
Melancholy’s Bride

"You own me, Feiya. So, if you're thinking of releasing me now, this loyal dog of yours might bite you," the heroine gently cradled my hand and kissed the back of my right hand. "Kiss me with those poisonous lips of yours, Feiya Poloro and feed me pretty little lies," the villainess pulled me in by my waist. "You're the most interesting thing I've ever seen. If I keep you as a pet, will you keep entertaining me for the rest of my life?" The wicked witch of the west caressed my left hand. "I'll give you anything in the world, Poloro. Just take my surname and the world is yours," the wild bitch of the empire knelt at my feet and kissed its top sweetly. I have a secret: I am not Feiya Poloro. Warning: I do not own the art cover of the book. All credits go to the artist who has drawn it.

baexuxi · LGBT+
10 Chs

- 10 -

The Witch of the West's whisper, almost like that of an eerie ghost's, fell upon my burning ears. This body of mine that had never been touched in such a way before was inexperienced, thus easy to rile up. It took no more than a few caresses for this body to start heating up. As though I had swallowed a pot filled with magma, my stomach felt like it was on fire.

"Let me embrace you." The Witch of the West whispered as if I didn't hear it the first time. Her arms tightened around my waist, bringing me inward into her plump chest. "I'll grant you a newfound pleasure. One that will call to your soul, and make you unable to distinguish reality from illusion. Every part of you.. won't be unexplored under the tips of my fingers."

"You—can't—" I gritted out, repressing a moan from escaping. Seriously.. having such a green body was so frustrating! An aphrodisiac-like fervor washed over my whole body. I couldn't help but pant out a little, much to the Witch's delight.

"Don't I resemble the person you've been dreaming of?" She whispered. Her hands that were making their permanent home on my waist slowly trailed up the sides of my body until they cupped both of my cheeks. Her palms were ice-cold, reminding me of the fact that this figure who was enveloping me wasn't a human at all. Perhaps, even now, the version of herself she was showing me was a mere illusion, and her real body was hidden in depths unforeseen by any living human. Of course, I came to such a hypothesis. I never doubted the Witch of the West's capabilities—not when she was the sole tormentor of Caroline's path to revenge.

"Then, don't you think it's okay doing it with me?" She continued in a logical tone that was only reasonable for her.

Even though she seemed like she was asking for permission, her hands which looked like they developed naughty intentions of their own, had crept down to resume their position around my waist. Every now and then, more and more pressure was inserted into those fingertips, and with every second that passed by until dawn would arrive, I found it increasingly difficult to breathe from the restricting tension. And for a moment, I almost considered craving in. Seeing the sight of brown strands after so long, the lilac color of my eyes was only stained with brown.

I admit. I lost my mind for a second.

"You won't even know," I whispered tenderly. The hot affection that was pouring from my eyes was enough to pool on the floor beneath us. The woman who maintained the appearance of 'Irene' was taken aback by the frenzied emotion, but she accepted it with tremendous satisfaction. I raised my hands to latch onto either side of the face of the beautiful imitation before me, and I continued in a low voice. "There is no one in this world who is able to stir up such emotions inside of me… before you. But, you looked so eager to run away from me, making me wonder… has our love never been on the same level? After all these years, was I the fool who wore her heart on her sleeve? You must have only wanted to get away from me. But, Irene, I am not me without you."

"Foolishly giving away your heart to a woman who will never reciprocate. Our lilac is a little more hot-headed than she lets on." The Witch inveighed with a hint of mockery evident in her luscious voice. But, your affections that have been unanswered… can't you give them to me instead? I am the ideal version of the 'Irene' that you crave. Naturally, you should be able to feel the same way towards me."

A small smile crept onto my face. I opened my arms, and standing on my tip-toes, I wrapped them around the Witch's neck. Although her build was certainly bigger in comparison to mine, her neck was thin, and fragile as though you could just twist it with your hands. I considered doing it for a split second. Rather than be tortured by the ghosts of the past, in this case, my beautiful and wretched Irene, I would rather seek to end the root of my woes.

"I should, shouldn't I?" I murmured, holding the back of her head with my palm. I tenderly caressed the long, brown locks. "You're the spitting image of her with no imperfections. As though Irene is standing in front of me. I could make love to her through you."

"So, why don't you, little vixen? Finding humor in teasing me? You must know.. it's me that usually does the teasing in bed." The Witch smiled, though a silver of irritation and a medley of frustration shone through the twist of her dark eyebrows. She latched on my wrist of one of the arms that were around her nape with a bruising grip, and pulled it forward, launching me even deeper into her embrace. From this angle, I peered up into her eyes. Purple specks glittered in dusky eyes, different from the soft brown ones I was used to. Although the appearance, the weight, the feel, and the touch were all similar, I noticed that the Witch couldn't copy all the features down to the tee.

And to think I was almost fooled by such a cheap, poorly-made gimmick. It was almost an insult to Irene. But, it was like a breath of fresh air seeing an emulation of her in a place that was foreign to me. Before I could wake up from this beautiful dream, I suddenly embraced the mock Irene.

I could hear the breath above my head hitch, then two slender arms snaking around my shoulders. This would've been romantic, desirable only if the person in my arms was the real Irene.

"So, can I take this as a y…"

"But, you must be gravelly mistaken if you take me for a person who in lust wouldn't be able to differentiate between reality and illusion." I raised my head. In contrast to the Witch's hardened facial expression, my eyes were curved. The corners of my lips upturned to resemble that of a porcelain doll that had its mouth drawn up with raspberry paint. I tightened my hold around the Witch's waist. Although she could've easily broken out of my grasp, the Witch must've underestimated my tenacity, for her expression was tranquil as if gazing upon a house pet that was cozying up to her. This sort of nonchalance—her knowing full well what she was capable of—coming from her, greatly disgusted me.

"Well, I expected that you'd be harder to fool since God themself has hand-picked you personally. But, that's what fascinating about you," she murmured with disappointment, mimicking the hushed whispers of a forlorn paramour. The way she insisted on playing lovers with me… using that face.

It was all so repulsive.

"Also, this body of mine. It's not of legal age yet." I smiled.

"So what?" The Witch raised her brow carelessly. "My little vixen, your mind is that of a grown lady. Do you think an omniscient being like me cares about the state of your mortal body?"

"No," I refuted calmly. "It just doesn't sit right with me. As a woman of the 20th century, pedophiles like you are the bane of humanity. It's my duty as a law-abiding citizen to rid of scum." My eyes flickered to meet hers. "Is it not?"

"My vixen, I don't know what you're talking about." A dry chuckle came from her.

Well, it made sense that a fictional creature like her, unknowing of her own origins as a character belonging to that of a meager romance novel couldn't fathom the severity of what it meant to be a 'pedophile.' And fortunately she didn't. I feared if she were to know what it meant, my life as Feiya Poloro wouldn't last long.

"You don't need to," I stated calmly, releasing my arms from around her waist. I ran one hand up her torso, and the Witch gnashed her teeth, dark, violet eyes melting with satisfaction. My fingertips felt as though they had been scalded from her reaction. "I don't know whether you came to me just to tearfully beg me to sleep with you, for entertainment, or to gauge my abilities. But, regardless, you courting me to bed with that face of yours… it's offensive."

I grabbed a fistful of her buttoned black shirt, pulling her inwards. Her head towered over mine, casting a long shadow, which caused the violet in her eyes to glimmer ominously. For a moment, I felt like I was being stared down by the wolf beast back in the fields. The same feeling of fresh meat on a silver platter, the same urge to run away. Gritting my teeth, I used my other hand to grapple onto her collar, forcing her to lower her head furthermore until our noses were on the brink of touching.

"Feiya," the Witch spoke breathlessly.

"It's offensive…" I continued on from where I stopped. "Because if it were the real one, I would've slept with them in a heartbeat."

Towards the end of my sentences, I had backed the Witch towards the ledge of the window. The distance between her and the ledge were so close that if she were to backtrack further than that, she would've been sent tumbling over the edge. I intended to provide that assistance. Finally releasing my hands from her collars, I ran down them her clavicles to her chest. As expected, there was no familiar thump of the heart beating against the rib cage. The hollowness that responded to me was like dousing me in a bucket of cold water. I wasn't interacting with a normal human. No, you couldn't call the Witch of the West a normal human.

"I hope you got what you're looking for, because for me, this encounter was just futile." Whispering out the last sentence, I pushed my hands against her torso, giving way to enough energy for the Witch to stumble over her feet, then got swept by the ledge, and out she was, sent tumbling through the air from the window of my room which was situated on the second floor. Though, not high enough, the Poloro manor was built to have high walls, just enough distance for the Witch's body to collide the floor and lose her breath.

I scurried over to the window ledge, curling my fingers over the wooden beam, then hoisted myself up and looked towards the ground.

On the grass laid the body of a beautiful, brown-haired girl. Under her head was the coarse, green grass that had been stained by the splatter of blood which soon turned into a pool of crimson around her. Overall, it was a gruesome sight that should've belonged in a snuff film. The image was so vividly revolting to the point I physically recoiled and slapped a hand over my mouth. Even though I had been planning for this effect, watching this play out in reality was more sickening than I originally imagined.

"Shit… Cough.. cough.." Bile rose up my throat, and physiological tears pricked the corners of my eyes. Fuck, if this was the outcome, I shouldn't have done it at all. I squeezed my eyes shut. After a few seconds, enough for me to regain my clarity, I steeled my heart and looked over the ledge once more.

The woman's head which had been previously twisted at a peculiar angle, whipped back to face me with a smile split across her face. The already horrifying picture frightened me even more and I stumbled backwards, tripping over my own feet and fell on my derrière. The thump was so loud to the extent of attracting attention as not long after I found myself seated on the floor, the door to my room was swung open abruptly, and in came Caroline in a rush to my aid.

"Young Miss!" Caroline's urgent voice rang throughout the quiet room, and her hurried footsteps drew closer towards me. When she passed the veiled bed, she would've found a weak, defenseless and continuously pathetic version of me who was sprawled across the floor, crystalline and bulbous tears sticking onto the tips of my eyelashes. I must've cut out to make a pitiful sight since as soon as she saw me, Caroline's face hardened with concern. She immediately dropped to her knees and wrapped her arms around my back.

"Young miss…" Her soft voice resonated beside my ear, tickling the hair on the back of my nape. "Was it a nightmare?"

As she inquired in an inaudible tone, her hand ran up and down my back in a trail as if she was weaving flowers; gentleness dripped from her fingertips, and I almost found comfort in the way she treated me like I was fragile pottery, even though I could say with a lot of proof, that I was more dangerous than this seventeen-year-old Caroline. I pretended to don the cover of a meek sheep as I sniffled into her gown.

"Yes… a very vivid nightmare," I spoke hoarsely, digging my nails into the back of her dress with a power that was a fraction away from tearing long stripes into the cotton fabric. "A nightmare where I was being buried alive alongside a man I didn't love. I.. I could do nothing as the dirt poured onto me. My eyes, my lips, my ears.. all were filled with the scent of rotten flesh and sand. It was hell, Carol, hell!"

I heard Caroline suppress a wince as my nails tore into her back. However, she didn't even comment on the pain. Still cupping a hand over my shoulder, she pulled me in closer into her tender embrace. I could feel the thump of her heart against my skin. As if she was expressing that I could simply reach out and claw her heart out of her chest. That was the extent of her devotion towards me.

"I'm scared, Caroline." I forced my voice to tremble, and my delicate arms held onto her for dear life. I even went as far as to sprinkle in some dramatic effect like shedding unseen tears. But, even as I wailed like a ghost mourning her death, my eyes were not closed. I stared at the open window behind Caroline, watching the burgundy curtains sway along with the breeze. Clutching Caroline's shoulder even tighter, my eyes narrowed. "Wuwuwuwu…"

"Young Miss, please stop crying," Caroline whispered. She pulled away from me, raising both of her hands to my face. I was forced to look up at her towering figure, and a pair of warm palms cupped my cheeks, even wiping the tears that were clinging to the bottom of my lashes. "As long as I'm here, there will be no one who will be able to touch you. I will bear all the burden, so please… there's no need to shed your pretty tears."

As she spoke, her face grew closer and closer to mine. A cunning light flashed in my eyes.

In fact, I had long given up the position to become Caroline's friend. No, such a petty title wouldn't suit, nor save me at all. I needed to become more important to her. I had to make Caroline become special to me, as I would become to her. After all, love begets love. Caroline, I've decided on one thing a long time ago. If no one except you could help me, then I'd want you to fall madly in love with me.

Madly to the point of throwing away everything you had ever known—your wish for vengeance, your blood-thirst, your life, and your adopted mother. None of them would be as important to you as I am.

So, I want you to fall for me. No, worship would be a better term to put it.

Caroline coughed, suddenly releasing my face. She turned to look over her shoulder towards the breeze blowing through the open window. "Please wait for a second, Young Miss. Let me close the door first."

No! That couldn't happen. If she were to go over to the window, she'd definitely see the Witch's dead body.

I tilted my head up, my arms reaching around her slim neck. From this angle, I could see her swallow her own spit.

"Young… Young Mistress… I…"

"Sh." I interrupted her with a curt whisper. "Lend me your body warmth. I desperately need to feel the warmth of a person, to ensure that I have woken up from this tormenting nightmare."

"Young Mistress, if either Miss Liliana, or your father finds us embracing each other tonight, we'll definitely be…"

I clamped my hands over her shoulders, and abruptly pulled her towards the ground. Now that her back was plastered against the wooden planks, I placed both of of my hands on either sides of her head, trapping her in place so that she couldn't escape me.

"Young Mistress." A hushed breath was relieved from her. "We shouldn't be doing this."

"What shouldn't we be doing, Caroline?" I murmured. My long, lilac hair draped over my shoulders, falling onto Caroline's face. Gold contrasted against soft purple, but for some reason, it wasn't outrageous to look at. "What do you think I'm doing to you?"

At my question, Caroline flushed. Biting onto her lower lip, she averted her face away from my heated eyes. "I.. I… this servant doesn't know."

"You do know." I commented lightly, and Caroline's face immediately snapped back to meet my gaze. Hesitance and urgency swirled in her azure eyes that begged for me to not reveal it, but I could already tell. I had to make Caroline face the truth.

The truth being that… she was already in love with me.

Love. What a funny, but useful concept. I didn't know how, why or since when her eyes began to chase me, but I could always feel her piercing gaze on me. This was obviously the result that I had been slowly cultivating towards, yet when it happened, I couldn't feel anything. There was no happiness, nor joy knowing that Caroline came to love me. I only treated her with benevolence, wearing the cover of a girl with an abusive home that still came out pure because her heart was inevitably untouched, unscathed and innocent. But, the person Caroline liked wasn't me. It was supposed to be Feiya Poloro.

"Young Mistress." Caroline's voice broke me away from my thoughts. I peered into her endless, blue eyes, and could already read a multitude of emotions even if I didn't try. "Young Mistress… you.. are a person who doesn't take anything seriously. Ever since I came here, you've treated me with boundless generosity that I don't even think I deserve. At first, I thought it was because you were making fun of me, but as time went on, I continued to bask more and more in your kindness, and I've even started to crave more. I know I may seem like a pet in your eyes, but my feelings are valid."

"Of course, they are. I've never said it was invalid." I stretched out my hand to caress her face. She simply melted into my palm, and subconsciously leaned into it. It was ironic how she said she didn't want to be just a pet towards me, yet she'd act like a dog seeking for praise.

"You're toying with me, aren't you?" For the first time, Caroline didn't refer to me formally. Her hand suddenly latched onto my wrist with a bruising grip, and she furrowed her eyes and pursed her lips. "No matter how bored you are, I won't stand back and watch you play with my feelings."

"You're beautiful when you're angry, Caroline," I smiled. Caroline's pupils faintly dilated.

"Young Miss," she groaned, encircling her arms around my waist, and pulling me down onto the ground along with her. Now that our bodies were plastered close together, Caroline's body emanated heat that could scald me. Even if I tried to evade her grasp, it only grew tighter the more I struggled, to the point I wanted to yell at her to release me, but before I could open my mouth, she beat me to it.

"You're teasing me." She suddenly concluded.

I lifted my eyes, meeting her stare and continued to smile. I found that the more I smiled, the more Caroline's resolve would weaken. Good. I should attack her weak points from now on.

"Are you.. doing this to me because of your nightmare? You don't wish to get married to your fiancé, so you're acting like this to me in hopes that it'll break the engagement off."

"Caroline," I called her name. Although she was in the middle of a vent, she obediently looked towards me. "It is true that I don't want to get married to Erwin. He's a pervert who sneaks around his father's back to fuel his own perversion. Do you wish for me to get married to that bastard?"

"Of course not!" As if even the sound of my engagement with Erwin was dung, Caroline refused ardently.

"Then, to what extent do you want for me to be honest?"

"I want to know everything." Caroline sat up properly. With a solemn expression, she straightened her back like she was a knight that was waiting to be congratulated for her Great War feats. Looking at her stiff posture, I almost bursted out laughing. Still lying on my side, I propped up my elbow against the floor, leaning my head against it.

"Then… does young miss find interest in women..?"

My face shifted imperceptibly. Seriously? I was actively seducing her, and the question she asked me was whether I liked women? I developed an urge to yank at her golden hair. I had been flirting non-stop with her for the past few days yet she hadn't a clue about the innuendo behind my words? For the first time, I experienced first-hand how a protagonist's stupidity would look like in novels.

Grinding my teeth, I sprung up from the floor.

"Get out."

"Young Miss..?" Caroline's wide eyes traced each and every of my movement as I walked past her and climbed onto the bed.

"I'll decide your punishment for letting your master lay on the cold, hard floor," I spoke in a deliberately cold tone. "Your punishment shall be not talking to me for three days. If you ever dare to strike up a conversation with me, I shall act like you're dead to me."

"Young Mistress, have I done anything wrong?" Caroline tearfully begged.

You bitch, not even your tears would stop me from kicking you out of the room. I sneered.

"Yes, you did something very terrible!" I scolded. "If you don't know what you did wrong, get out of my room and start repenting!"

I picked up one of the pillows from the bed and chucked it at her. But, since the body's strength was little to nonexistent, it fell before it could even hit Caroline and dropped at her feet. Caroline bent over to pick up the pillow, and acted pitiful once more like a puppy begging for forgiveness.

I laughed coldly, then threw another pillow at her which she also expertly caught this time as well. Before I could throw the third, Caroline tucked the pillows back into my bed, and bowed. When she lifted her head, I swore I noticed a hint of a smile, but she turned away too quickly for me to comment on it.

"… Sweet dreams, young miss," she whispered as she gently shut the door. Once she was out of my sight, I flopped back onto my bed in exasperation.

What could I do to make Caroline realize I was flirting with her? I was confident that she liked me back, but was it a case of low self-esteem? Because she was now a wandering nomad, perhaps she felt inferior in comparison to me who was a Baron's daughter. If I wasn't being cock-blocked by another factor, social status certainly would.

I went to sleep in anger that night, unaware that the body that was presumed dead went missing the next day.