

The high pitched scream of my alarm snapped me out of my trance like sleep. I felt the blood flowing through my tired and disoriented body as I struggled to help myself out of bed. It was the first time since summer had started that I would have to get out of my bed earlier to assure I would get my coffee and have the time to defog my plenty foggy mind. Endless thoughts swirled through my tired mind leaving me overwhelmed in my own psyche. I dreaded this day and kept putting off the thought of it but alas it was here. I slowly sipped my coffee as I gazed out my small kitchen window. The view was beautiful and I knew that this was one of the final times I would see this magnificent scenery in person. I headed out to my patio to really see the view one last time. I almost tripped when I realized I had forgot my pack of lucky star cigarettes on the counter. My mom would disown me if she happened upon the new shiny pack of white and yellow tobacco sticks. I knew I had plenty time to spare since my alarm was set to such an early hour. Just to be sure I rushed inside and snatched them carefully off glossy white marble countertop, I then headed back outside and then looked through the pack carefully until I found the longest cigarette I could find. I then grabbed my white bic lighter and lit the tip until i could see the embers igniting the fine tobacco inside the white cone that held the tobacco together. Today would be the day me and my family would move to a new town that was about 4 hours away from my current house in a car. I had never moved before, but the thought of a new bedroom and new atmosphere could be nice. I was more than happy with the moderate townhouse my family occupied at the moment, but my dad was lucky enough to receive a considerable lay raise if he were to move branch's at his work. He of course took up this seemingly perfect offer hence why we were moving. I had just about finished up the cigarette I had been smoking so I threw the butt of the now completely burnt tobacco stick into the garbage can on my left. I always took out the trash so I had no worries of my snooping parents catching me in that circumstance. I then went to the bathroom nearest to my sleeping quarters and brushed my teeth while listening to some calming rock music. My music taste is rather bland but I like to think its pretty decent for someone of my age. Speaking of I'm 15, although I turn 16 in 2 days so lets just assume i'm 16. I have 2 sisters who are both younger than me. I am the oldest sibling and when my father wasn't home I was seen as the head of the house. I finally completed brushing my teeth then lightly walked my way back to my room. I felt worlds better, the fogginess that had minutes ago flooded my mind was completely gone. I felt amazing, I began to loosely pack my clothes while listening to some popular 90s rnb music. I kept this up until I was almost done packing all of my belongings I planned to bring with me. When I looked at my clock as I just about finished ip my packing it showed me that I had been packing for almost 4 hours. I knew my family was probably going to be up soon so I put away my cigarettes and lighter into a little box my grandma had gave me before her passing. Since I har been up so early I decided that it'd be best for me to try and sleep a bit more before we had to leave on the drive to my new home. I was abruptly woken up when my sister (Aimi) yelled my name and violently shook my body back and forth. I quickly got up and started to carry my bags to the van my parents had rented to make the move easier on everybody. I helped Aimi and my other sister (Eri)[who was the eldest of the two] carry some of there baggage to the car before getting in the large white vehicle and getting comfortable so I could attempt to sleep on my way to the newest chapter of my life. Sure I was very nervous, but I was also very excited to see what this town was like seeing that I had not a-lot to go off of. All I knew is that this town was a larger town then my quaint hometown and it was a oceanside town that always stayed relatively cool and chilly. I closed my eyes and let the soft static paired with the mildly infuriating pop music drown me into a light but soft slumber.