
Mending Our Broken Hearts

Heather Halloway is forced into an arranged marriage by her business minded mother and is made to get married to one of the Moore boys, Austin Moore . However she finds herself falling madly in love with one of her brothers -in- law Xavier, who seems oddly interested in her too, will she learn to love her husband or will she still choose to love her husband's younger brother . Please leave a review and let me know what you think.Thanks

Nimbus_Feels · 都市
8 Chs

Chapter three

<p>Heather woke up to the loud ringing of her phone, she grunted lightly as she turned around in bed , trying to sleep some more, but the ringing phone and the buzzing in her head wouldn't let her.<br/>      She felt like her head was heavy and aching as she tried to raise it, then surrendered as she lay in bed, eyes open, but not moving to pick up her phone as she took long deep breathes trying to collect herself.<br/><br/>      She granted as her phone rang again and this time she turned to reach for it from the bedside table and seeing the caller, dejectedly picked it up.<br/><br/> "Where the fuck are you?" Fall's anxious voice sounded through the phone.<br/>  "I've been calling your phone since last night , where did you disappear off too?" She asked and seating up,Heather looked at the white sheets and white bed cover and frowned .<br/>"Oh no" she said worriedly as she sat up in bed , grunting from the ache that followed as she sat up, she put her hand on her forehead as she tried to pinch the space between her brows.<br/><br/>"What?? That doesn't.."<br/><br/>"I left the club with a guy last night"she said as she frowned at the realisation.<br/><br/>"You what?!"Amber's shocked voice sounded from the other side of the phone,<br/><br/>"She left the bar with a guy" Fall said, her voice carrying a hint of excitement, but she didn't want to freak Amber out.<br/><br/>"Did you..."Fall asked , anticipation in her voice,<br/><br/>"No, "<br/><br/>"I don't think so" Heather replied as she rubbed her forehead,  she could feel Fall roll her eyes and Amber's sigh of relief from the other end of the phone.<br/><br/>She wasn't sure though, she didn't want to freak any of them out, the only thing she remembered for now was that she left the club with the good smelling stranger, she couldn't remember his face, she was drunk after all, plus the club was dark, but she remembered that he smelt good, like.... , well, she couldn't figure out the sceng, she thought as she sat up.<br/><br/><br/>"Where are you?" Amber's worried voice cut through her thoughts.<br/><br/>"I don't know, a hotel probably"she said,<br/><br/>" you know what?" she added<br/><br/>"I'll call you back " she said as she hung up without letting her friends say more, she looked at the time  on her phone, it was almost mid-day, she sighed as she placed the phone down, then adjusted her self in the bed when her eyes landed on a note on the bedside table.<br/><br/>'A note!, Seriously?' she thought as she reached for it.<br/><br/>"<em>Nothing happened last night, but I had a good time talking to you, there's hangover pills in the seating area and a longer dress in the bathroom. See you soon"she read.</em><br/><br/>    Heather smiled lightly at the note before placing it down and throwing the covers off her. She sat at the edge of the bed and put on the white slippers that were layed out for her as she waited to feel a little better before standing up and heading for the bathroom.<br/><br/><br/>She smiled as she looked at the dress hanging by the shower, it was light brown in color and had long sleeves and a square neck, it was pretty and knee length long.<br/><br/>She reached out to take it off the rail when a note fell down, she bent down to pick it, and read<br/>"<em>I hope it fits</em>" , she smiled as she looked at the dress then decided to take a shower first before trying it on.<br/><br/>"Oh you look good" Fall said as she seized Heather up, she had her hair down and was dressed in the brown long sleeved dress that the stranger from the night before had left her, she felt pretty.<br/><br/>"I do?"she asked as she walked in, she had taken an Uber to Fall's apartment and was ready to dulge into the events of the past night.<br/><br/>"So...?" Fall asked tauntingly as she sat down.<br/><br/>"Do tell" she said as she looked excitey at Heather.<br/><br/>"Spill girl come on" she burged seeing that Heather wasn't saying a thing yet.<br/><br/>"okay" Heather said as she looked teasingly at Fall,<br/><br/>"wanna leave me out of all the tea?" Amber asked as she walked in, she was obviously from the shower seeing the towel wrapped around her head.<br/><br/>"spill already " Fall grunted.<br/><br/>" Okay, so,  I met Jasper last night" she said looking between the two of them.<br/><br/>"you did not" Amber said warningly.<br/><br/>"Yeah well, there's this hot guy I was dancing with, I still don't know who he was actually" she admitted<br/><br/>"and?" Fall asked<br/><br/>"well, he came to the rescue, I know , cliche  but wait," she said as she rolled her eyes at cliche then narrated the whole thing to them.<br/><br/>"Alright, he didn't touch you?" Fall asked suprised as she looked at her and Heather shook her head no.<br/><br/>"That's a big red flag for me"she said .<br/><br/>"No it's not, it's a green one " Amber said in defense and Heather looked at both of them in confusion.<br/><br/>"I think it's a green one too" she said in agreement with Amber <br/><br/>"Well, I don't see any reason why he wouldn't touch you, unless he's a married guy trying to play with someone's emotions " Fall explained.<br/><br/>"He must have had a good reason as too not touch you otherwise, he's just dumb and dumb guys are a no no"Fall continued.<br/></p>