

Elena is a human who lives with her mother. Even though she has everything, she still wants to explore and experience more extraordinary and supernatural things.........watch how she meets with her destiny.

Musharafat_Bello · ファンタジー
9 Chs


I set out that morning after a long drama of expressing emotions with my mum. I really love her and never want to leave her sight, but.....I have to go.

I went in the same direction of the werewolf's hut. I needed to go and meet him. I haven't understood till now what I needed to do or what to protect him from. All I knew was that, I needed to go.

But....how could I believe the words of a strange lady in my dream. It sounded so real. Well, I'm going to find out.

Raya knew what I was up to, somehow. She kept on following me like she knew where I was going. We kept on walking as fast as we could. Raya and I said nothing to each other. We had no business together apart from accompanying each other wherever we go.


"Liam! Lush!" The alpha called.

Two hefty males started walking towards him. Liam was the beta and Lush was a gamma.

"Yes alpha." They both bowed.

"I want to send you on an errand. To go and get my mate."

They both looked at him with surprise. How will they know his mate.

"But h....."

"She's a human. And the only human in the forest. Get her before she gets to him." He said with a wicked voice.

They both bowed shakily and went off.

"I have picked the two must powerful werewolves I have now. It won't be an easy fight seprating his mate from him."


Ray sat sharpening his dagger. He already got poison plants from the forest. He squeezed them together without touching it and left it in the sun for the scent to were off. He kept on sharpening his dagger in silence.

"Aaahhhhh!" He heard a voice.

The voice was faint but he could still hear it.

"I'm sure I heard the voice. It's a female voice. Could she be in.....danger?" He thought hard.

"Or....am I just imagining?"

"Hmmmmmmmm....rrrrraaaaagghhhh.....mmmnmmmmmm." The voice was getting fainter and fainter but he could still hear it.

"What's that?" He thought....his ears stood up immediately. "Elena!" He said.

He quickly poured the Poison around the dagger. He used his gloves to spread it round the dagger and he faked off.

Ray ran as fast as he could. He needed to save me. His mate. He followed the first voice he heard and soon, he was perceiving my scent. He stopped at a spot. He scent was stronger here. He searched around.

"They were here. They took her." He said as he looked at their foot prints everywhere.

"Woowoo!" He heard a sound. It was Raya.

Raya came running to Ray barking and barking. Ray looked at the little dog. He recognized it from the first day they were running. He perceived it's scent.

"Woowoo.....wooooowwooo!" Raya was barking at the direction the took me.

"That way." Ray shouted as he started running in the direction.

He stopped a little far and cane back to carry Raya. She was still too young and couldn't run very fast. She would slow him down.

Ray knew this direction very well. It was the way to the Pack's territory. He was going there. He knew he was going there. But he needed to save his mate.


My mouth was tied up very hard. They kept me in a very shallow room, dark and smelly. I already hate this place and these people. They clearly have no respect on how to treat women. They should come closer a little and I will teach them respect. I was blunting all these words in my mind.

I started hearing footsteps. They went to inform their alpha that they got me. The door openned and my heart starts thumping. I'm very scared.

"Where's she?"

"There." They pointed at my direction.

"What! How could you treat her like this? She's your Luna." The alpha was clearly displeased.

"We're sorry alpha but she was pricing too stubborn. We had to tie her down." The beta reported.

"Hmm...fierce. I like that. Go get her loosed up." He ordered.

I haven't seen this darn alpha, but I hate him. And what did he call me? Luna? What does that even mean.

I started seeing a tinge of light. The opened my eyes and loosened my mouth. They were about to untie my hands when...

"Let her be. She's comfortable that way." I heard the alpha say.

He came closer to me and brought my face up in the open. We were looking eye to eye and surprisingly, the fear in me reduced when I saw him.

"Hello there..... what's your name?"


"Good. Nice name. Call me Rudolph."

"And who the hell are you Rudolph?" I asked with a Stern and scared look at the same time."

"Hahaha....I'm sure you'll be shocked when you find out."

"Well, it won't hurt to find out."

"My name is Rudolph and my werewolf name is Rui. I'm the alpha King wolf of this pack and you are my Luna."

"And what does that mean?"

"It means...you are my mate."
