving a thumbs up in thanks, Lena headed over to the stand and gave the man standing behind it a weird device, "Just a little tightening of the screws." She requested, and the man nodded taking the device to the back.

Now that they had some time to talk, Team RWBY decided to ask questions, "So... What's up with this place?" Yang asked curiously.

"This is the Hunter's Guild, the members either take commissions, sell stuff, have weapons and junk repaired, they also sell great food and drinks here." Lena listed what the purposes of the Guild are.

Hearing the weapons part, Ruby beamed, "What kind of weapons do you use here?" She asked excitedly.

Lena took her axe from her back, "Things like my Splicer, weapons need to be effective around here." She explained checking the edge of the blade.

Seeing as Lena seems to know a lot about weapons, the four decided to show their weapons to her, "What do you think of these?" Yang asked.

Having an quick look of each weapon, Lena started critiquing, "The shapes are optimal, both the blunt and the cutting edges, can't really say the same for the materials, but if this is the best you can find in your world, then it's the best choice."

After the critiquing finished, the blacksmith arrived from the back and handed the device back to Lena, "A few screws snapped, what have you been doing with this?" He asked confused by the damage.

"Don't worry about it, you know my hunting techniques are particular." The hunter replied before putting the device on her belt.

Paying the cost for the repairs, Lena turned to Team RWBY, "Earlier today I took a commission to hunt a Mammoteske that has been causing trouble in the country side, would you like to come with?" Lena asked them only to be met by a negative answer.

"The investigation we had was to see if there was intelligent life, we should report back before they send search teams." Weiss explained taking out her scroll to send their location to the extraction team.

Ruby looked at Lena with a smile, "If we have time we will come back and take part in whatever hunt you pick! I would love to see you at work!" she exclaimed.

Lena nodded before turning away from them, "If they're coming to pick you up, it's probably best if I head out, don't want the Mammoteske going away from the search area." She told them as she began going back to her locomotive.

Team RWBY waved at her as the train started and went down the tracks, "I hope no one thinks they caan just waltz here to 'enstablish dominance' or something like that." Blake commented, spotting a giant bird flying up in the air.

"We all know they will." Weiss shook her head in disappointment at the knowledge that it will happen sooner or later.



  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定
